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First trip in the Espri!!


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Hey guys

I headed out Colleges crossing today in my new Viking Espri yak so excited and couldnt wait to get on the water :cheer: After abit of a late start i launched at about 10.00am and headed towards Mt crosby weir getting used to the feel of the new yak.


My plan today was to drift around the edges and flick plastics around, slowly making ground and casting at every fishy looking snag. It wasnt long and something smashed my plastic, didnt have much weight but it sure did fight abit, revealing my first bass!, Even though it was only small I was stoked. :cheer: quick pic and off he swam.


Already 5 mins into the session and was on the board. I began flicking again for the next hour with a few hits but no hookups. I made my way further towards the weir trolling a hardbody around and stopping at snags that looked good. Wasnt long and i was on again, a nicer fish this time with a few headshakes telling me it was a flatty. Up he came and into the yak, nice size probably 40cm maybe more.


Not long after that I got another around the same size :)


Now being around 3.00 I turned around and trolled a whole bunch of lures around. No more luck for the next hour or two. It was now about 4.30 and about time to head home. I hung around for another 15 minutes or so casting a few more plastics around the snags resulting in another flatty


Well what a great day on the water. Extremely happy about the new yak and I couldnt have asked for a better session out at Colleges/mt crosby weir. So keen to head back there as soon as possible. :)



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mongrel jack wrote:

Well done Dan! I went there for a paddle yesterday - threw everything at them for a 10cm catty :( How did you find the yak? I assume it would be a big step up from the BCF one? Does it live up to expectations?


Thanks guys

Yer mate the Yak is awesome, definitely a huge step up from the bcf yak. Moves along with little effort, plenty of room and really comfortable. Couldnt be better :P

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