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Paternoster for bris river


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As most will know the middle of the river has a crab problem they kill your liveys eat your bait let go self release at the shoreline or are too small

Floating baits can be a headache as they tangle around eachother as the tide is going out so im thinking what about the paternoster rig you can suspend your bait where you want it keep your line taut detect subbtle bites from the shore you can get a longer cast out as the weight is at the end and it still keeps your bait of the ground and out of the crabs albeit at a 45 degree angle and it keeps the weight of the line any thoughts

Post edited by: Oztrav, at: 2007/03/25 08:48

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anything, as long as its live, if you throw a dead bait out its most likely to be taken by vermin (catfish, eels stigrays etc). we have found that generally the live herring work the best, big live prawns are also good, but are a common target for catfish as well, you just have to hope something decent finds it first! just a hint of advice, if u have urself with a energetic fish such as a mullet or big herring, and then something like a prawn as as well (im asuming ur using 2 hooks) always put the mullet, or lively fish on top to keep the bottom bait off the bottom, if that makes sense lol.

hope this helps


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Thats how I do most rigs from the bank, floats alone are no good as the tide just pushes them back to the bank.

I think the fella's that \"deploy\" baits do it similar, except the sinker is usually half a house brick on 6lb line below the bait.!

Post edited by: Feral, at: 2007/03/25 11:22

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