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Once you go yak, you never go back.


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G'day all,

Finally managed to pick up my yak this afternoon, and decided to take advantage of the fantastic weather. So a quick stop-off at BCF for some vibes and a short-handled landing net, and a short drive later, I was pushing the Viking Espri into the fresh for it's maiden voyage.

I managed one bass in a short time, caught on a sx48, followed by a successful release, before I headed back to the shore to take the girls for a paddle...... I reckon they were just as stoked as I was with the new toy!!!

Shortly after, I managed my second, this one caught on a R2S 50mm Tungsten Vibe. It was soon time to pack up, the yak having been christened, and myself with a huge smile on my face that I still haven't gotten rid of lol!!!

Got some snaps, however am having trouble uploading through my iPhone.

Cheers, and thanks for reading.


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Welcome to the Tupperware navy mate... hang on isn't that the wrong branch of the services for you?

A VIKING Espi eh... I vote "Hagar" for its name.

LMAO!!! Hagar, I like the sound of that. I had no idea fishing could get MORE relaxing.....Solid gold!!! Oh, and there is generally less swimming involved for snagged lures :-)

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Now that I know where my paddle transits, the next step is to fix a snap-on rod holder, and mount the sounder. I have a garmin 300c which should fit nicely on the front hatch cover, and the bostik clear seal is all ready to go!!! Is there anyone else out there who has different ideas and locations for mounting said extras? Also, is an anchor a worthwhile investment?



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Now that I know where my paddle transits, the next step is to fix a snap-on rod holder, and mount the sounder. I have a garmin 300c which should fit nicely on the front hatch cover, and the bostik clear seal is all ready to go!!! Is there anyone else out there who has different ideas and locations for mounting said extras? Also, is an anchor a worthwhile investment?

That seems to be what all the cool kids do.

Loads of examples on AKFF here

A couple of flush holders behind you would be handy if you haven't got those already.

As for an anchor, it depends where and how you plan to fish. We very rarely use our anchors, preferring to drift or troll.

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