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Jacks: Hook placement live baiting


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This might be uncommon for others, but there has been heaps of times when i've live baited and you get a hit only to find that something with teeth has clean bitten the head off your bait and missed the hook. Is this just bad luck or poor placement of the hook?

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I recommend a twin snelled hook arrangement for live baiting.

Set the gap between the two hooks according to the livie you are using, The top hook goes through the upper lip and the lower one goes just behind the guts/ass. The lower hook can also be replaced with a treble hook to increase hookup rates.

Jacks will bite the bait in what ever way necessary in taking it whole...;)

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Dazzamcgee wrote:

I recommend a twin snelled hook arrangement for live baiting.

Set the gap between the two hooks according to the livie you are using, The top hook goes through the upper lip and the lower one goes just behind the guts/ass. The lower hook can also be replaced with a treble hook to increase hookup rates.

Jacks will bite the bait in what ever way necessary in taking it whole...;)

Yeap I agree with you there Daz.

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i kept a baby jack in a fishtank for about a year and a half till he got too big, fed him on a diet of mullet,herring and prawns.the baitfish were allways hit from below, even if they were hiding on the bottom of the tank he'd hunt them upwards and hit them from below and behind then turn and swallow them.

so i started putting my hooks just behind the anal fin and the hookup rate doubled didn't land many more

but hooked plenty

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Mate it has no effect on the livie's movement aslong as the distance between the two hooks is alittle longer then where they are to be positioned..

If it's a larger size livie try cutting the lower fin off its tail so it can only swim in a downwards direction to stop it from surfacing....

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hey guys,

i don't use livies to often and the few times i have resulted in zero fish, zero hits, however i do feed hard body lures to jacks and can say i don't think i have ever hooked one on the rear treble, always the front. for this reason i always place a single hook in the shoulder of a livie. just got to get one now to see if it works.


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