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25 less tillys in the creek


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Went down to the local creek today to do a tilly cull. Managed 25 before running out of earthworms.


Also got 3 eels which were unwanted as am terrified of them, and also got a little earthworm eating tarpon.


Three outstanding things; saw two barra in the low 60's which was crazy as the creek is so tiny, didn't see a single big JP, only little ones, and also caught of all things a SNAKE! It was black on top and white on bottom but don't care what sort it was as browned my duffies anyway as it was 100 times scarier than catching an eel.

More culling to follow as soon as I stop waking up in a cold sweat dreaming about pulling up snakes :blink:

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Lol must be a northern thing as my bro has caught a snake aswell !

It's just wrong! Have also caught a few sea snakes on the beach on a line, its like a dead weight you think is a crab but ends up making me cough brown in my rompers when it comes up; snakes give me the heebie jeebies. Everything is trying to poison/kill/and/or eat me around here, its made me paranoid :(

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Nice one Tony, do you get the mozambique variety of tilly up there or just the black mangrove?

dunno the different types, although noted in this creek the tillys are much smaller and more colorful, the creek where I used to live the tillys were much bigger and had a bunch of less colourful (females?) with one more colourful and darker (male?). Also in the creek at my old place there was one pool full of these chichilid looking things.

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Nice work Tony, next time I'll help you dig worms and we'll cull heaps of them. Went for a quick walk around the park on the way home today and found 2 very nice little spots upstream for JP. Other spots were very quiet, just mainly tillys. But yeah, anytime you want help on the cull, I'm keen. Bugger the snake crap too, YUK. But go the barra, just got to find the jacks now ;-)

Also, we do get both types of Tilly up here and the ones at the other creek were the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), while most at this one are the Spotted tilapia (Tilapia mariae).

What would be REALLY GOOD, would be if everyone went to their local and culled the crap out of the local tilapia population. Then get all the people you know that fish to help out too. Otherwise, we are just going to see more and more of them and less of the fish we want to see and catch!

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