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broke the drought and sons first bass

T Fisher

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After our disapointing trip up to Gladstone (disapointing because of fishing ban) I decide as soon as I was back home I would hit up colledges and try to break my bass drought. Checked the tides for that area and with a high at 10.30am decided Sat would be a good day to head up stream early with the ingoing tide then leave around 11.00am with the outgoing.

Got everything ready Fri night for an early departure. Woke Jordon at 5.30am he finally got up at 6.00am and we were down there by 6.30am. We put the outriggers, electric, sounder and battery as well as all the fishing gear in the canoe and we were off by 6.45am.

I had the idea of teaching jordon the art of cast and retreive style lure fishing so as soon as we got past the spit we started casting towards the snags along the bank. We were not having mutch luck then we saw another canoe go past us trolling. A short distance past us they caught a bass and then another one then they headed further upstream. Ithought mabey we should give that a go. So I got the electric going and off we went.Some fish started to show on the sounder and then bang bang a double hookup Jordon pulled in his first ever fish on a lure a nice sized catty.


I finally broke the new season bass drought with this fish'


Not too long after Jordon got his first bass ever he was stoked.


A tad over 40cm not bad for a first effort.


Then he got another.


Then I got this one around 45cm long


We kept working an area about 250m long trolling back and forth getting some nice fish all around the 40cm mark.

I taught Jordon how to pick up and hold a bass to reduce stress rather than picking up by the lure here are a couple more of his fish



This was another double hook up this time both bass.


This fish was verry fat and healthy looking some of the other fish displayed a little finnrott


and this was the last fish of the day befor heading back


All up we caught 12 bass and 2 catties Jordon Hooked 5 fish but got to real in 8 of them. I find it helps keep him keen if I can keep the action going for him.He lost a couple of lures one from being a bit overeager but the other went to some sort of monster that just bashed the lure and sped off up the river as if nothing was hooked into it it broke the 6lb braid without even turning once.We also saw about 20 other bass caught today from around this stretch as other canoes came past.

This was a great session this morning and Jordon has asked to go again befor the end of the school holidays witch is a first for him he would usually rather be on the computer or playing the sony than be fishing with boring old dad.

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