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Congrats Rocket (Rod Vardy)!!!!


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Congratulations to both of you.

Hope Mum & Bub are doing well ;);)

Although I didn't think you had it ya, and I hope it takes after Mum. :P:P :laugh: :laugh:

Next thing will be a Rod n Reel for the little one, I'm looking for one for the grand daughter :woohoo: but Glenda keeps saying NO not yet :angry:

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thanks you all so much :)

Kath is well (in an "I've just given birth, how would you feel" kind of way!)

As for looks, I also will be happy if she takes after her mother in every way.

We are smitten with our new little Girl and I'm looking forward to getting her home in a few days to complete the brag mat shot requests ( brag mat has been dissinfected thoroughly...twice! )

Might be a while till I get a chance for a fish, but I'll be reading reports as much as possible to get my fishin fix vicariously.

As for fish of the month Elicat, my wipper-snappar came in at about 3.2kg and approx 50cm (photos pending) ;)

thanks guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow.. missed this while I was away. CONGRATULATIONS Rod and Kath :) you're gonna be a great father Rod :)

bigtez wrote:

Comiser......aaaah......congratulations. Enjoy the smelly nappies, lack of sleep, lack of fishing time and the ever empty wallet :P

hahahaha... don't let your missus see that one.

kiwifisho wrote:

Soft plastic or hardbody mate? Great work and congrats once again to u n Kath mate :)

Kiwi ;)

they've got nasal sprays to turn "soft"plastics into "hard"bodies now... :silly:

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