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Any tips for Mud/Peel Isle?


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OK guys any tips for fishing Mud/Peel Islands?

Drift or anchor? or even give them both a go?

I'm planing on floating a pilly on 1 rod, squid on another.

Soft plastics on my light rod.

I'm not sure what water depth to fish?

Also I'm starting to use snelled rigs, making them myself. What line class do you guys use to make them? I have 25lb mono 20lb and 30lb fluro. I'm leaning towards the fluro. No point having vanish line 1m up the rig:huh:

I'm going after Snapper/Jew

Any help would be good

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Around Mud Island, we have most success for Snapper in water around 5-6m deep. I don't know what anyone else thinks, but for us, we have never had any success on the southern side of the island. The North, East and West have all produced for us. We get alot of Mackeral around the northern and western sides, occasional Tusk Fish on the eastern side and whiting around the North and Western sides.

At Peel, we have suuccess on every side except the western side. The North side (non-protected area's of cause) has produced a lot of good eating sized snapper (35-50cm). We usually fish in around 5 metres of water.

All the fish we have caught have been caught while anchored.

Hope this helps. Ask for more info if needed. I don't know much about the SP's or snelled rigs tho.

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Thanks guys great info keep it coming.

Jeff whats heavycover? Do you think the 30lb fluro vanish will do the job?

Cowfish do you float the bait or use a little weight to get it down to the bottom?

Yep I want to know it all:blush: . I'm starting to get a bit sick of not bringing something back to show my efforts. I'm also starting to get a bit of a ribbing from my wife :blink:

Thnks again.

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If it is a ganged pilchard, depending on the current, we either use main line to leader (usually Penn 10x 30-40lb) to pilchard on gangs. If there is a fair bit of current, we use a small sinker, around size 3 (ball sinker). Any more weight will have the line getting snaged up on every cast.

I've never had any success with a float, I've had most success using just main line-leader-gangs. Get Mackerel without a sinker, Snapper with the small sinker (as a general rule, but does depend on current)

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faulked wrote:

burley burley burley burley i like chook pellets soaked in tuna oil in a bit of 100 mm poly pipe with plenty of holes on a bit of wire hung of the back i like the north east end of peel my self and study it on google earth what time will you7 be there:)

I agree with this.

Considering its tried, tested and proven, i am surpised how many people dont berley up. It can be as simple as a tin of cat food with some holes tied over the back.

At the very least, its a sure way to attract a school of bream. And with the way the food chain works, usdually if any fish are schooling up, it tweaks the curiosity of larger, lone hunters.


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I dont use Berley, but I figure depending on where your fishing will depend on what you do with that Gazza?

IE if your bottom bashing, you'd drop it down to just above the bottom on a rope? Otherwise it might be 40m away when all the goodies and juice finally sinks to the bottom, and all the bottom dwelling fishies will go over there?

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:blush: :( Not a lot to report.

I had to take the kids out with me. So it was Dad dad dad nag nag nag I'm hungry I'm thirsty I need the toilet all day.:S

I realy did'nt have much time to fish with all the snags and tangles :blink: .

Oh well better they comw out and get some freash air than play on the computer all day.

Any ways I've been given a leave pass for tomorrow. So I'll be back out there without the kids :woohoo: . So hopefully a good report tomorrow ;)

Just looked at seabreeze, I'll be heading out around 930-10:00. High tide at 12noon and the wind is suposed to drop in the arvo.:woohoo:

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