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Mudday Madness on a Tuesday


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Took a friend out for a fish today and chose Mud Island as I haven't fished there yet this year. Got there just after 6am in pretty choppy conditions as there was no sign of any birds working the surface to stop for on the way.

I anchored up at a new spot and after 5 minutes my baitrunner baited up with a floating pillie starts screamming. I engage the drag and could tell it was a good sized snapper. It turned out to be my Bay PB.


The fish then just kept on roling in. Heaps of just under squire kept my mate busy as I started pulling in tusky after tusky. We finished with 7 all up. Then my mate started getting smashed by grassies. They started small but 4 nice ones qualified for the ice bath by the end of the session. We didn't move off the spot while other boats came and went. Around 11am things started to slow so it was time to head home in terrific conditions.

It would have to be one of the best sessions I have had with quality fish consistantly being boated and more again being lost. I've never had much luck at Mud but things are looking up.

Final body count -


(This shot is quite tuggeresk)

It took me about an hour to fillet them all but it was a nice way to unwind and have a chat over a drink after a great days fishing.



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Thanks guys. We had fish 3 ways tonight, beer battered, grilled and smoked.... Awesome Tucker.

Zan, believe it not, all fish except the snap were caught on good ole servo prawns. The pillies got smashed a few times but only the one fish came of it but what a fish. ;)

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