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Weirdest Bait


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Hi all

I was having a chat with a fellow teacher today and we were talking about the different animals we have had in the classroom. My teaching partenr went on to tell me how she had this really hard class of boys and had decided to get some mice for them to look after. After a while the mice decided to multiply to the point where there was a about 20 baby mice. The whole class was in amaze when my teaching partner would put a baby mouse on their desk. She would then get the kids to write observations. After a while the mice were getting smelly so she gave the kids the chance to speak to her parents to if they could take one home. She only had one taker in which the boy said he was allowed to take as many as he wanted.

So she let the boy take all the baby mice as she did not want to keep that many at school. When the new week arrived, she asked the boy how the mice were going. He told her that they had all been used. She said at this stage she was very confused unitl the boy went on to tell her that he and his dad had went fishing on the weekend. They caught about 10 bream and the mice were great bait.. Ick!!!!! Now that is weird. But is anyone out their used anything weirder for bait. I could not imagine putting a mouse on a hook, Makes the stomach churn now!!



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I think it's a good idea his dad exposed him to the way of the world early. It'll rid him of any reticence to throw a hook in a live cattie for shark bait later in life. I wonder if they fished them dead or alive. If live, the hook would probably be a lot less distressing than a cats claw or an inefficient mouse trap or a slow death from Ratsak.

I used to feed an Oscar "pet" mice - he loved them live :woohoo: The sound of the bones being crushed was most entertaining at 15/16 years of age. :laugh: ...and probably still is a little :pinch:

One of AFO's ex-members recommended geckos as prime live bait, but they keep the redbacks at bay, so I still prefer a live prawn etc

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I used to have a boss that swore by maggots. He would split a mullet and keep it in a bucket in the shed for a day or two in summer to let it get well and truly blown, then losely wrap it in about a dozen sheets of newspaper. Then after another day or two he'd unwrap it and shake the maggots from the sheets of paper as they were unwrapped.

It smelled like something that had come straight from the bowels of hell. He would always offer to share his smoko, but I was never sure if he'd washed his hands, so I'd always decline.:sick:

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have you ever used bread as bait for bream and siver perch it works so good

ITS THE BEST but poddy mullet livies will get u legal sized bream almost every time. ive heard chewy but i dont believe it cause iv never seen it work

I used to use chewy quite often to catch garfish for livies.

also used red snakes (the lolly kind) for bream and whiting.

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im not gunna name names but i know a guy.....back in the 70's under the wharfs on the brissy river there were swallow nests..the bream would eat any babies that fell out.. so this guy would steal the babies, cut em up and catch loads of fat bream!:blink:

pretty sure the rspca wouldnt like that one!

thats a weird one for sure

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I used to have a boss that swore by maggots. He would split a mullet and keep it in a bucket in the shed for a day or two in summer to let it get well and truly blown, then losely wrap it in about a dozen sheets of newspaper. Then after another day or two he'd unwrap it and shake the maggots from the sheets of paper as they were unwrapped.

It smelled like something that had come straight from the bowels of hell. He would always offer to share his smoko, but I was never sure if he'd washed his hands, so I'd always decline.:sick:

Ohh great bait for many many species, once the maggots are fat and juicy, place them in "bran" you know, the stuff you get from the cereal section of supermarket, this cleans them out so not smelly and not getting rotton meat juices squirting out. Be carefull though once on bran the maggots realize the fiest is over and move onto the next stage of their cycle and coocoon themselves, usually within a few days of being on bran, once this happens they are useless. Dipose of wisely otherwise you with a whole lot of flies hatching.

I have caught a flatty on cigarett packet foil while my mate caught one on a butt.

Have caught good Golden Perch (yellow belly) on hatchlings

Have heard plenty stories of catching various species on hatchlings and mice

One of the best and i carry this in any boat is clear tubing or even better Mc Donlads straw, trawl this a couple feet behind a barrel sinker to pick up small Macs, Couta, Coda, Tailor, Salmon and would imagine works well with other species. When trawled the tubing/straw releases bubbles, i feel the straw woks better due to the stripes.


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when myself travis and that damn mad pom kev used to go for a fish during the week at colmslie, that sillt git would use any and everything, from the pizza toppings, from our dinner, to cheeze twisties, to ummm i better not say here, this is a kids program.and he got bites but no fish landed on all of it.

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