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New winch cable


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Well after my little Baroon pocket "incident" I had two choices, get the hook put back on my existing winch rope, or fit a new rope including hook.

Well, sussed it out, only $23 for a bigger thicker cable with the hook already attached, I figured it was a "no brainer" did not even look at what it would have cost to fix the old cable, just bought a new one. New cable is 5mm, the old one looks much thinner, I'm suprised it lasted so long considering the places I have winched the boat out of!

So today I'll be putting a new winch cable on.

So what are your recommendations?

Should I grease the new cable as it goes on, or should I trust the galvanising? My old cable I covered in a lanotec type stuff I got off Gazza, kept the old cable supple and rust free for a year.

Do any of you blokes who crab in the pine river want a nice hairy wire rope for attaching to your pots. :)

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Well, ended up winding it on giving it a really good squirt of Inox every couple of turns of the handle.

Made an interesting little discovery though, I am going to have to take her down the local boat ramp tomorrow and launch her and wind her back on to get the slack out of the cable.

Even though I tensioned it as much as I could while winding it on, its still to loose to really pull the boat up snug. (Cable just winding up slack underneath the surface coils)

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