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43 minutes ago, Kat said:

Hi Legends 

@GregOugand I headed out for a session on Tuesday.  Launched about 7.15 sounded out a couple of spots on the way, marked for later exploration.

Arrived at Greg's spot X - the plan was to target Blackspot Tuskies.  We were armed with various baits including sand crab.

I landed the first fish first cast, an undersized cod of some sort - either Maori Cod or Honeycomb Cod.  No pic cause wanted to get straight back down.  

Shortly after I hooked up to something that gave me a fair fight and had a bit of weight to it.  At first in my head I was thinking shark - as has been my luck in the bay lately.  After a few runs and me praying my hooks didn't pull I (Greg with the net) landed a 66cm MILF. Absolutely stoked - best fish in the bay for a long long time. 

Pretty sure on my third cast I landed another, my first ever legal sized tuskie (not Blackspot) - think it was 34cmm.  Was really looking forward to the taste test though!!!

Shortly after Greg landed a decent sized flounder and then a legal tuskie - over legal just enough to allow for shrinkage if fisheries questioned him again 😸.

Unfortunately this was not long before the bottom of the tide and then the dreaded whiptails moved in!  They were picking out the crab meat and absolutely decimating the cuttlefish.  I think I hate these things more than sharks/wobbegongs and grinners!

Sick of re-baiting every 2 minutes we headed off to the earlier discovered spot only to deal with whiptails once again 😠. Headed back to spot X once there was some more run -  no joy - just whiptail after whiptail.....

Trolled on way back to ramp in hope of a mackerel etc - again no joy.

Beautiful enjoyable day on the bay!  Thanks mate!

Added bonus, Greg's chef mate, Mario filleted the fish while I was cleaning the boat 😘

Pics: excuse the ruler pic - Mario took it while I was cleaning 🤣





Didn't know what to expect from the title 😂

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26 minutes ago, ellicat said:

Good to see you and Greg got a feed and that's a good hard-fighting milf for the memory bank.

How good were the conditions later in the day !? We were watching the rain clouds up your way in the morning and wondering if you were getting wet.

Great conditions - we were watching rain clouds thinking they were your way lol!  A few spits

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17 minutes ago, Old Scaley said:

Nice catch, @Kat.  Keen to hear what you think of the eating quality. Thai fish cakes are always a great option if you decide you don’t love it.

This is about my 6th one.  One bigger than that too.  I think they are fine to eat - if not good (better than Tailor lol), BF doesn't like them but he is used to fishing further north and catching better quality fish so hard to please him. We are probably going to do a mild flavoured Thai curry for a change.  Will let you know how it turns out. Yummy Thai Fish cakes.  Last made those with Garfish.  Now I am really hungry

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39 minutes ago, kmcrosby78 said:

I was worried ..... particularly when it started with '@GregOugand I headed out for a session' .......... 🤔 😬🤭.

Great session you pair with some tasty captures and a nice, big MILF 🙂. Assume you must have been fishing the edge of the structure to also pick up a flounder, unless it's scattered rocks, etc.

We have absolutely no idea what’s down there, but I was certainly surprised by the flounder.

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44 minutes ago, Kat said:

Okay so I am gonna get so much flack from this post - but when the fish were filleted, there was as much flesh recovery from the MILF as possible.  I Froze the big pieces of fillet for later and kept some of the "offcuts" to fry up with the tuskie.  I actually enjoyed the MILF more than the tuskie 🙄

And I had the MILF frame which I baked in the oven along with the flounder and tuskie. I got quite a bit of meat from around the bones of the MILF due to its size. I’d say the flounder was best with the MILF and tuskie on a par. So I tend to agree with you. They are underrated.

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On 08/10/2022 at 8:32 PM, GregOug said:

I bought most of them a year or so ago but I'm getting too old for school. I just want someone to come out with me, set my sounder up properly and show me how to use it.

Nick would be the one then - Maybe you get Kat on board and you split the course costs. Just got to decide who will do the note taking 🙂

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On 08/10/2022 at 6:46 PM, Angry51 said:

Yeah, I got sounder 1 couple years ago.

But they reckon sounders 2 is the one to do now.

Same - got the sounder courses in a "one off" discount for fathers day special. Did both courses / setup the sounder and I don't think i've logged in since.

The number #1 thing i learnt was to get your sounder scroll speed right and keep the boat speed always consistent when you are exploring and sounding around.

That way you are always comparing fish arches "like for like" if the scroll speed or your boat speed differs each time you sound around this will give you differing fish arches.

The other thing was using down scan and side scan to explore is a game changer in terms of covering areas. Look for shadows to determine if there is fish.

I find using down/side scan much easier to spot fish compared to traditional sonar in the bay (10 -30m water)

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On 06/10/2022 at 10:37 PM, GregOug said:

And I had the MILF frame which I baked in the oven along with the flounder and tuskie. I got quite a bit of meat from around the bones of the MILF due to its size. I’d say the flounder was best with the MILF and tuskie on a par. So I tend to agree with you. They are underrated.

hmmm... not sure i'd put them on a par with tuskie but i certainly agree they are underrated as a food fish when looked after correctly from capture.  flounder are always welcome in my esky, especially if they are big enough to be filleted.

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21 hours ago, Hweebe said:

Nick would be the one then - Maybe you get Kat on board and you split the course costs. Just got to decide who will do the note taking 🙂

Already spoke to Greg about that - record function on his phone would be better than note taking.  Some screen shots would also help the memory.  

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