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Sharking session goes well!


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Hey Guys

Richard (Lt Obvious) and i headed out to the Bremer river at cribb park today insearch of some bullys.

We got down to the park at about 10.30. And began trying to catch some bait on prawns. Richard got a small catty so cast him out as bait. I began casting the castnet for some bait. Got heaps of baitfish and also a tiny breambo and mullet about 10-15cm long. I also had a rod out to get a cattie or something. It wasn't long before my rod got smashed and taken over the side of the jetty, it sunk within seconds :angry: i couldnt believe it.

We then began using pilchards with no more fish in the net and with Richards catty not getting a touch. Richard set up a ganged hook rig with a pilly and cast it out. Wasnt long at all before he said he was getting some tugs. About 5 mins later he was on. Really nice fight it put up, and we were hoping for a bully to pop up. After about 1-2 minutes Richards 1st bully revealed itself, and i netted it. It went 75cm. Well done mate. :)

I then stopped casting the net and put a pilly on my rod. :) I then brought in a catty about 40cm. I rigged up again, this time getting a big strike not long after being out there and unfortunetely was the last pilly we had. We were outa bait, except for the tiny mullet i had kept. I decided to hook it up and use it. 5 mins later my rod went off. ZZZZ a nice size fish, and defintely felt like a bully. After another nice fight, i had landed my 2nd ever bully, i was stoked. :cheer: It meausered 77cm. :)



We were both stoked with how the session was going and decided to have a few more casts of the net. Richard cast near where i lost my rod and caught my lost rod!! i could not believe it. :cheer: We then realised something was pulling on the end of the line, in came the catty that took my rod :laugh: .

We then headed home, extremely happy with how everything went. Richard (lt Obvious) will post a pic of his shark hopefully. :)

I plan on heading back tomorow :)



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Well Done again Dan!! Thats GOLD! you're catchin up to me... ive only ever caught 4 bullies... that was all in 1 night. (very lucky) Have been trying heaps lately at Kooka but nothin! have tried during day, nite, different runs of tide, different bait... and still nuthin...

But seein ya catch makes up for it. Top stuff :)

Ps, luck you got ur rod back... dunk it in fresh water asap :)

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Yeah Cheers Dan!

You know what? That was the best fight I've ever had from a fish (Please excuse my flipiant use of the word 'fish'. It just makes things easier).

Dan is now a champion Cast Netter, so well done on that Dan... The improvement in a single session, he improved so much, it's not funny!



That's him! My first bully! What a beautiful fish!


That's him again, but from a different angle...


That's me, with him, suitably excited, seeing as I just caught a bull shark, and perhaps more worrying, I was holding him!!


Also, this is a bit of Dan reeling in his bully! (Sorry about the sideways-ness)

The only bad thing about the day was the fact that I got beaten by Dan's bully by a mere 2cm!!! Oh well... Maybe next time ;)

Lt obvious

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Well done guys! I went to 17 mile rocks today in search of bullies and threadies. We fished for about 3 hours and only had one strike on a shark rig using pilchard as bait but it got off. I've only got one bullie in my time and im very keen for another. Wouldn't mind saying Hi tomorrow if you're there again. Might make it to Cribb Park, I'll be the one looking for a tutorial on throwing the cast net haha.

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Shark is the BEST catch locally.

Easy to bait, light tackle, fights well, lands and looks awesome AND usually UNDERATED!

Easy to skin, fillet and best of all.............VERY, VERY, TASTY!!

Well done......now go get some more!!

I've caught 1m+ Bulls on a $30 rod with 8k line, wire trace on cooked TIGER PRAWN!!

No one should ever under rate these great fish, they are the best ROI.



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Thanks everyone. :)

I was just wondering if anyone knows what kind of mullet it could have possibly been that got the bully. I still cant believe it caught me a shark. It was tiny, would have gone about 10cm maybe slightly more. Just wondering? im guessing it was some kind of poddy mullet.

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yeah was most likley a poddy mullet, although i do seem to catch two different kinds around ipswich, the more cleaner looking specimens with the bright yellow eyes are normally in the tidal regions and the darker ones in the fressh areas around mount crosby. and also never be suprised about what a shark will take. we caught two sharks on shrimp from a shrimp pot and they were no bigger than 6cm long (the shrimp that is). we tend to get more hook ups on the smaller mullet 10cm or less but it always result in smaller sharks. i might have to head back to cribb park soon as i normally venture a bit further eg. kooka or moggill. congrats on your catch

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Richard- congrts on your fist bullshark mate

Dan- well done man. got ya pm. the rig looks perfect mate. good to see you are holding the sharks with confidence.and by the looks of it you have tought richard how to graple a bullie behind the head as well. There is nothing stoping you now Dan you have the MoJo.


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I've caught 1m+ Bulls on a $30 rod with 8k line, wire trace on cooked TIGER PRAWN!!

Got that one on a $29 Shakespeare Firestorm Baitcast combo from BCF ;) Just goes to show that you don't need an expensive rod to catch a fish!

Cooked prawn seems to work well on just about everything as well... Definitely my bait of choice!

Thanks again guys!

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