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Sloppy conditions and a tough day at the office...

The Mad Hughesy

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Met up with Ted (crazywalrus) on Friday night for a quick night session with zero results. After a few hours of shut eye we were up and back on the water the next morning at 5:30 launching from viccy point boat ramp. It was sloppy conditions to say the least... :pinch:

After a few good runs early in the morning with no hook ups, things were looking like it might be a great days fishing...after meeting up with a few fellow AFO members (keen as fisho, dazza & plastic fantastic) for a quick introduction and chat we were off to our first spot. after an hour or so of drifting around with very poor results we decided it was time to move on again. The conditions in the bay were getting worse so we headed for calmer waters to hassle the local flatty population.... :whistle: after a good hour or more of drifting some flats we came up with nothing!! :S

As a final hoo raa we gave one more spot a go to soak some bait to see what we could find. turns out to be our most successful spot for the day with numerous under size grassies and snapper being caught. Ted and i both managed a legal bream which was on tonight's menu along with a Morwoong caught by Ted and some flatties caught by his kids earlier in the week. i also managed a 29cm tailor and a mystery fish..... Ted recons a goat fish?

Highlight of the day according to Ted :P I asked Ted if tailor had any spikes as it was the first ive ever caught. he replies with no they dont but they have nasty teeth. righto i say, il be careful of them. without even thinking i go to get the hook from its mouth only to be bitten by the stupid fish. some nasty words were exchanged and as Ted tried to pry the tailors mouth open the harder and harder the fish would bite down. eventually it let go only to drip blood all over my new combo.







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Have you found the name yet for that mystery fish?

I've caught one before behind Coochie, and always wanted to know what it was, but never had a photo of it so could only explain it as orangie red with real big eyes...

Thanks, and great read.


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Good to see you guys this morning and to say the conditions were sloppy was an understatement. We caught bugger all and got bashed around on the way back to Cleveland with a few waves coming over the front of the boat. Full points to Dassa the skipper in safely getting his crew back to port in what was a trying trip in nasty conditions. Also with that Tailor bite did it bleed for long as i've done the same thing and it bled forever, also got bitten by a dead Spanish Mac but that's another story.



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The mystery fish is what we always called a Red Bulls eye.

Down NSW they drive you insane on the inshore reefs and they love destroying bait jigs.

Only thing I have found to eat them when used as livies is Sailfish.


just checked out Red bullseye fish on google and found out this...

CAAB Code: 37 326901

Standard Fish Name: RED BULLSEYE

Scientific Name: Priacanthus spp


Family: Priacanthidae

Obsolete Names: big eye; bigeye; bigeye redfish; black-spot big-eye; Bloch's bigeye; bullseye; bulsseye perch; cresent-tail bigeye; deep-sea big-eye; goggle eye; large-spined big-eye; long finned bullseye; red bigeye; robust big-eye; threadfin big-eye

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Yes the imfamous red bullseye, one of the most often caught moreton bay what is it fish. Got to love tailor, those yellow eyes just follow your every movement waiting for a wayward finger, hand or toe to come into range the SNAP :woohoo: and dont those wounds bleed nicely.

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Yeah the conditions where shocking, wasn't bad in the morning though I managed a small squire at 36cm and got smoked twice on the drop. I also got a dozen or so tiny squire, bream and grassies. Apparently today isn't much better, but I am dry and comfy in bed :) Nice meeting you Chris we should tee up a trip out on my boat one weekend around wello or something.

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