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Cyclists - road savers or road ravers?


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I ride to work and manage to stay off the motorway on bike paths and service roads for 90% of my journey. Occasionally I see the odd fool out on the otherside of the guard rail mixing it up with the traffic because its easier on their bike. No sympathy from me when they get collected by a car in the 90 zone.

On the weekend a big bunch of riders were travelling on Oxley Rd through Corinda. They covered BOTH inbound lanes and traffic was banking up a fair way behind. A truck got sick of their shenanigans and overtook them, and merged back into the inner lane early squeezing them into the left lane, then as he passed and they started to spread back out car after car gunned it past them and mirrors missed riders by inches.

Two wrongs make a right, perhaps. But all the riders belly aching about poor form of the drivers and they seemed to be oblivious to causing the angst.

And Booty, every time I see that avatar I think of houso's and wanting to thong the #@%* out of ya!

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Guys riders who break the rules annoy the hell out of me, when I see one running a red light, if I get the chance I say to them, "mate, I ride bikes and when you ride like that you give us all a bad name" I never run red lights and wouldn't dream of damaging someones property, I have a set track that I ride home and I take back streets to purposefully avoid busy roads and never ride in a manner that would unduly hinder the flow of traffic (because I know how much it annoys people) As for the wankers who ride on weekends taking up a whole lane, well I wouldn't dream of doing it and they deserve what they get. Just don't hate all cyclists as the majority of us try and do the right thing. Like most things in society it is the ones that break the rules that stick out the most and make us all look bad.

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Well said Eddie.. personaly i have had a guttfull of narrow minded people throwing a lot of hate around towards cyclists as a whole.. Fact is that if you get caught on a bike running a red light,riding three abreast, drink riding or even speeding in a 40 zone ect you can be and will fined. As for the rego argument that is a laugh.. how about lets put rego on skate boards, push scooters, roller blades, roller skates and even those pesky little sail boats... Another thing that some of you might not be aware of is the majority of the large cycling events are raising money for charity.. My cycling team of 20 has alone raised over $48 000 towards cancer research in the last 6 months and will continue raising these much needed funds.


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Guys riders who break the rules annoy the hell out of me, when I see one running a red light, if I get the chance I say to them, "mate, I ride bikes and when you ride like that you give us all a bad name" I never run red lights and wouldn't dream of damaging someones property, I have a set track that I ride home and I take back streets to purposefully avoid busy roads and never ride in a manner that would unduly hinder the flow of traffic (because I know how much it annoys people) As for the wankers who ride on weekends taking up a whole lane, well I wouldn't dream of doing it and they deserve what they get. Just don't hate all cyclists as the majority of us try and do the right thing. Like most things in society it is the ones that break the rules that stick out the most and make us all look bad.

that`s my view on the grots that flick their ciggy butts out car windows/boats etc for the turtles to choke on.. :)

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Bicycles should require regos that I can easily dob in the ones I see smoking as they pedal along and then ditch it on the side of the road! :silly: :silly:

Now, taking into account that I am NOT qualified to offer an opinion on any AU rule, regulation, etc. I am a guest in this country and very happy to be here, I will now offer my opinion. :evil:

For myself, I'm against it. I get concerned when I see people who do not participate in a particular activity calling for regulation of people who do participate in that activity. How do we all feel when some "fish-have-feelings" wacktard member of PETA tries to tell us that they know what is best for fishing and for inspiring respect for the waterways?

9 out of 10 of us walk away from the water carrying more trash than we brought. But there is always that 1 out of 10 that leaves the plastic from the bait bags, the beer cans, etc. behind. That's the face of fishermen and fisherwomen just like bike riders.

One day, I hope to be a real bicycle rider just like one day I hope to be a real fisherman. B)

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9 out of 10 of us walk away from the water carrying more trash than we brought. But there is always that 1 out of 10 that leaves the plastic from the bait bags, the beer cans, etc. behind. That's the face of fishermen and fisherwomen just like bike riders.

One day, I hope to be a real bicycle rider just like one day I hope to be a real fisherman. B)

Well I hate soft drink cans and also what I have noticed of late - Spirit-mix cans. Beer drinkers are getting the bad name but it is really the spirit drinkers that are doing the damage. Rarely see beer cans these days unless they are old old ones.

This is what angers me

I will start a new thread on it.

Also, What is it with that accent mate, you should learn to speak Australian before you come here. Also I hope you aren't forming a group of Septics in the suburb you live in. Try integrating a bit. ...but learn the language first.

This whole post is satire

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