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Bream is my new favourite live bait!


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Haven't been shark fishing this summer yet (damn bass fishing is addictive), so tossed the rods and net in the car for a quick session at FTP this arvo.

Threw the cast net around for a dozen prawns, no mullet or herring :angry:

Rigged up a couple of rods with the prawns and within a few minutes the baitrunner had me a 28cm bream. I rigged him onto my barra rod and sent him out to the drop off. Having never used bream as shark bait before, I had to fine tune my rig to keephim where I wanted him and left him out there. I caught 6 more legal bream, but was hoping for a catfish, as this is my proven bait at this spot. Down to my last prawn and finally, a 30ish catty :woohoo: who goes out on my baitrunner.

I settle in and get comfy. Just on dusk, the bream takes up the slack and takes a few clicks of the ratchet a few times then goes slack again. I leave it, but shortly after the line tightens up and stays tthat way. I assume its dead and a crabs got a hold of it, so I wind it in slowly. As the bait approaches the ramp I see a bow wave, but as I lift the fish out, I notice the bow wave is from the shark cruising along behind it :ohmy: It circles with its back out of the water a couple of times, then I realise whats happening and jig the bream infront of it in 6 inches of water. The shark goes nuts and launches out of the water as it takes the bream. I free spool the overhead and let him take the hooks down and strike hard. The shark takes of and tail walks in a big arc around the ramp :blink: As I start to bring him in close, the baitrunner goas off, and I assume its fouled on this line, but its going in the other direction :ohmy: So I engage the drag on the baitrunner, while beaching the first shark and fight the second one in. Heres the first shark


then get the hook out and release him. Second fish is 5cm longer at 83cm.


heres whats the shark spat out of the first bait


and finally the way I hook my livies for shark fishing


As you can see by the photos, the sharks tend to grab the back half of the bait and the rear hook is the only one that takes. I use the front hook to hold the bait nice in the current.

I only had 2 traces left in my tackle bag and when I put out another bream bait on a the used trace, it failed on the next hook up and lost another shark.

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Biggest last summer was 5 foot, on a catfish that was barely 6 inches long. Alway come on the chew between sunset and 9pm, as long as tide change doesn't fall within that time. Today was perfect, high at 4.30, and a good flow out as the sun went down. Catties were hard to come by, but heaps of bream

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nice 1 :)

good report :)

i was hoping to get a bream or 2 last night as the catty's don't seam to work for me .

we went out to kooka yesterday too but got there real late 7 pm.

only livies we could get where prawns ,quite a few around the ramp.

end up putting cattys out as there where heaps of them about and that all we caught all night long.

not a touch ,reckon we got there to late and missed all the action.

kept thinking all night with all the prawns about maybe i should of been trying for threadies ,instead of sharks .

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thanks! yup like u say better to have a variety in the tackle box! Jus saw on channel 7 news shark warning an how bullies are meant to be on the increase , some dude was saying if they dont raise the legal limit to more than 1 per angler they could get out of control

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