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My pb Flathead.

big al

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I was going through my old photo albums scanning all my pre-digital photos on to pc when I finally found my photo of my pb flattie at 99cm that I caught a few years back now.

There was only one photo left on the film so this is the only pic (Yeeeaah for the digital cameras we have today). [img size=332]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/img001_AFO.jpg


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My son and myself have had competion going for over 20yrs of who can cautch the biggest flattie, this pic was before max limit and before digital cameras were readily available and no camera on the boat so this was my only evidence, nowadys with digi cameras all our big flatties are released, even before max. limt was introduced.

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Nice catch man! I would have been happy with either of those catches.

How big was the jewie?

And yeah,big Al did state first up that it was caught a few years ago. The new sizing restricrions in Qld is only a reletively new rule, well when compared to our other fisheries rules anyway!:)

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