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River runs red. 13/06


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Hit the river up after work today and got a couple snapper and a couple bustoffs before Shane rocked up and we set about filling our bag limit.

Took a bit of time but persistance paid off with the plastics and we got 8 healthy river snapper mostly 36-39 with one 42. not huge but all good for the grill.

Caught a strange friend too, wouldnt expect to see this in the river.

about 6cm across the body plus spines.


Sounded around a decent drop in around 8metres of water. About to give up on the show and i come up solid against a small jew


We went and flick some lights and Shane got a tailor around 40cm.

Then I got a wicked hit on the paddle tail plastic and came up solid on 10lb to an 80cm jew, a couple solid runs and then he circles and was subdued. my best jew on a lure thus far.


Ended up with a good feed and im rather shattered now. not looking forward to getting up in a bit over 5 hours.


Thanks to Shane for coming along and netting the jew as i dont know that i would have got that one in on my own.

Cheers, Jeremy.

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Cheers for the deckie spot bro

Mad sess yet again. I love the river atm bad weather made us put some time in the river and its producing the goods mid week.

Wait till i get the maCarthys, the body roll on them is nuts hopping them off the bottom I reckon itl be a killer for bigger snapper. Itl be hard getting them up on 10 lb leader.

Tee up for sess soon. Hopefully swell drops a bit more for Saturday and time to hit the dollies again.


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