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Eating Bull Sharks


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i havent done it myself but usually the smaller they are the better eating, straight off with the head and tail to bleed it and gut removed. the smell is in the skin once that is gone smell is too. there is a good report on here by Ray on how to best fillet them i will see if i can dig it up. i have heard of some people soaking them in milk but i think this may not be nessary

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so clearlly similar to flake from the fishos? ..im not bad with smells last week i accidentlly left 2 mullet fillets in the work ute from fri night didnt use the ute till monday morning , they were on the nose ..but kept my guts! they served me super quick at the maccas drive thru for brekky that morning! :evil:

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The method I use to prepare my shark has reduced odors as I don't open the gut cavity at all.

Slice down behind the head until you are through the backbone. Turn the knife and fillet the top half off against the underside of the bachbone right through to the tail. Chop the tail off also. Now lift the top section off and kick the smelly part into the water after you have removed the fins and given Henry a call. Now fillet and skin in the normal manner.

You do lose a bit of meat this way, but a lot less stink. I'll take pics next time I'm out sharking.

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Skin the fillets within 30 minutes from filleting, this stops the urea bleeding back into the flesh and tainting it. Some people leave the skin on and that's why it spoils the taste.

I make a coke batter with coke, flour, baking powder and salt, drop in cooking oil until golden brown and eat. Tasty fish!!

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