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Albert River 22 3 07


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Well up for an early morning crawl down the gateway (down to 70kph at 5am) to get to Ray's by 6am so we could head down to the Albert River to go sharking.

Arrived more or less on time, and we set off for a look at the Ramp at Ramu street. Did not like the look of, dead low ride, the ramp covered in about 4inches of very slippery mud, so we Headed back to Skinners park on the Logan River to launch.

Got the boat in the water and Ray threw the cast net around for a few putty nosed perch, catties and good sized prawns for livies. Took a little bit to get Ray's new motor started, he is still working out best starting sequence, and she floods easy if you over do the choke. So we had a 10 minute or so enforced cast net session!

Headed down the Logan, around the Junction and back up the Albert to try our luck, first time in Rays boat, and boy does she go sweet, motor hardly ticking over and we were moving!. We pulled up near the Sewage works, on a big bend with a good 30 foot deep hole. Stayed there until the tide turned, not so much as a cat fish!

Headed further up the river, and tried our luck on the bend between Distillery Road and McPherson St. Anchored up about 50 yards upstream of a nice looking snag, where Ray and Graham had caught sharls a week or two ago. (After sharks today, so no donating lures to the snag! They lost a shark or two to the snags on the last trip, so we prudently stayed away ).

After about an hour or so, with Ray culling the local catfish population on bits of prawn, and getting the odd perch we had a double run on two of the shark lines. We were doing something else (cant remember what) but by the time we got to them they had stopped, I starting pulled my line in, I could feel something on it, but it seemed intermitent. Got the line almost to the boat and I realised that our two livies had tangled each other real good (yes forgot to make sure our livies were out different distances - der!). So whilst trying to untangle the lines I noticed that there still felt like there was something on the line spradically, so I pulled Ray's line in by hand (could seen my hooks), and nearly sheet myself when this bull shark appeared beside the boat. Fair dinkum it had aboutr as much fight as Tony Mundine, like getting beaten to death with a wet lettuce leaf! I have had whiting put up a harder fight!

So after a few choice adjectives and a polite request to Ray to get the landing net, we had the Bullie in the Boat. ( I was a bit concerned with about 15 yards of braid wrapped around my hands and feet it might go for a run!) A Quick blessing from the hardwood priest and he was passified.

83cm he went.

Unfortunately the was the only shark of the trip, I went through every lure in my tackle box twice, even used some bait (for a few catties). We packed up and headed for home about 1pm. When we got to the Ramp is was full high tide, as Ray walked of the get the car I was trying to manouver the boat around to clear the ramp for the trailer when I slipped on the rocks and fell into the mud. Covered in sludge, I tied the boat up and limped down the ramp to wash off as much mud as possible. Whilst I did this the boat drifted up against the mangroves. Ray had got the trailer in position so I gave the boat a heave to pull it out of the mangroves, and \"snap\" my Loomis was snapped in two, a mangrove branch had hooked ot out of the boat and when I heaved, it broke between the boat and the mangrove branch. Ouch! Hopefully John Ford will be able to work his magic on it for me!

Anyway, cant cry over spilt milk, it was a top day, and sure better than being at work! [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Image1-065af0056e02d5854a5888d319e19607.jpg

Post edited by: Feral, at: 2007/03/22 19:04


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How about that Logan and Albert - they always seam to bite your bum every trip in one way or another. Bad luck about the rod - you must have shoved the boat pretty hard to break it - I know I would have after slipping in the mud.

Did you get a photo Ray? I'd love to see a muddy Feral. :woohoo: Sounds cruel but not if I say \"Tents in Rain\" - seams kinda fair :whistle: :evil:

Funny about the bully being asleep - it must have given in. Does that count as a Bully on hand line?

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