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Knock Knock! Hoo's there!


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Finally made my way out offshore again after painful months of constant work and renovating.

We were initially going to head out monday but canceled last minute as the weather had gone a bit crappy.

Woke up 12:30am tuesday pumped to get out there as haven't fished out of Mooloolaba for a good half year. Go out to the car at 1am and wait for Karol my usual deckie to show up. Bit odd he's usually early. Call his mobile three times no answer. Call his home phone to be greeted by a sleepy hello? :( He forgot to set his alarm so I ended up having to wait for him to get to my place. There went 40 minutes of fishing time. Not happy.

Anyway we finally got on our way and had a hassle fee trip up to Mooloolaba apart from some dense patches of fog. Fog = zero wind so a very good sign.

Had an easy run out to the Barwon Banks at 45kph. Conditions were beautiful and stayed that way all day apart from it chopping up on the way home.

Arrived on our first group of marks at the bottom of the banks and lined up for the first drift. Good shows but nothing. Redrifted a few times before Karol finally picked up a nice little sweetlip at 50cm. In the meantime I set up my plastics rod as I was struggling to lose bait. From then on I was picking up rat kingies and jelly bean tuna at the rate of 1 or 2 a drift. The kingies were good fun to watch as the entire school would follow their hooked mate up to the boat. All were let go to fight another day.

TBC have to go work.

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All right back from work.

We soon got sick of trying to fish on the bottom. We decided to have a troll and try to find some reefies on the way. The signs were good. Flying fish leaping out of the water by the dozen and heaps of balled up bait on the sounder.

Within ten minutes a golden halco crazy deep goes off and in comes a 6kg ish little yellowfin. We redeploy the lures and line up for another pass over the bait ball and the same lure goes off. Another little yellowfin about 4kg this time. Nice eating fish so at this stage we were happy not to be going home empty handed.

The lures get sent out again and within minutes we have a double hook up. One bit us off almost instantly at the swivel on the leader (despite using a black swivel). Classic wahoo bite off. Another wahoo will see a swivel zipping through the water and chomp on it. The second one an estimated metre long bit us off boat side. That lure had no wire. We put out some more lures and soon after one has a weak run. We bring it in and its a little 50cm dog tooth tuna. :woohoo: My first and from what I have read it was a long way from home. Would have let hime go but he was too damaged by the trebles. The lures go out again and as we are redeploying them both get absolutely smashed. Same thing happens both get bitten off at the swivel after a short fight. Wahoo 4 Us 0. :angry:

We decide to change tactics and try some skirted jet heads and hex heads trolled at higher speed. Do a few passes over the same group of fish and zero interest. As we troll we see wahoo shoot under the boat like torpedoes on a couple of occasions. :ohmy:

We only have two deep diving lures left so we put them out. One of them isn't swimming right because the front hooks are tangled around the leader so I push the drag up to reel it in and untangle it and redeploy it. It gets whallopped and the rod nearly ripped out of my arms. Unfortunately the drag was too tight and the line went ping. Wahoo 5 Us 0.

In the meantime seeing all the commotion a pro comes over to investigate and starts trolling the same patch. Fine by me there is enough fish for both of us. But no, he has to carry on like a complete knob end cutting across our path and trying to run over our lures. In my experience most pro's act like this. They think they own the ocean. :angry: They manage a few wahoo that looked to be around the 10kg mark.

The last two lures go out a blue halco crazy deep and pink halco giant trembler. Twenty minutes pass and nothing. The pro finally gets lost. Just as we are getting disheartened, off goes thee blue crazy deep. This time it really went off. Karol is on strike. After about a twenty minute fight we gaff and land a monster wahoo. 167cm long and my guess it was easily over 30kg.

The lures go out again and minutes later the same lure gets monstered. This time its my turn. About 15 minutes later in comes a 160cm wahoo. Probably around the 30kg mark. We were over the moon. This would feed both our families and friends over christmas. Not to mention the sport was unreal on 10kg mono.

Awesome and very memorable trip.

Cruising home accross a bit of chop I see a splash in front of the boat and come very close to running over some kind of billfish. :blink: Crazy. DSC00112_AFO.jpg

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