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daiwa sol


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Sol also comes with a spare spool. The Caldia Kix, Freams Kix and the Advantage all are identical to the Sol other then the colours and a few different mixtures of CRBB and normal ball bearings. The Sol is the go as it's got the best stats (Bearing wise) and comes with a spare spool. Plus, it's freaking orange! Advantage also comes with a spare spool but has one less CRBB and the rrp is only around $10-20 difference.


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Plastic Man wrote:

LIVE_2_FiSH wrote:
whats the comparison in price between the two?

kix 249 sol 295 i have both and i see no really difference in them

Yeah i have used both now and they are both smooth as.

And if your paying at extra $50 bucks for colour i :laugh: at you.


P.S. Anyway i think pure silver is sexy anyway.

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Angus wrote:

STU wrote:
Watch out cause I got ripped off on ebay for a 2000sol never showed up did you pay paypal for it that helps I direct debited the funds I hope the seller was not Shazzy

At least you won one bacj in the classic :P

Thats karma at its best

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