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manly jetty friday night!


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Yeah waldo, the tide will get better through the night. The bottom of the tide is very largely hit and miss.

Benno - the more the merrier. The less sober the merrier :P

Shrimpo - what time do you finish work mate?? we may be there till late.

Kriso - yeah, one of our mates caught a bream on a plastic at night there. Fluke i reckon though. But if you're ever there for sunrise at the right tide, you can hook up trevs, flatties and moses. I've never personally had luck with a plastic at night there. Then again I've only properly fished there with plastics 3 times.

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kriso wrote:

anyone had luck on plastics there? just restocked on my favorites so thinking of giving it ago

Great for plastics mate.

Fished there with ando a few times. He got Trevs. I got moses perch, pike and bream.

So I took Tanya there. She caught 7 Pike and that was her first plastics session. I got a few pike a bream that day.

If you use 2 Inch Gulp shrimps you should do ok i reckon. I have never fished there at night but i reckon that should make it easier for the bream.

Good luck guys looking forward to the report.


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Yeah Benno, cast netting will be on the agenda. I'll soak a livie, while flicking plastics/HBs as well.

Might get squid, larger bream/butter bream. And if we're lucky, prawns. Have had a mate there bag out on prawns down there on his own. Apparently his arms were a bit sore after. Pansy :D

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Dostylz after your Jack, and the recent 70cm plus flatty caught there, a larger live fish bait could be an awesome option.

Id even float a live prawn or fish out for a big trev.

I have seen 3 small squire caught there as well. No reason a bigger boy might not be around at night :)


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well the weather started behaving itself and just had a constant little drizzle of rain harldy noticed it, beno and henry where throwing the net around but bait was scarce with a couple of herring a few squid caught in the net too, bites were slow and only small fish landed, i caught one bream that wasnt even worth measuring (dostyles has the photo) also waldo turned up and when i was leaving said he got onto a couple of moses and bream. Even though the fish werent coperating while i was there i still had a blast catching up with the guys and will have to do it again soon.


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I wandered down late and was a bit unsociable prefering to keep away from the guys with the nets. Got a near legal bream first cast bite off second then settled into feeding a heap of small bites.

Shifted down to where the jetty just begins and got a nice moses perch in the first 2 casts but there too went quiet. Had been watching a cloud approach and looked like some set in raim so I bolted just before midnight.

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