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Quick River Session produced.


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My mate Mitch has been working really hard lately so I decided to put a word in with his wife and ask for a leave pass on his behalf. She seemed quite open to the idea so a quick session was quickly organized. We knew the weather wasn’t going to be great but we both needed some time bobbing around on the water after not having a fish since the last Marlin to Mackerel social. We hit up a couple of my favorite spots to see if the Jew were around but the wind was against the last of he incoming tide so we waited for the turn.

There’s a spot that I’ve passed over many times without stopping that a friend of Kurt's (madmullet) said would be worth a go on the outgoing tide and it has produced for us over the last few months.

Last night we decided to give it ago again. After two good runs and missed hook ups on the 5/0 circles Mitch’s rod started screaming. If you know Mitch you know that the only screaming his reels ever do are screams of protest and embarrassment. Things like "Is there something wrong with us? "Why don’t we catch fish like all the other reels?" :lol::lol::lol:

Well these were screams of delight! After watching its initial run of about 100 meters or so, I called it for an aggressive thready, but things seemed a bit unusual. It took 3 really long runs and on the forth I said, "That’s not a thready but I can tell you what it is." Next there on the surface was the biggest snapper I’ve seen come out of the river. It went 87cms when we got it on the mat.

Mitch was over the moon, it was his first "Big" catch in his fishing career, he was still giggling like a school girl when I dropped him off at his place!




We didnt have the brag mat in the boat and had to measure it when we got it home, so to give some perspective, there is a bottle of bundy ginger beer :cheer:

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Thanks guys, he's just become a member inthe last month or so, I'm sure he'll be on to have a look soon. I was really supprised by the size of it, Ive caught a few snapper from the river but nothing approaching that size, its something I'd expect to find offshore. The Brisbane river never ceases to supprise me!

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Well done brad

Thats a big snapper man for river man. My biggest is 59cm in river

I needa go out this week now. My brother n his mate went out last night in rain too they 2 big jewies n bagged out squire. All around 40-50 on live bait.

Thanks for report mate


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Hey BassTracker,

Thanks for submitting the post on my/our behalf. It was a truly memorable night in the Rum Runner.

After countless attempts/ sessions at trying to land something 'big', I can now finally say that I have landed a monster. I was proud going home to the family after a session and my son called me a 'fisherman'. The photo will also be shown at many family events and shown to the grandkids in 20+ years time.

I look forward to catching many more fish and many more that I can 'brag' about.



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Awesome nobby Hookem - congrats. Must be a great spot you guys have there - if you need/want someone to occasionally clear the vermin (catties, etc) from it so the fishing remains brilliant for you, feel free to PM me the mark and I'd be happy to do so for you ............

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Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that the river produces fish like that these days. There's no way in the world you would have got a fish like that back in the 80's when I was a kid fishing there and the river was a filthy turbid sewer. Great catch!

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i am glad one of my spots produces again. we have pulled so many jew of their during summer, with 50cm squire coming aboard also during summer, now this big boy, cant wait to hit it in winter if it fishes this good in the warmer months. and mate 40-50lb :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: , i want to see you go down in poundage a bit mate :lol: as you know a have got a tld25 i need to spool with 1lb pretest and i cant wait to put some of baits out for the jew and snaps.

congtrats to mitch....... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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