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holy crap, today was the worst day i could of forgotten my video camera. me, troy and a mate of mine, mitch, all set out to shultz at 12 in the arvo. got there to see a huge mob of inidans, and they were off to check there pots. this will be interesting, i said as we waited for them to come back with there bucket, and o my gosh, who would of guessed it? it had half a dozen undersized crabs, we were in absoloute shock! (not really if anyone was wondering) so we got into them about it. these guys were much bigger than the others we usually contend with. to start with, there was only two, and they wuldnt let the crabs go, so we hassled them for about 100 metres as they got them back to there dwelling under the bridge where the esky was. just as they were about to get there, i called the fisheries, and o my gosh! another shock, no one available! who would have guessed? (kidding again) while i was on the phone complaining, i saw a third guy storm over to troy, and i almost dropped the phone as he did the unthinkable. troy droped like a sack of shit as the guy punched him in the face. i ran over shaking with absoloute adrenalin, rage, and a bit of school pride (N.C rep) as the indian women also ran over and broke it up. i was relieved to see troy was unharmed, as his fall was more a reflex and he blocked most of it. we were in shock, and felt that it probably wasnt worth pursueing the release of the crabs anymore. so of we went fishing for another 4 hours, caught nothing the entire day. o well troy got 2 little bream but that was it. shultz is dead, and as we were leaving, an even bigger mob of indians rocked up, most likely to plumage the creek further. i think after all that the crabs were realeased, as we threatened to call the police, and stated that the fisheries were soong going to be there. but what they did was unthinkable, and way to far...

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Mate, not to put to fine a point on it your a pair of idiots.

Fine - point out they have undersize fish etc,

Fine - call fisheries if they ignore you.

But thats it, the way your pursuing these people your going to get stuck with a knife or worse if you keep it up.

They are criminals, criminals do criminal things, particularly to protect themselves and their activities. Life is to precious to risk it for a few undersized crabs.

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Troy ya should of just rang the cops!!!! If the fisheries aint gunna do any thing about the crabs the cops will do something about the punch up and maybe by doing so the fisheries may be called in....

Next time boys stick together if ya going to point out some broken laws against guy's that are twice as big...

Also keep ya distance as you may end up gilled and gutted....Theres to many mad fisho's around....;)

Post edited by: Dazzamcgee, at: 2007/04/08 19:24

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i'm proud of you for standing up for what you believe in. you've put a lot of hours into that creek and whilst i think you are being a bit reckless i admire your dedication. there's got to be a way to get their license plate numbers safely- maybe if you get more of a case together you could make it a more appealing prospect for the fisheries. you know the saying there are two types of bad people- people who do bad things, and people who see bad things being done and don't do anything to try and stop them. congratulations on being neither. karma from me...

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thanks roobs, i really dont think we were beeing to reckless, maybe a little pushy, but im sick of seeing it, and it crushed me as soon as i saw the next horde of them rock up to continue the slaughter. you can bet they wernt counting on getting any sized crabs...

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Good on ya guys telling them about the under sized crabs and calling the fisho's ,as ferral pointed out it's not worth the thought of ending up on the end of a knife ( no doubt they were at the ready ) there r means to an ends , if the fisho's get calls about a spot often enough they will eventualy react .then there is stealth.... . enevitably the crab population of the creek will be zero so they will go else where and continue in their pillage of resources . education is needed karma coming ur way jordan

Post edited by: 2 wheels, at: 2007/04/08 20:29

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Good on you for standing up against the constent rape and pilage of our resources. however, like its been said, stay together. Poeple like that, tend to be cowardly, and had it been one of the older lads you probably wouldve seen a slightly different reaction. No disrespect to troy, but not being the biggest of the litter.... well you know!

That said, i cant say i wouldve done any different, apart from call the cops after he took a swing. Wouldve been good to see water raper smacked withe both a fine for the crab, and a possible assualt charge!

But honestly troy keep a mental picture of him in your head, Karma catches up with all, and he'll get his one day!

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I still don't get why they got so worked up in front of their families, it was just a couple of small crabs. Maybe they get it a lot and are getting sick of it :laugh: .

What I really hate is idiots like them who say it's got everything to do with race. I couldn't give a crap about race, that's the last thing I care about. We can't help it if it's just a coincidence that most are of foreign decent. In fact I would probably care more if it was some derolict Australian.

I also think the QLD Fisheries is quite a joke. Every phone call sounds like your listening to a robot, just the same \"Sorry can't help you\" speech. Partially the reason I'm becoming a fisheries inspector for the DPI&F ;) ,


P.S. Oztrav: 36 kilo Short Stroker should do it ;) .

Post edited by: blue_mako, at: 2007/04/08 21:16

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prob because they thought you guys were disrespecting them in front of their families, big family people most indians

on the other hand they shouldnt be filling their eskies up with undersized crab

troy karma what goes around comes around and i have a feeling it will come round to them pretty soon ;)

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1. Get on to your local member and tell him your not getting any response from DPI.

2. Try and get one of the ambulance chasing shows interested - (you know today tonight, A Current affair) I reckon they might go for it, particularly if you can get the call to fisheries recorded. You know show them catching undersize fish, you calling fisheries and getting no response, maybe an interview or two with pro fishers who have lost their income stream due to fisheries green zones.

But dont keep confronting these people like this, by all means say something politely - people either dont know, in which case you should get a positive response, or they are deliberately taking undersized or illegal catch, in these cases dont keep harassing them - I really dont want to be going to a funeral.

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blue_mako wrote:

P.S. Oztrav: 36 kilo Short Stroker should do it ;) .<br /><br />Post edited by: blue_mako, at: 2007/04/08 21:16

dude not sure what one of those is but hell give it ago next time couldnt hurt you

might not be so good for them:evil:

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I have a 37kg short stroker for my Tiagra 80W.

It's a 5'6\" rod, and I swear if I had never seen one before, I wouldn't believe you if you told me it bends.

Guys, just keep trying to contact the DPI through the phone, emails and even consider writing some letters. Let them know you've had no response, and think it's appauling that these certain fisherman keep coming back and are always keeping large amounts of undersized crabs.

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I applaud you boys for standing up for what you believe in, but I have to agree with Feral on this one, The way the world is these days you are best off calling the cops. Take it from an old bouncer who has copped and dished out his fair share of hidings, that this is a mugs world, gone are the days of fighting fair, some of these guys are just as likely to pull a knife on you as soon as look at you. Voice your opinions guys but be very careful of the physical stuff, take it from me you can just be defending yourself but the old law courts take a dim view if the other person comes off second best.

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