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Frigging Cold and no Cod for me


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The location: Severn River just outside of Emmaville.

The Team: Aussie123, RyanYoung, Crazy Ted and me.

The Plan: Survive the worst winter on record (at least that’s how it felt)

Day 1. Arrive at our spot around midday. And start the descent


Have a flick at the bottom of a waterfall waiting for Ted and Lance to turn up fashionably late. Within 30 minutes Ryan has a cod taken off the surface in his hands.


We meet up with the other half of the team and head over to our cabin. Start a fire and unpack.


Magic looking bit of water right in front of our accommodation, so a sunset session is undertaken and Uncle Ted is the next to land a cod off the surface.


Lance was certainly talking the talk but not walking the walk until eventually he too lands a cod.


Sun sets and back to the cabin for a big pot of goulash and a damper for dinner.


The place was so cold even the fire couldn’t keep warm and went out during the night. So Ted improvised and used Port


Day 2. A big breakfast of sausage, bacon, tomato and eggs was demolished by all and Ted and Lance go 4wd’ing and end up somewhere in Deliverance country, but make it back alive and Recon team 1 intercept them about 1500m downstream from the cabin. A couple of tentative touches without raising a scale was the net result of a tough bite. We were speculating that the sheets of ice on the river that morning had possibly made the cod a little sluggish. After lunch as a group we headed upstream, away from the gorges into tussocks and long grass. Ted got fed up with not catching any more fish and changed his target species and quickly rose to the top of the leader board.


Yes Dassa, Uncle Ted caught it with his bare hands. No other captures made on Day 2.

Saturday night is date night so we hit up the Club Hotel in Emmaville to check out the local talent, the main talent being a great T bone steak. Played darts and Lance gave us a good caning. (and those are cod heads on the wall)


Place closes at 8pm and we were the last to leave with a bottle of bourbon for the drive back. It ended up taking 1 hour to drive 10km. A fair while was soaked up with Ryan trying to open the gate, after diving out of the car yelling' "I got this boys!!"


Ryan had a big night and was having some abdominal issues, made all the funnier with the fact that he was sharing the backseat with Lance, and Lances window was broken so could not get any fresh air. Back at the cabin Ted gets a bit roughed up, black eye and all.


Ryan in his fine form ends up dropping a pizza over the balcony and is trying to see if it stayed in one piece. It remained intact!


Then there was the unfortunate “toilet†incident in the night.

Day 3. Ryan gets up and declares, “I’m feeling a little ordinary.†Yes he was! Fishing was non existent, so I was copping a hard time for my donut. Ryan snagged his favourite $4 lure and goes to get it back,


but ends up in shock sitting in the middle of the river for a while.


Eventually he makes it to the other side and saves his crappy black jitterbug.


Spends the rest of the evening sitting almost on top of the fireplace.

Day 4. Pack up, get out.

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Tomca bad moju for punching Ted.

3 hail marys and 5 our fathers before you catch another fish. :woohoo:



I was the photographer there Ray. Thats Ryan going all Mike Tyson on Uncle Ted

I don't hit senior citizens :D

Ted actually arrived looking a bit the worse for wear due to footy, although the lady at Deepwater seemed to think he had "lady" issues ha ha ha ROFL!!!!!!!

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Ryan, if they were Olympic events you would take the Gold for both "best lure retriever" ... and the "craziest bastard" categories.

Mate, the water was that cold, I had to perch on a small island until common sense once again left me, allowing me to push on and get the lure. Took me hours to stop shaking after that lol.

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That was an incredible trip even though the cod decided to not play the game.

Thanks Tom for the invite for the weekend and thanks Ted for taking me down with you.

Also thanks Ryan for the great company and the non stop laughs we had at your expense. :P:P:P

Also thanks to our resident chef Tom for cooking up a storm every day with some great meals and for organizing the food,ect

It was an awesome weekend guys and we must do it again real soon when the cod season opens back up and things are a bit warmer.

My shoes went through the washing machine twice so hopefully they wont smell like some drunken bum :sick:

The fishing was very tough due to the cold snap making the fish sulk but the scenery and the company sure made up for it.

For the guys who like their hunting,this property is a walking mass of wild goats and Fallow Deer as well as several foxes we seen.

I have never seen so many deer with mobs of 20 plus deer all over the place.

Shooting is banned but Bow hunting is allowed.

Anyway thanks again guys,it was a cracker 4 days away.

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Great report Tom. And Lance the fallow pretty much seal the deal for me fishing and hunting on the one property is always a bonus B)

Was the goat put on the barby?

:lol: From what I've heard, there were too many "Barby's" there and no-one to do the deed and the prep. :lol::lol:

But I could just be stirring.... :dry:

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Give yourself an uppercut Brian.

It was discussed to farm the goat, but only one sharp knife and no knife steel to keep it that way I made the decision to let the little guy live. Half way through skinning it there would have been some serious swearing as the knife started to dull.

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Give yourself an uppercut Brian.

It was discussed to farm the goat, but only one sharp knife and no knife steel to keep it that way I made the decision to let the little guy live. Half way through skinning it there would have been some serious swearing as the knife started to dull.

Yeah Brian! And besides that Pussca didn't want to get any blood on his petticoat! :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Looks like an awesome trip guys.... Well done :)

Good to see you didn't chicken out on going to get that lure too ryan........ :P

what a great weekend. Thanks Tom for organising and cooking up a storm. The company was good with a lot of laughs. I do not have to much to add apart from it was bloody cold. Great country there. All the other stories can stay on tour lol. Just a few more pictures of the trip.

Ryan's Guides iced up on his rod trying to fish in the early morning.


Look at the steam coming from Ryan as he tried to fish in the ice


Some of the arsenal donated by Bommie D&S Lures - hopefully next time the fish will not be sulking. Thanks Bommie they swim really well


Even Dassa's Fluffy Spinner baits could not draw the Cod from their Slumber


Lance and Ryan perched on there rocks hopefully casting near the restaurant


The Restaurant from below in the gorge.


Tom trying to be Arty


Ryan practicing his "Blue Steel" how is "Maverick" Going?


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Give yourself an uppercut Brian.

It was discussed to farm the goat, but only one sharp knife and no knife steel to keep it that way I made the decision to let the little guy live. Half way through skinning it there would have been some serious swearing as the knife started to dull.

Look at your avatar, Tom.

No-one believes that story/poor excuse :P:lol::lol:

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Tom, I was just looking through some photos and remembered something...

In the cabins are a whole bunch of busted lures etc...

Was there a set of lip grips there by any chance? Refer to attachment...


PS - yes, I'll eventually get around to doing a report which contains that cod in it :)

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