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NPD 10-6-11 , My First Bass


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Where do i start...

oh yes, I GOT MY FIRST EVER BASS, yes you read that correctly, FIRST EVER! oh and I'm very so very happy with that.


My day started poorly with some bad news that was a bit hard to take, so i decided to stay home and work from home today. Couldn't face leaving the missus at home alone. After a day of productive work, well as productive as you can be with a 2.5yr old in the house. It all just got plain to much for me and as the family lay down for an afternoon nap around 3pm, i hooked the new freshwater rig and headed for north pine dam for a quick troll.

Got the boat on the water just on 3.45pm and headed off toward koala straight. got the lures out and my backside just hit the seat and wham-mo, i was on. After a short but surprisingly hard fight i had my first bass beside the boat, reached for the net and you guessed it, missing.

After three more runs I had it back at the boat and decided to swing it in. Mid air the hooks gave and she landed smack bang in the middle of the boat. I had landed my first ever bass coming in at 35.5cm. A quick photo and she was swimming away nicely.

A very pleasing feeling over 3 years in the making.








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hows the serenity?! nice first mate, mine was a little smaller spun off a white trout spinner. not sure who was more suprised! Me the fisherman who had grown up dreaming of these beautiful fish, or the bass who had never before had a problem with fish that size fighting back,chomping onto a guppy that could drag him accross a river!

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Well done mate!!

good to see the hard work payed off and you got stuck into (one of) them. Even more impressive because of how scarce they have been of late!

What did the damage?

Hope that whatever the bad news was pans out alright


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Well done mate!!

good to see the hard work payed off and you got stuck into (one of) them. Even more impressive because of how scarce they have been of late!

What did the damage?


A tilsan bass t110 gold herring with a 6lb fluro leader on 6 lb main.

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