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big tackle store!


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the biggest store down that way is Fishing Tackle Australia (their website division is known as motackle)

they claim to be the largest tackle store in the world and when i last spoke to one of the managers there, they had squillions of different lures in stock. (maybe a slight exageration there ;) )

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Mo-Tackle is AWESOME!!!!

The missus and I popped in there over winter whilst doing the coffs thing and hplt teledo did we walk out of there with the bank balance a little lighter.

I got my Diawa Pluton and Samarai 6'6", more lures than you could ask for and the missus went jihad on the camping stuff ….now that’s livin!

They have a good online store.

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If your home at lunch time at the moment they are running some excellent xmas specials, start each day at noon, expiring when they sell out. Be warned this is usually by about 12:15!

So far the ones I have seen - drop shots for $100, some reels which I cant remember, and today was gulp plastics for $6.95

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