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Old and Bold Program


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PRFMA hosted an MBRC "old and bold" program today and it seemed to go very well. This event is where anyone over 50 can register for different activities that are being held by different places. Fishing from an electric tinny was this one as well as them doing some fishing. It turned out that Dad used to work with one of the men there so we took out Steve and his wife Ann. Both had a great day and they were lucky to pick up a bass each trolling down the dam. They were pretty chuffed with the bass and thought it was a very well run day.






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It was a lovely spring day, all seemed to enjoy themselves, did look like rain for a little while, but it held off, and I think I managed to down 4 sausages later on :whistle: Definitively would line up to help again!

The day was getting on a bit, and I was worried the fish would be off the bite by the time we hit the water.

So I had a word in Dino's ear at smoko and he promised to be brief in his talk, not sure if he was or not, but we ended up on the water about 9, (was supposed to be 8 I think) and fished to about 11:30, which ended up being a nice period to show a bit of the dam and catch a few fish without anyone getting bored, so it all worked out well. I didn't ask if I could post pictures of my two deckies for the morning, so I wont, but they caught a few fish each and I think had a good time.



PS I even cleaned the boat and checked the spare life jackets, which resulted in a quick trip to Kmart for a couple more :unsure: they were a bit rotten!

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