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Wanderers secret spot social report


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Got down the gold coast friday lunch time with Daveylad and headed for the best anchorage on the gold coast we hit the beach and brought our chairs ashore on the beach and kicked back with a few beers as few of the lads were soon to arrive. BJ and Richard were already on the coast but were out fishing then Lance soon arrived and we started to plan our weekend of fishing.

Fishing option down there are numerous but we had a plan to hit our secret spot both saturday and sunday mornings and chase snapper and pelagics. The weather was awesome all weekend with no rain and low winds and swell offshore fishing was going to be easy. Here's a few of our boats in the anchorage



Saturday morning early we gathered the boats of all the wanderers down for the weekend and headed for some live bait grounds and jigged up enough for my crew for the day. We headed to our spot and dropped the anchor and set up a surface bait then we floatlined for snapper. The fishing was slow and only 2 snapper made their way into the box but some of the livies were getting smashed without hook up.

About midmorning I flicked out a pillie with some wire as it seemed the mackerel were maurding our livies and sure enough the rod buckled over and screemed off. The 850 spinfisher I picked up for $100 bucks last month handled this fish well and after 4 creaming runs of 50m or more this large spottie mackerel came into veiw. Dave sunk the gaff and we measured him at 105cm and in very good condition around 4 to 5 kilo.

About lunch after the fish went off the bite alltogether we headed back to the anchorage and had some cool drinks then with low tide as well we pumped a bucket full of yabbies for some beach fishing. A fire was lit to burn down to get some good coals for a spit roast dinner and the boys gathered for a flick off the beach.

I caught some awesome bream and whiting on my black queen rod these fish give a good account of them selves with this light gear. The sun set over the water for us with this great outlook as our back drop for our fishing while dinner cooked



The smells from the spits was awesome as they cooked to perfection with Richard 21 herbs and spices secret recipe on the chooks soon though they were ready along with backed potato and Lances world famous salad. This is not where it finished though as the apple and cinamon baked in the camp oven and Colin prepared his strawberrie and kiwi fruit topped pavlova. This feed was mad and just enough was left over for lunches on sunday.



We sat around the fire after dinner with a few cool drinks but sunday was on my plan to fish again so after a fairly late night I pondered how I would feel for a early rise again. The morning came all to quickly but we gathered the boats again and set off with my boat wanting to target those mackerel while still holding out hope for more snapper.

It wasnt long after anchring that the first line screamed off and a spottie was boated this was the start of a very crazy morning for us. Keeping up to these fish was hard as I never had enough made up rigs so I was kept busy all morning either making rigs or catching bloody big spotties.

My deckies Dave and Lindsay hooked and landed a spanish makerel each around the 115cm but Dave was soon to get another spanaird for the day as well these fish fight well on the penn spin fisher. final tally was 7 spotties and 3 spanish and we left them biting so to get home early enough to fillet them all with a big drive still in front of Dave to get home.

Here's the boys on the beach in front of the anchorage holding up our mackies


Fantastic weekend for the Wanderers social and I'd like to thank you boys for coming I hope everyone enjoys the report there should be more socials to come soon

Here's us old farts back home before I inhaled some more beer and the fish got skinny





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What a great weekend, I was a bit upset when Mark said he have to blindfold me to get to the spot, so I cant help anyone as to where it is because I dont know, even now. This is one of the best days fishing I've had yet they just kept hitting us we didnt move a foot all day just get dropping a bit of burley every 5 mins.. It was great to meet all the guys and what a cook up it is legendary anyone who misses need there brains looking at, hope theres mor to come, Thanks Tugger and all the other guys.

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Iforgot to add that I ended up with over 11 kilos of fillets in my bag and Lyndsey and Tugger had the same plus eddie had some fish. With the secret spot I felt safe there becasue it must have been legal and okay to camp there becasue the Police launch came by 3 times and waved at uu and said hello.

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There was 4 spotties over the meter mark and they were all in good condition fat as mud some of their screaming runs were as good as the spanairds it was fun but at the same time exausting hahahahaha

Geez they are quality spotties Mark. Mick caught on about 93-94cm when I was out with him two years ago and that was by far the biggest I'd ever seen caught. Some bloody nice fillets to come from that haul - enjoy.
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Great weekend. Richard and I got there early friday to get some solid fishing time in. Very hard fishing friday and saturday with only 1 legal snapper, a flathead and a nice moses pearch that even the fisheries inspector said was good. Sunday we have up on snapper and tried for mackerel in close. Dead as in there so a flip of the coin told us to in to my snapper spot. Was on a hot bite straight away.

I bagged out with nice snapper and I got richard onto a heavy 62cm model. They put up a long fight when you have 200m of line out. Tried getting another richard in his fancy new boat onto them but the snapper died off. Sorry no pic's but all fish were filleted and released with no harm to myself or richard. At least the missus wont need to buy fish this week.

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Hey guys remember Tuggers shower set up , I just want everyone to realise the cost that he went to to keep us all smelling nice and clean, I know some didnt use it but when you follow this link perhaps next time you will and realise the trouble and expense our mate tugger goes to to look after his wanderers clan, ps Eddie do you think you can get them to come down in price?


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I think it was the lack of current why the snapper were not chewing hard but you guys stuck it out and found some nice fish in the end

Great weekend. Richard and I got there early friday to get some solid fishing time in. Very hard fishing friday and saturday with only 1 legal snapper, a flathead and a nice moses pearch that even the fisheries inspector said was good. Sunday we have up on snapper and tried for mackerel in close. Dead as in there so a flip of the coin told us to in to my snapper spot. Was on a hot bite straight away.

I bagged out with nice snapper and I got richard onto a heavy 62cm model. They put up a long fight when you have 200m of line out. Tried getting another richard in his fancy new boat onto them but the snapper died off. Sorry no pic's but all fish were filleted and released with no harm to myself or richard. At least the missus wont need to buy fish this week.

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Great to meet you Zac it looked like you loved the saturday night meal well done on the fish I'll see if Brock can make the next social he is the same age of you

myself and zac had a ball for the whole weekend catching tuna and chaseing whiteing sat night with mark and again sundy morn with mick and eddie thanks for introduceing him to the "WANDERERS SPIRIT" of having a great time with mates while not breaking any laws

zac's b.p stripey


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I have been asked not to advertise the camping down there with this social on the forum as it was reported to moderators by just 1 member of the supposed illegal camping still the no camping signs have long gone and my undestanding is it should be signed as this place is a great refuge for resting up we are not after long term camping.

So thats the way we will go with it from now unfortunately to the detriment to any new members that would have been keen to join us which doesnt stop us from going there as we know each other now its only hurting the newer members.

It has brought so many new members out to there first social its a shame but it will have to be word of mouth now all other socials to other areas will be posted on the forum

Pom" post=469145]Upset i missed this one had to work, Also I did'nt know about it if it was a secret.Well done guys.

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To trespass I think if the place is not signposted the police would have to know whos land yard premises, or place of business it is that you are trespassing on, this seems to be in contention who owns the land at the moment and knowing many police the effort to find out and with the time it would tie them up with numerous offenders I really cant see any Police who are busy enough bothering with such a trivial offence. If the owner came forward they would have to show that the owner demanded persons camping there to leave his lands and of course we would leave a soon a practibly possible if given that opprortunity. anyway I think as we were there as concerned members of the public preventing others from commiting offences or being a nuisance on the island we should be applauded. :evil:

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When we set up camp and anchor our boats up we take up so much of the end of the island that no one else can camp there so in reality we are actually helping out the council and police to enforce our caring members no camping laws by stopping all those other strangers from setting up camp. :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

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The no camping was a council bylaw from 2002 since then they have adressed it at many meetings and have since taken the no cmaping signs down and then provided bins to support the camping on the island and that we found in their council meeting minutes which is on the net for all to see.

With this in mind and the fact there is an designated anchorage right in front of where we camp this place is used for a refuge to rest up at night and there never was any restriction for anyone coming ashore and has been discussed at council meetings to place toilets on the island to support the camping as well.

They realise that the many people coming down there also contribute to the local economy and they dont want to chase any of that away so I challenge anyone to show me how its illegal now to camp there.

So In my opinion we have a right to rest up there for a few nights we are not after long term camping and would this social now be alright to post on the forum as its the best one we have ever run and the one we do the most through the year its not hurting us just any new member which there has been so many lately asking me how they can come on these socials.

This has activated so many new members from just lurking or posting the odd comment to attending socials, fishing comps and other events they AFO do its a shame that just 1 member has the power to stop this great social with out even the proof its illegal to camp there

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if its against the law why did the police just cruise past and wave why didnt they come ashore and say hay fellas you now its ileagal to camp here proberly cus its not a criminal affence. just cus its no camping doesnt make it ileagal even if there use to be sighns. anyway who cares we were there the police didnt care so why should any (ONE PERSON) else!!!!!

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When the issue of the legality of camping at Wavebreak was first raised, it was done so to warn members, not as a threat. Also if it is illegal to camp but not to simply come ashore, I can see buns and toilets as being useful to keep the island clean for day trippers, in no way does it condone people camping there overnight?

And if te legislation hasn't been changed, it's still illegal

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When the issue of the legality of camping at Wavebreak was first raised, it was done so to warn members, not as a threat. Also if it is illegal to camp but not to simply come ashore, I can see buns and toilets as being useful to keep the island clean for day trippers, in no way does it condone people camping there overnight?

And if te legislation hasn't been changed, it's still illegal

Warn members my rear end warn them of what,the fact that water police wave and say hello to us or warn us that it is to much fun or warn us that this one tosser may come down there and winge and carry on like a little 5 year old sook like he did at the Brunswick river state of origon and then wee off If would just wee off there would be no problem at all.

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It was never in state legislation it was a council bylaw which the gold coast council passed and then they themselves took down the sign and resigned themselves to the camping that goes on down there I was camping there 10 years before they put up the sign and now with the sign taken down and the bins provided after discussions in council meetings to support the camping there. We also contacted the authorities, gold coast council, EPA and no one knows who is responsible for this area and all of them said they would not investigate or prosecute any camping there so how is it illegal

When the issue of the legality of camping at Wavebreak was first raised, it was done so to warn members, not as a threat. Also if it is illegal to camp but not to simply come ashore, I can see buns and toilets as being useful to keep the island clean for day trippers, in no way does it condone people camping there overnight?

And if te legislation hasn't been changed, it's still illegal

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When the issue of the legality of camping at Wavebreak was first raised, it was done so to warn members, not as a threat. Also if it is illegal to camp but not to simply come ashore, I can see buns and toilets as being useful to keep the island clean for day trippers, in no way does it condone people camping there overnight?

And if te legislation hasn't been changed, it's still illegal

Warn members my rear end warn them of what,the fact that water police wave and say hello to us or warn us that it is to much fun or warn us that this one tosser may come down there and winge and carry on like a little 5 year old sook like he did at the Brunswick river state of origon and then wee off If would just wee off there would be no problem at all.

Well no, to warn them that according to council bylaw camping there is illegal...

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I suppose some people are not busy enough at work keeping the laws and regulations, in my time I was always snowed underwith work and kept myself busy with good arrests which meant plenty of paper work and court appearences. Didnt have time to jump on line maintaining the law and keeping the uninformed aware of minor summary offences,

I watched for a long time on the site and their is a clear and constant pattern of jumping in laying down the rules and laws in a discourteous way, on many occasions not fully reading the thread and answering completly out of line. Its easy to hide under the disguise of I'm only helping and warning the unwary, rubbish, thats what you do in the field when you want to let someone know youre on to them and make them listen, unless its a HWP thing :silly: :unsure::blink: :cheer:

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The no camping was a council bylaw from 2002 since then they have adressed it at many meetings and have since taken the no cmaping signs down and then provided bins to support the camping on the island and that we found in their council meeting minutes which is on the net for all to see.

With this in mind and the fact there is an designated anchorage right in front of where we camp this place is used for a refuge to rest up at night and there never was any restriction for anyone coming ashore and has been discussed at council meetings to place toilets on the island to support the camping as well.

They realise that the many people coming down there also contribute to the local economy and they dont want to chase any of that away so I challenge anyone to show me how its illegal now to camp there.

So In my opinion we have a right to rest up there for a few nights we are not after long term camping and would this social now be alright to post on the forum as its the best one we have ever run and the one we do the most through the year its not hurting us just any new member which there has been so many lately asking me how they can come on these socials.

This has activated so many new members from just lurking or posting the odd comment to attending socials, fishing comps and other events they AFO do its a shame that just 1 member has the power to stop this great social with out even the proof its illegal to camp there

Couldn't agree more Mark. My experience on this site has grown exponentially ever since attending my first Wanderers Wavebreak Social. Since then I've got to know many people on this site, understood them better (except for that Ellicat weirdo ....) and have felt less inhibited attending other events.

On the topic of advertising these socials on the forum - in this country it is meant to innocent until proven guilty so unless it can be shown/proven that what we are doing is illegal I can't see why we need to stop?

Bummed I missed last weekend and not hoping to miss another.

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Guys myself and AFO admin have sat on the fence a bit re the wavebreak drama (depsite being accused privately of a few things). This is simply as a alot of comments seemed either heresay or petty.

To stamp this one out I spent nearly two hours on the phone today to assess the implcations here.

First phone call: Gold Coast Counil

Basically they claimed no knowledge or interest in this issue (camping) and despite providing the bins (as I later found out was under duress from the police) that is all they will put out there. Basically they claim this area IS NOT under their duristiction.

Secone Phone Call: State Government

At the suggestion of the local council I called the state council to ascertain their outlook. In short they have none and asked me to call the local council. :P

Third Phone Call: Local Police:

Transferred to the water police...

Fourth Phone Call: Water Police (The most helpful of all):

Water Police believe it should be the local councils responsibility but acknowledge they want nothing to do with. At the police's request bins were provided but that was it.

In short the Water Police said they were fine with people camping there but would act if:

There were excessive noise complaints.

There was excessive traces of rubbish or human waste.

Overall they acknowledged they did not mind at all if normal decency was upheld.

with this in mind, I, and other admin will not remove or censor reports from wave break island. If you want to camp there or not, do so with your own understanding of the circumstances as this is information provided not gospel.

Any more detraction from the quality of threads (including this one) will be removed if if just contains the same old "he said, she said" dribble. We are all big boys and I hope everyone can move on here and let this be.

Thanks for the report Tugger it looked like a cracker weekend. After information given to me by several people who have attended wanderers events lately sadly I do not think i will ever be attending one but I wish you (and most of the crew) all the very best and look forward to future reports.


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On behalf of all members that will be attending the future events I would like to thank you angus for going out of your way to get information about wavebreak island. It is the premeir offshore social event and i can guarantee any socialable member that comes down will go away with a smile on their face. Great people, great food, awesome fishing and a lot of laughs. We have another idea for the feast that i'm sure will go over a treat.

I'm sure the next one will be massive.

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Thanks Angus and the other guys for spending your time to sort through this.

I also spent ages sorting through the legislation and chatting to people and came up with the same things you did.

Anyway I for one am glad its all sorted and we can start to try and get more members coming to the social on Wavebreak and get the reports back to what they used to be.

Thanks guys.

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Was a ripper trip. Great feed as usual. Fishing was very good.

Hey regulated this new idea For the feast i need them kegs. To make project "secret squirrel " complete don't let the nuts out of the bag :lol:

And yeah thanks for your input Angus !!! But the wanderers know what's goin in our back yard. Apology accepted ;) find it interesting that you won't Eva be joining us :blink: pitty cause there's a pig destined for a roasting with your name on it


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Thanks Angus for going to that trouble as its the best social and place to have it by far it is the best for bringing along new members because of its ease to reach even with samll boats and kayaks.

As most people know the reports were awesome over the years from this social and we have had plenty of top new members attend as it was always inclusive of anyone from the forum who wished to join us alot of the time we arranged deckie spots for people without boats and welcomed anyone who come along.

It was troubling for me and a few others that helped organise these socials that it had to go underground for this latest because of the suppoesed illegality but thanks again Angus for sorting the forum side of it out so we can get back to posting it up for everyone to see and join us if they wish.

Will be planning another one soon down there in the near future I just hope the fishing is as good again its just been insane lately down there on the coast as you'll see with another offshore report to come soon from today

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