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overhead or spin for ballooning big dead or live baits?


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Hi Guys

So I have a few tld 25's with 15kg pre test on and these are for trawling. Im going to get into floating some baits out the back of my boat and have a dilemma, overhead or spin?

My first choice was a TLD50 as they hold a lot of line and I was going to put 24KG pre test mono on it. Since watching youtube videos of popping for GT etc I am now thinking why not get a 25000 Saragossa? The goso is around $50-70 more than the TLD.

For a rod I was going to get a Terez to go with the Gosa and for the TLD just use my beastmaster 15-30KG rod. With the spin reel I can cast which I know is a bonus so probably be able to use it for rock fishing one day or a trip up North for popping on the reef? I can also use the reel for land based game fishing which I would like to try.

With the Gosa I was going to go with 60lb braid for line capacity and run a long leader to give me some shock absorption

Should i just get a TLD for $350 and save some cash? If I go up North one day get the Gosa? I know a 20000 stella is the preferred choice but second hand they are $8-900 and that is serious money!

Sounds like I have just answered my question,,,,,,pre test mono is way less than braid too :-)

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Most of the bigger fish you encounter with livies will be subdued at anchor with 15kg.

I habe a tld50 and it is way too heavy a reel for what you are looking at.

Remember to always have your anchor on a float so you can throw the rope and chase a fish if you happen to hook a marlin it could be the difference between winning and losing.

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also - not to be pedantic and not through my own experience but from reading others. 20000 size spin reels are generally better for jigging/bottom fishing due to their lower gear ratio (more torque per handle crank). 10000's are better for popping or high speed spinning as they have a higher gear ratio (higher speed retrieves).

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I do have my anchor line on a big float but it is tied off to a clip in the anchor hatch. Are you saying dont have it tied off so you can jus throw the entire lot over the side should I hook a monster and then come back and pick it up later.? I was thinking a big spinning reel would be more versatile and then I would be more tempted to try different types of fishing like from rocks or land based game.

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lol hi Bri, from a beach and for when conditions and time wont let me fish. I like the idea of doing an overnight from the shore. I want to target a big mulloway this year and hope to do a few overnight sessions. I cant do this on the boat given I have the Noosa bar to cross and being out on the boat is something I am not ready to do all night.

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Alveys the best for the beach not too bad for the rocks either and you can cast them a lot easier than an overhead. You can use any spin reel for livies, we use stuff down to 5k stradics for spanish livebaiting. as long as theres a couple hundred metres on it you are normally fine. if the wahoo are around they can take some serious line and quick. Thats when you would throw the float overboard and go chase it. I have a float at the end of my rope all the time so i can throw the whole lot.

Lost a couple good fish in the past at anchor because they have swum into the current and gone around boat rock. TLD50 didn't stop them on 10kg of drag.

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im looking at using 60lb braid so hopefully I can get some good stopping power with a 22kg of drag max. I think the spin real is the better option. I love the look of the TLD as i have a few already but want something I can use in multiple situations. The gosa will hold over 600m of braid. Ill just have to go with along leader, how long I dont know....?

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Hi Bri

I stopped going to the club as they talk about fishing and thats all. I can do that here. Basically I want a reel to use in multiple situations. A big spin reel has the line capacity at over 600m of braid. I have a 750m spool coming but have yet to decide what breaking strain?

As for the reel size I am going to put it on a few rods and see what works for me. It will be a 20000 or a 25000 Saragossa and these both have 44lbs/22kg's of drag pressure.

Uses for the reel: On the boat I will cast a livie out under a balloon and see what takes it with it sitting around 100m off the back. There is a very real possibility it could get picked up by a big Tuna, Wahoo or Marlin so line capacity is a must! I may even trawl with it from time to time.

From the land ( I understand I will need a different rod) I want to do some land based game like sharks but mainly I want to hit a big jewie which I know isnt game but with a bigger reel I know I have enough line capacity from the shore, With the spinning reel I can cast it and this is why I am looking at it.

Lastly from the rocks I can use it and cast out big baits and maybe even a bit of popping be it land based or boat based one day.

I hope this all makes sense now? I am not going to use an Alvey as I just dont like them having never used one I dont want to practice and lose fish. Any advice on breaking strains for braid given what I want to do with the reel and fish I want to target. This is mainly to be used from my boat.

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If you have 60lb braid with the drag canked up to 20kg, even a very modest sized speedster will make the line go ping in an instant. The majority of the fish you mention are capable of swimming well over 60km/h and the shock of the initial strike will be too much for the line.

You are not targeting dirty fighters like AJ's or kingies so heavy drag pressures are irrelevant. You only need 400-500m of 30lb mono with a drag setting of around 3-4kg and you will knock over monster speedsters. The beauty of a lever drag overhead reel is that you set the drag say 4kg in strike position then if you need to up it mid figh you can easily go to sunste by pushing the lever forward. Try doing this on a spin reel. When floating baits under baloons land based, casting doesn't really come into it as you would typically fish with the wind behind you using it to push the baloon out. E.g. A decent westerly wind is ideal in our region.

I guarantee that 90% of people won't be able to stay upright holding onto a rod with 20kg of drag pressure. Get a 7 or 8' long rod tie a 20kg bag of cement on the end and try lifting it. Now imagine the same weight pulling in a horizontal direction while you are trying to stay standing upright in a rocking boat. Easier said than done.

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Grant, I have in a mate a game club here on the coast, they/ we go right out chasing marlin with tyrnos 20 & 30's on 8 & 10 kg mono. I was going to suggest go out with someone who has this gear, but there won't be to many around, maybe sharking guys will have that gear.

I think just wind back a few kgs mate and enjoy the feel of what your doing battle with.

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The saragosa may pack 20kg of drag but its not likely that you will ever use it. To run that sort of drag you would want some 80lb or more braid to allow for reduction of line strength through connections.

And if you do run that much drag the reel wont survive long. Spin reels under high drag pressures will give up much quicker than overheads.

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thanks guys...I know the drag pressure is way high and know ill never lock the thing up like that. im probably going to spool it with 50lb SAS braid and will look at the 20000 and 25000 reels on the weekend,

For me its about having a reel with fast retrieve at over a meter of line per handle turn something I know the TLD 50 has. The 25's are 80cm with 10kgs of drag max. The main thing is a reel I can cast and still know I have at least 600m of line to play with should something take off.

I have lost some amazing fish to low line situations or light line and I dont like that as id certainly have some more amazing fish to speak of.

At least that way I can relax the drag and enjoy the fight. Hey Bri i'm certainly not about skull dragging a fish up unless I do go popping for GT up North or overseas. Thats isnt going to happen anytime soon.

I fish land based plastics with a stradic 5000 and have been nearly spooled more times than I care to remember with 150m of line and 4-6kg rated rod with 15lb line!

I like to know I have something that will handle a hard running fish offshore as we do get them..I will venture to the wrecks and want a reel that I can lock up more than 10-12kgs of drag but will do many tasks so that is why I have opted for the spin reel.

I do like the lever drags and love overhead reels as I have 3, but a few clicks on an spinning reel isnt that hard once you get he feel for it and understand a rod and the lines limitations. Thanks for the help guys and I will be sure to let you know how I go when I pay it off in a year or so :-)

For leader of course it will vary from 60lb to 120lb and mayve even more like 200lb if I do get that GT trip. What kind of length would you use in the situations I have mentioned? off the boat and reef and then shore based fishing. i usually run shorter 6ft so I can still put in a good cast with no knots going through the guides.

Thanks again

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Leader depends on what you a chasing. 10metres for trolling for marlin or 5metres for floatlining and rod length for casting slugs personally.

Id say if you are only getting 150m of 15lb braid on the 5k stradic then its likely to be rated much higher or its bad braid. Should fit easy 300m or more of actual 15lb.

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