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Tweed adventure! 15th - 22nd


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Hi my friends, Get ready for a megga report of a weeks fishing. I bet 90% of people are just gonna scroll down a say \"stuff reading this\" lol.

I was planning on making a huge report with plenty of pictures ect but to my disappointment my camera and phone both got wet and now dont work so im very sorry and annoyed that i lost about 40pics and wont have any pics including a few ID's that i was looking foward to someone identifying. Also i was just writing the report up and 20mins in i accidentally deleted it lol :angry: but anyway certan stuff happens. It was my best ever fishing trip hehehe nothing to great but it was alot of fun. I used 6lb crystal fireline the whole time with 3lb fluro leader for bream and other small goodies and 8lb mono leader for Trevally and flathead. But i am in a writey mood so read all 2382 words if you dare :P.

The first day.

I arrived at the unit at about midday with fishing in mind ;). So i went down for an afternoon seshion at this little jetty neer Boyds Bay Bridge in the Tweed river using 2inch Gulp Shirmp in Nuclear Chicken on a 1/24 nitro jighead. Last time Flathead and I were here we found the bream VERY finniky, only tempting a few floating unwaited baits down on 4lb straight mono. When I arrived at the jetty thing it looked great with many bream big and small hanging around holding neer the bottom of the clear water. They wanted very little of my lure :( with only a couple of strikes here and there. Got a nice little hit and was on and to my supprise it was my first ever whiting on artificial , Although it was only 17cm it is a start and somthing i would like to build on but with poppers :D. Shortly after i was onto a 40ishcm flatty, I only had 3lb fluro leader so i didnt want to lift it up, so i went off the jetty down to the rocks so i could land it by hand but it managed to jump off my line before i could make it down :ohmy:. After that it was nothing for a while untill just before i was about to leave i was on but the bottem dwelling fish spat the hooks, i recasted in the same area and the silly critter was hooked good this time and i landed my first ever flounder at 21cm only small but an interesting creature. I then went home happy with my efforts even though it was quite pethetic to a serious lure fishermans standards but it was good for me an i was happy.

The second day.

Decided to go back to the jetty determind to catch one of the bream that were taunting me the day before. First i stopped in at Anglers Warehouse which is a great tackle shop full off everything you need at good prices, picked up some of the realy small jigheads cant remember what size they are, in 1/16th and some 1/4th tt jigheads for trevs and flattys, also picked up some Gulp 2inch minnow grubs in mango ripple to see if the finniky bream there liked a smaller offering. Got down to the jetty to my delight to see many bream holding middwater in the current. Within the first few casts with 2inch grubs on 1/16th jighead and 3lb fluro leader i was finnaly onto a bream, not big but a start, about 23cm full length. Within the next few casts i was on again with a 25cm full lenth bream (23cm fork) wich was sadly the biggest for the trip but its good for me and something i can build on. Straight after that a noisy boat pulled up and spooked the bream and the kid that got off who started jigging a bait jig around like mad didnt help either. Not to mention the group of 'Foreigners' who came down and proceded to take a few undersized bream :angry:, but lets not go down the racism path. Anyway the fishing got tougher and the bream got smarter i ended up with 5 from that session wich I was more than happy about. After that i got a lift from my dad to an old spot ive been to a couple of times with callum and his dad and done fairly well with bait. I was aiming for trevs as we had caught a couple on bait there so i tied on some 8lb leader and a squidgey flickbait. First cast a few jigs and i was on with a 34cm flatty, about time i a landed a flattie on Sp, Had lost 2 before that and caught one on hardbody but yaeh my first flatty, not a trev but a first. Nothing after that except snags. Went down to abit further to a little rockwall near a bridge. Started using the grubs again and was onto a grumpy pretty little 15cm moses perch who smashed the lure right at my feet it was awsome to watch. After that hooked a 20ich cm bream in the cheek but that was it for the day.

The Third day

I had a action packed 2 hour session this day. Went down to that same jetty, but it was no good, couldnt see any bream at all. So decided to try this nice stretch of rockwall that goes for about 150m or so down to boyds bay bridge, this is were the fun started. A few casts in with i get a solid hit and catch my pb moses perch for the time 25cm. After that another moses perch of 25cm! and then a small bream, all on 2inch minnow grub in mango ripple. After that i got a few more touches and a couple of bustoffs, and bitten off tails, I was loosing quite a few grubs so i put one of my pearl white squidgey wrigglers on that i had never caught a fish on before. A couple of casts in i got SMASHED with line peeling off, it went like a train and had me in a snag, i was trying to yank it out with my whole rod and reel underwater trying to get the best angle, i waited abit and it swam out but it was buggerd! up comes my first cod on lure and my pb 32cm may not be big but i thought it was a decant effort on 3lb leader ladnbased on a oyster infested rockwall wich you cant pull the fish away from snags because everywhere is a snag lol. I was stoked took a few pics and noticed the critter had scraches on its side from wedgeing itself inside some sort of sharp snag. I saw my leader was quite frayed from the fight, i was about to tye a new leader when out of the corner of my eye i see a big bustup on the surface, without thinking i hurl my sp at the bustup and it lands right infront of it, im instantly on!! 5 seconds later Ping! the addrenoline sure was pumping!. I didnt have much longer so i headed down to boyds bay bridge in serch of a trev. Using 8lb leader and 1/4th jighead and a squidgey flickbait in 70mm and pilly colour. First cast next to the eddy on the second pilon and i got absoluty BELTED! line peeling off like no tomorrow, started to gain abit and then ping, my line went slack ARRGGHHHH I found my leader knot had snapped a big lesson Learnt!!! after that i had to go home but i knew i would be back the day after for revenge!

The fourth day

I went straight down to the bridge where i got busted off the day before. Flicked around for ages for nothing exept a follow from a school of trevs when i was retriving my flickbait flat out like a slug :P. Went over to the other side of the bridge and started flicking around there but found it was no were near as good as the side i was on because you can only cast at the first set of pilons.. I was half hartedly chucking at the first set of pilons when to my suprise i was on, up came my first legal flattie at 36cm Just legal for NSW :P, but released offcorse. Went back to the other side and threw inbetween the middle of the second bridge pilons and to my joy finnaly hooked up to a trev, a good fight but not as good as the one that busted me off there the day before, it was a 36cm bigeye trevally:) , took some good pics wich are now probly lost :angry: It then went quiet but i picked up another flatty at about 35cm again. My pairents then came down and brought me some lunch :) and i was like \"hey mum watch me catch a fish!\" Tied on the 3lb leader and grub and not long later picked up a weird fish wich looks a scat/butterbream, it was yellow with black stripes and a small mouth and about 15cm quite pretty any ideas? then managed a small 20cm bream. Went back to the rockwall and flicked around for nothing but a couple of bustoffs wich made me put on my 8lb leader but with the grub still in hope of a nice cod or big bream or somthing, When i saw that same bustup again wich i gut snapped off the day before so i threw to it, the sp landed quite far away from it acctully but still instantly hooked up! good fight and in comes a 35cm bigeye! woot great fun theese fish. After that caught the most pretty/strange fish ive caught, never seen one before, it looked excatly like an easutry cod but was black with Blue spots! 24cm, any ideas?, took heaps of good photos hopfully i can get them to work sometime soon. After that caught 2 more bream about 20cm again.. Then went home happy.

The fith day (gee this is getting long!)

Well this I only had a quick flick at currumbin creek after playing mini golf! :P. Flicked around the bridge pilons and managed 1 Trevally on flickbait, im not sure what kind it was.. deffenetly not a bigeye, GT, Golden, Diamond, hard to explain but it was only small 21cm, had a soft sucker mouth, wish i could show you the pics :(.

The sixth day

Well this day my best mate Callum (flathead) came down for the morning to fish with me :D.

We started off the day at the pontoon where we missed a few bream and got bitten off by some big pike, but callum managed a 37cm flattie. We moved down to the rockwall with instant succes, first cast i nailed a small 29cm flattie next to the rockwall, ccallum then caught a 27cm cod wich put up a good fight,. I then hooked up to a 24ishcm happy moment wich put up a good fight. Callum then caught another midd30 flatty and then a nother small cod. We then went to the bridge in serch of a trev. Not much was happening, i started eating my sandwiches and when i finished i had a throw where i caught one of my trevs before and i was on! :) 33cm bigeye! great fun. That was it callum had to go home but i continued. Venturing down to a little creek. The water was realy calm so i decided to tie on a surecatch popper inserch of a whiting. I was only getting a few follows from the odd small finiky bream. Tried all sorts of retrieves but couldnt tempt anything, i then saw a school of decant sized bream and 'whiting' so i casted to em and did the fast whiting retrieve and got absolutly smashed by my pb pike 37cm and my first fish on popper. Went to go take a pic when to my horror i found my camera and phone wet and not working i left them to close to the waterline and the tide was comin in :(. I only had one option to go back to the jetty and fish there untill my mum or dad comes lookin for me :P. Some man gave me some worms so i had to spoil my lure only trip :P used them unwaited and caught 2 butter bream and 2 bream biggest 26cm.. went back to lures because they are much more fun in places like this :P. Ended up with 3 moses perch biggest my new pb 26cm or 24.5cm to the fork :silly:, 1 small bream and 1 10cm unknow red sort of cod :S. I then went home.

The seventh day

This day i went down to the tweed river mouth for only about 45mins to try for a trevally. I saw some big bream and luderick i think crusing around but i knew it would be tough to catch them as the swell is big there. Still had my 3lb leader and bream jighead on so i thouhgt \"ill just let something big bust me off so it makes re-rigging easier\" :P managed a very pretty 23ishcm moses perch and then got snagged. Put on the trev lure and leader but i couldnt tempt any trevs, queenies, or tailer, all i could tempt is a small butterbream! lol foul hooked... Well that was it folks my last fish for the trip :(:).

If you read to this far you are a VERY patient man, or a VERY bored man, or you LOVE reading fishin reports ;). Damn i wish i could write essays this easy.. All in all a good way to kick off the holidays and kick off my hopefully long and succesfull lure fishing career. All up got 36 fish on plastics, 1 fish on poppers if pike count, and 4 fish on my 10mins of using free bait :P. Thanks for reading if you did lol!. and merry Christmas and happy hollidays!

Tim M

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Sounds like a great holiday Tim!

What did you do with the camera and phone? You should have rinsed in fresh water and put them somewhere warm and shady for a few days to dry out.

If all else fails you should still be able to get the photo's off the card in the camera, they are pretty water resistant, I have got photo's back off one that went through the washing machine.

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Great stuff. Good on you for sticking to lures. Even small fish can be a real buzz when you catch them on lures. And like everyone else said, Big Eye trevelley pull really really hard. I love catching them. Try an Sx40 next time you see a school. They hit them like crazy!

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that jetty is awesome - i used to live down that way and the jetty along the rock wall and under the bridge is one of my favourite places - the rock wall holds some very nice bream, and under the bridge if you stand to the leftside on the sand and cast out there is a large sand bank that has quite a few decent flatties...

its good to hear that there are still heaps of fish there, ive been trying to plan a trip down there but yeah just work and other commitments have been so ive had to keep fishing closer to home

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Good read and well done on the Trevally. At 36cm, they would have put up an awesome fight on 6lb line:)

And yeah, when you wash your phone in fresh water, dismantle it as far as you can go before having to undo screws and then leave it to dry. I saw this done on \"The Gadget Show\" and nearly every gadget they did it with worked perfectly afterwards.

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