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Wanderers camping, fishing socials group


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Due to recent events with our last posted social on the forum, certain socials will now be kept private in the AFO Wanderers group page this will keep it out of veiw from those that wish to spoil these events. I amm the group admin and have for the moment only kept those members that have come to a wanderers social lately, I will accept new members after they have been to another social we will put on the open forum.

This is an unfortunate turn for this group but AFO advisers me its my best avenue I apolagise for deleting many names from this group for now and it will now be invite only with its privacy setting now. There will still be socials posted on the open forum from this group but many long term active members of this group have asked me to go this way.

I'd like to thank the many members of AFO in general that have sent me messages with ideas for future socials after having to stop the social planned for march. The long term members will help me decide if you are to be accepted into this group and have no allegences with these people that wish to ruin these socials.

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I think this is the best move to make, unfortunately for me I only joined the Wanderers group page a couple of months ago and haven't yet had a chance to make a social due to work commitments but I did manage to be a sponsor for the Brisbane River Classic as I see the real upside to holding social events. Unfortunately I will be one of the members to be cut from the group at this stage, but I understand the reasoning behind it, as a reasonably new member to the BFO / AFO fold I really do look forward to being able to get the time away to attend a social and being able to meet a few new people and after that being able to join the Wanderers group once again.

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just read the last wave break social and couldnt really see what went wrong but anyways. its a shame it has come to this, as i wouldve been keen to get along and meet some new people and hopefully catch some fish, camp and test out this great meal on the saturday night haha.

shame it has been set to a private social now.

seen as i copped a hammering recently for a hijacked post ( my fault and i admitted i was wrong doing so and apology was pm to the person) and since then has given some awesome advice to me. but i wouldve like to get amongst it, and get an oppurtunity to be lucky enough that i could score an invite to a session like angus's recent sooty trip up north.

and to do so require to prove i enjoy my fishing and am not a moron, ive meet a few people on here so far and fished with a few, and made a couple of great fishing mates, stinkyibis and kiwi-pete, cobia addict,as well as a few others.and learnt heaps from these guys especially cobias advice and my bank balance in having to upgrade my electric and sounder haha.

anyway i hope this issue that has been raised by members doesnt stop events where us amatuers can mix in with the experts .

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Sorry if the other thread isnt clear as to what happened but another member started a thread how it was illegal to camp on the island and he also reported it to moderators over and over forcing the hand of the site to advise me to not advertise on the site this social because of how highly illegal it is to camp there. So bad in someones books that they now throw you in jail and throw away the key like some coppers would like to us nasty alsways breakin the law no good fishos who justed wanted to camp and have a good time or did i mean reckless antisocial devil worshipers this holted a weeks worth of planning and now has stopped AFO members of ever organising another social there again I hope this helps explain it

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well something always seam to ruin a good thing ive been to 2 camps 1 was blowing a gale and the other rained but had a great time meeting a great bunch of people. I have noticed that a few people on this site seam to attack others if they dont agree with there post/opinion but they seam to keep going on and on about it everyone is intitled to there opinion !!! so if you dont agree SHUT UP i think this is a great site ,well planned and Tugger does a great job organising the camp which is enjoyed by many.if it is illegal camping on the island and you dont want to break the law dont go!!!! but dont ruin it for others thats my rant over and my opinion Andy

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Stop blaming others for this situation. You are the one that organised the events, and you are the one calling the shots based on an informative email I posted. Everything else of 'this or that will happen' is pure speculation.

The mods would be able to tell you how many times I reported the thread, and it was once. That was all that was needed. So 'over and over again' is simply not correct.

As for site having their hand forced, again you make it sound this time like they have ruined your adventures.

If you knew it was illegal to camp on the island, why post it on the site in contravention of site rules? If you didn't know it was illegal, why not say 'wow, ok lets do plan B instead'?

Personally I couldn't care less what you did or where you did it, but just like other topics I sourced the correct information for people to evaluate their options on.

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Hi Guys

I guess im classed a lurker.With working 6 days a week and a family just dont get time to attend social events always been hoping to attend one of these events to meet like minded people who are made keen about fishing and enjoy just getting out there.Its a shame its gone this way.Now that ive been able to get every second weekend off i was hoping to be able to go to the next one.

So in the future hope to be able to particapte and put something back into the forum .Tugger chin up and keep doing a great job.

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this is one of the long standing socials as mick said it all started at travs b-day down the pin and mark has kept it going for so long good to see it wont stop,and where ever we go i always have a ball good times and good mates,and cold beer and maybe a fish or two, look forward to the next one good on ya tugger. also thanks mick ted bri to all the other members that make the trips great see you on the next one. and mal for the entertainment :)

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Stop blaming others for this situation. You are the one that organised the events, and you are the one calling the shots based on an informative email I posted. Everything else of 'this or that will happen' is pure speculation.

The mods would be able to tell you how many times I reported the thread, and it was once. That was all that was needed. So 'over and over again' is simply not correct.

As for site having their hand forced, again you make it sound this time like they have ruined your adventures.

If you knew it was illegal to camp on the island, why post it on the site in contravention of site rules? If you didn't know it was illegal, why not say 'wow, ok lets do plan B instead'?

Personally I couldn't care less what you did or where you did it, but just like other topics I sourced the correct information for people to evaluate their options on.

Booty - I've only met you once briefly so know nothing about you and I also don't know the intricacies of what is going on with all this, so for the benefit of myself and others like me, would you mind addressing the following:

1. If you've know the Wanderer's have been camping at Wave Break for years then what has changed in your world that has meant that now you feel the need to report it to the mods and warn others.

2. If it's pretty clear that the Wanderer's have been going to Wavebreak for years and the police, etc have never had a problem with it - then why do/should you have a problem with it.

I'll be interested to read your replies to these as I feel this will tell me/others whether you are well-intentioned or just out to shut down others fun.

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To address your two specific questions, nothing has changed in my world at all. If you Google 'Wavebreak island camping' there is no shortage of hits professing all manner of legalities and illegalites of camping on the island. I then decided to find out from a reputable source the true version. That was then posted on the site for the benefit of everyone who read it.

I have never said I have a problem with the Wanderers or anyone else for that matter in camping on the island, and please direct me to where I have alluded to this if you feel I have.

Following is an excerpt from a PM sent to the Mods by me, I said I am happy for them to share it around and hence its put here as well.

These guys have had a huge dummy spit as they were informed what they were doing was illegal. They could move 2km further up the waterway and do exactly the same thing to their hearts content.

Incidently some of the doomers are the same ones that Pm me wanting to know how to get out of something else they have done.

I was just the messenger, and the fallout has been as a result of their replies.

I am not going to bother hitting report to mod buttons for all the slanging as I have a thicker skin than that, but some members including retailers who support your events should be in line for a strike.

Consider this analogy. An event is put up by a group of fishos to meet up and fish under the wharf in Brisbane? Would it stay up long considering the site rules, would it attract attention from Tugger and the like?

As said, I couldn't care less if they go there, nor am I jealous about it, in fact If they are there then they are not fishing where I fish. BUT, my post was made as general information and also to give AFO a heads up as although your disclaimer might say it does not endorse content posted by members, I would not want to see the owners called to account on why the content was not removed once made aware of it.

Although this is in a Pm feel free to share it with whoever you see fit, including owners, mods, or whoever else.

I hope that gives you and others a bit more of an inside into things and I will leave it at that.

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Thanks for the reply Greg but I'm still left wondering why you now feel the need to warn others (given that members of this site have been doing it for years) and why you feel the need to warn others given that authorities clearly aren't fazed by people camping there.

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To me the key difference between these two topics is in the ute/trailer net topic it was clear people were starting to get fined whereas as far as I've heard there hasn't been any sort of crackdown on camping at Wavebreak. Which is why I'm still unsure why you have decided to warn people now and to report to the Mods. Surely you can see why myself and others not at the core of this would be confused?

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In bootys defense I didn't know you wernt allowed to camp there? And it seems to me what I have read so far his just making it a point to be aware of the legalities of doing it?

On the off chance and although this has been an event for along time things change and it could be enforced?

I used to camp on the river at home since I can ever remember and then 1 day rangers came and told us to move because it was not allowed. Put a damp we on an old family tradition to camp there.

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Following is an excerpt from a PM sent to the Mods by me, I said I am happy for them to share it around and hence its put here as well.

These guys have had a huge dummy spit as they were informed what they were doing was illegal. They could move 2km further up the waterway and do exactly the same thing to their hearts content.

Incidently some of the doomers are the same ones that Pm me wanting to know how to get out of something else they have done.

I was just the messenger, and the fallout has been as a result of their replies.

I am not going to bother hitting report to mod buttons for all the slanging as I have a thicker skin than that, but some members including retailers who support your events should be in line for a strike.

Consider this analogy. An event is put up by a group of fishos to meet up and fish under the wharf in Brisbane? Would it stay up long considering the site rules, would it attract attention from Tugger and the like?

As said, I couldn't care less if they go there, nor am I jealous about it, in fact If they are there then they are not fishing where I fish. BUT, my post was made as general information and also to give AFO a heads up as although your disclaimer might say it does not endorse content posted by members, I would not want to see the owners called to account on why the content was not removed once made aware of it.

Although this is in a Pm feel free to share it with whoever you see fit, including owners, mods, or whoever else.

I hope that gives you and others a bit more of an inside into things and I will leave it at that.

I can see 'why' you have reported it to Mods Greg but I still don't get why you'd feel the need to after all these years.

With regards to your analogy - totally different kettle of fish in my book. Fishing under the wharf is dangerous (life threatening) and gaining an unfair fishing advantage (and fishing is the interest we all have in common on this site) whereas camping on the island doesn't harm anyone.

Your mention of there being many other threads, videos, etc of illegal activities I would imagine would refer almost exclusively to illegal acts that either harmed fish stocks or caused harm/loss to people - neither of which is the case with camping on Wavebreak.

So ...... I'm getting the feeling that I'll never know why you've decided now to bring it up as a topic.

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Here's a thought. Would it have been an issue if someone else in another line of work put up the thread about the legalities of camping there? i.e. a mod or a new member who was doing their homework when looking to join the wavebreak social?

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Here's a thought. Would it have been an issue if someone else in another line of work put up the thread about the legalities of camping there? i.e. a mod or a new member who was doing their homework when looking to join the wavebreak social?

I haven't got it in for Booty if that's what you mean Eug (and not saying it is). Just trying to understand why someone who has known people from this site have been going there for ages would now decide to warn people. And I'm not saying he's not entitled to either - just trying to work out for myself whether there is anything 'more' to this story than meets the eye. So no, for me it wouldn't matter what line of work Greg was in.

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Here's a thought. Would it have been an issue if someone else in another line of work put up the thread about the legalities of camping there? i.e. a mod or a new member who was doing their homework when looking to join the wavebreak social?

Sorry Eug and we are friends but there is only one reason Booty did it and to stir. Like thanking the original post on this thread. Similar actions as another banned member. Stick you nose in where it is not welcome to stir the pot.

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i did a search on wave break seem there is hundreds of people camp there without any questions asked by the blue gang so not sure why the stink !!seems a more productive thread on wave break would be how to clean up the broken bottles and all the land mines on the place . maybe every one get together to patition local council to install a bio toilet and sum bins it doesnt sound like a nice place to camp at the mo

correct me if im wrong about the place

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Its a hard one to comment on.

I have not been on any of the Wanders socials but from the reports that I have read there seems to be a great sense of mateship involved with all who regularly attend.

My personal feeling is that Booty did not post with a malicious intent.

I realize that Wavebreak does have a tradition but the loss of one venue should not destroy the group particularly considering that there are other spots available reasonably close.

Whilst the pin bar is not as user friendly as the seaway the fishing hut at the slipping sands would be a good venue.

The site is made up with anglers from all walks of life and we all have different opinions.

The site owners do have an obligation to ensure that they do not promote illegal activities.

For example I do not see a great hue and cry about the rule change to not being allowed to enter under and sized fish in photo competitions.

And as Youngy says " If you do not have anything nice to say dont say it."



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For example I do not see a great hue and cry about the rule change to not being allowed to enter under and sized fish in photo competitions.



Fair call with most of what you said Ray although I still think, like I've already said, there is a big difference between fish-related rules/regs/illegalities on this site and one involving camping on an island 300m from the mainland where the authorities have clearly known we are there and have turned a blind eye all this time. I just don't get why the topic was brought up in the first place.

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Kelvin, I posted it on that day as that was the day I got around to finding out for myself whether it was legal or not. It really was not and is still not a top priority thing for me. . You will see the date on the email is the same day I made the post.

I could have sat on the email till the 20th of March then posted it, I could have sat on the email and never posted it. I will let you decide on which you think was the most responsible course of action, and you need to take in to account more than just the wanderers group.

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Here's a thought. Would it have been an issue if someone else in another line of work put up the thread about the legalities of camping there? i.e. a mod or a new member who was doing their homework when looking to join the wavebreak social?

Sorry Eug and we are friends but there is only one reason Booty did it and to stir. Like thanking the original post on this thread. Similar actions as another banned member. Stick you nose in where it is not welcome to stir the pot.

Right ted. I put a similar response about the Thanks :angry: but I must have been too strong on it as it was removed, :blush: Greg has made several comments that can only be described as unwanted, unnecessary and mischevous. its a shame as he has made contributions to the site with his knowledge on Qld LAw and given good advice to many on the site, however he seems to be a bit over the top and shooting from the hip of recent, he can say what he wants to justify his responses but he knows people and his comments and Thanks are unwanted and done merely to stir the pot, legally hes right morally hes out of line and has gone into this to stir :evil:

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Here's a thought. Would it have been an issue if someone else in another line of work put up the thread about the legalities of camping there? i.e. a mod or a new member who was doing their homework when looking to join the wavebreak social?

Sorry Eug and we are friends but there is only one reason Booty did it and to stir. Like thanking the original post on this thread. Similar actions as another banned member. Stick you nose in where it is not welcome to stir the pot.

That's fine Ted and I can appreciate your opinion on this, part of the reason why I've largely stayed out of it as it didn't concern/involve me. However now I've been kicked out of the Wanderers.

It brings me back to the question as to whether or not such an extreme reaction (i.e. privatising the event) would have occurred if someone else other than a cop had put up the original email? If the whole thing had been executed better (through a mod as a mediator) then we might all actually be able to have a civil discussion about it.

Another important question is, to those who have previously attended Wavebreak how many actually knew? As you know I've been to a few Wavebreaks now, I found out before my first one when I realised there was no facility to book a site. It's actually written in all our Beacon to Beacons. I took that upon myself as a decision I was able to make as to whether or not to go to the social.

I know it happens across the board as other people also discuss it openly on other forums. If we take the original email as purely 'informative' then we are all in the position to make that judgement ourselves rather than take someone's actions as the 'done thing'. I have no qualms about going and would do so again if possible. I clean up myself and would leave it how I found it (similar scenario to fishing on the pontoon at Newstead Park).

It's a shame that it's ended up this way, I'm disappointed at everyone's inability to talk it over like adults. I enjoyed the fact that BFO could collectively get down to the specifics on the technicalities of handling and photographing an undersized, oversized, out-of-season fish, etc. without crucifying anyone. I don't see this situation as any different. It's most probably stemmed from people spilling their personal one-on-one issues onto the forum and getting others involved.

Hope everyone can move on with it and find a resolution.



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To alliviate concerns over wether the wanderers socials are going be exclusive no only certain socials we would rather keep off the main forum so not to draw unwanted attention but this group does many through the year to diferent places that will still be advertised on the main forum. I was asked to not post the wavebreak island social because of its supposed illegality because a member hit the report to moderator button without having discussions first and then this was the outcome.

This group always welcomed anyone wishing to attend any of the socials over the past 4 years but the latest social canceled brought about the group page being invite only like many other groups already are. I hope to advertise a few to Blakesleys later this year on nth stradie unless of coarse there is a problem there :whistle:

This social down at wavebreak island has been going for about 3 to 4 years and we used to go there a couple of times each year this same person has brought it up in the advertised threads before but has wanted to take it a step further reporting to the sites moderators this time to force the hand of the site which I have no control of and making the group private was the only way we could still do this particular social so when he says he's never gone over and over about it thats not entirely true with one visit there himself to visit friends at a condoned flathead social in which many competitor camped the weekend I wonder if he let them all know its illegal.

The one thing that is true is that he has stopped the social that was planned for march there and upset many members of this site just like he has done before . 30 plus AFO members came to the last one on the Island just like the time before and so on who are upset at having to halt a weeks worth of planning. You can try to defend this guy but with some one that gives little to the site in the way of fishing reports etc can anyone remember one from him and starts threads knowing it will start trouble.

We should be upset why should we take this lying down he has halted one of the best socials there was we introduced many new members to there first camipng with boats and fishing offshore where was here during this plotting how to reck them on his computer miles from the water. The reports will stop from this social as we did from the last one also because we heard from a little birdy this was in the wings

He first stated in his own thread he wasnt sure if it was illegal and now has come out saying he has got it from a reputable sorce it doesnt sound very convincing as we have now discovered the land doesnt belong to the state govt anymore all those laws he has probably googled like we all have has dates on the documents from years ago he isnt even sure wether it is illegal but he has pursued it till we got canned what a champion thanks fro wrecking it for many AFO members that could and would have come to this social

What will be the response this time it doesnt matter what line of work he does thats irrelavent it was not raised before what is rellavent is this guy has wrecked it for all. Like I have said ealrier we will do plenty more socials through the year some in the bay some to the dams he cant wreck them all

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