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Upper upper Brissy and Stanley river 10.10.07


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Well what a day!

Myself and Terry met at Jimmybob's place about 03:30am for some freshwater action Up in the creeks and river near the dams.

With the weather being hot and humid for a while we were looking to target yalla's, monster catties and if the God's were listening a Mary cod.

First stop off was a small part of the river in between the 2 dams and, and as is his routine, Jimmybob was first to hook up!:lol: After a little tussle he brought up a nice big cattie. Not ling after that Jimmy's yahooing and calling for the lig grips as he'd hook onto a very decent yella! Unfortunetly as he got it up to shore it de-hooked itself and got away! I was next on after a chged to of lure (as the other ones werent working !). After a great fight i pulled in a massive cattie! It measeured to about 70cm+! Biggest cattie i ever caught and a first on lure. After a few snap shots it was release to fight another day.

After that both Jimmy and got 3 more catties each on lure, Jimmy using a Malflorence on all i think nd i dont know the brand of mine, but it was purple!

We then headed across to another part of the river, but as the storm started we thought it may not be a good idea to stand in the open holding graphite rods in the air!:lol:

So off we went to the Stanly! On the way we rescued and old dog that was walking on the road in the storm. This dog must have been an omen, for as we were looking for a house to ask someone if they recognised it, we found a guy who make and sells lures! I will be writing report on these later as we all bought some!

Anyway back to fishing! We jumped over to the stanly and started cating around some of the best snags ive ever seen!

It wasnt too long before my new lure got smashed about a meter away from me. It was awesome, i actually got to see the fish hit the lure! After a nice tussle, i brought in fat, incredibly golden yella! My first one ever!!!! After a measure (49.5)and some picks she was swam then released. I was hyped after catching my first yella, and even more happy when three cast later, and about 3 meters further done i hooked uo to another yella, this on about 40cm or so! Wohoo for me! After that jimmy was on again and we all raced down to make sure we got this one to land! A few more pics and a measure(?) the yella was release. After a while with no love we decided to head back and fish the spots we got the yellas from before we left. After a few casts i decided cast sideways about 1meter from the sure. A few winds and im on again!Nothing massive but a 20cm or so bass! My first wild bass ever!

After this Jimmy took us to an old fishing haunt of his in the stanly. I found a nice snag of logs and stumps after casting over the top of the snags 3 or 4 times when \"BAM\" zzzzzzzzzzzzz i get smashed and taken for the snag! The line wouldnt stop and the drag appeared useless! Then it stoppped...line taught. Got me in the snags and gone. Big thanks to jimmy who was so excited about the prospect of a mary river cod, he jumped in and tried to move the logs to see if we could get it out. All in all an awesome day! I got my first cattie on lure, my first yella, first wild bass and my first arse whooping by a fresh water Cod! An honourable to Terry, who had the same luck at this place that i did the first time i went there. Watching other people pull in fish right beside, or in the case of my bass, right infront of you can be a bit demoralising.But terry was a champ of good cheer and laughter all day (well almost all day!)

Piccies coming soon and so is a report on those lures we bought.

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i posted a reply before but seems to have disapeared!

Yes angus same place as last, did a little better this time!:lol:

I got all the lure makers details, great guy.

I cant wait to get out there again thats for sure. And i'll remember \"Cod tree\" for ever!

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wow...thats all i can say..im glad ash is my fishing buddy in the classic..he had a cracker of a day!...good on ya ash..and terry..you suck.:P .hahahah, just jokes matey...next time we will leave ash at home so we can get em all:P ....we were so close to getting our first cod..(notice how i said \"our\" cod ash? ):P

a wicked day in the best place in the world!..some pics...1st cattie of the day [img size=448]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/1.JPG

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angus...man u will have to come nxt time man;) ..we should have went there ( where the yellas were caught) last time we went out that way...not far from where that infamous dead cow photo was taken.

stu...as you can tell..we are not identical..i stood in cow poo when i was young and got a bit taller:P

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jimmybob wrote:

ash's first yella....well done man..never seen ya so happy:) [img size=448]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/PA100103.JPG

Ah. At last, I'm in a photo with a fish!

I don't want to talk about this trip.

1. I tried a million lures

2. I tried a million colours

3. I tried every retrieve I could think of

4. I tried different locations, some of which Ash and James caught from either before or after

5. I lost lures to my joining knot somehow ripping apart when casting... never had that before - and it happend 3 or 4 times that day ???

It's days like these that make you want to hang up the rod.

Thanks for the trip boys - even if I got bugger all

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