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Traveston Dam?


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hey all, whats the go with Traveston Dam? Is it still going ahead? or has it been scrapped?

Also, your thoughts on whether your for or against the dam. I gotta be honest i dont know enough about it to form an opinion yet so id like to hear what you guys have got to say.

Please keep in mind this is an open forum so treat all members responses with respect, from what ive seen on the news a while ago there are very passionate poeple for and against the dam

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yeah i havent heard anything about it in ages, dont even know where it is/was going to be i know this may come across as ignorant but wasnt really bothered about it as was watching to see if they where going to put a freeway through my back yard (western bypass)

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There hasn't been any news since late last year.

I don't like the idea of a dam on the river which would most likely disrupt mary river cod breeding grounds given that they're an endangered species, as well as queensland lungfish (threatened) and the mary river turtle.

I would like to be able to go up to this RIVER and fish for big yellas (can't fish for cod there, they're protected.. but cod as by catch I can live with ;)) togas bass etc.

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Well, it's a difficult question, and I know I'd have a different opinion if I lived close to the area beng dammed, but I reckon it should go ahead. We need the water, and there are not too many possible dam sites around.

But yeah, if I lived close to the are, I know I'd be against it;)

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Apparently still going ahead....wont be finished until 2011...but like alot of infrastructure up here government is dragging it's feet . Must of been 3 or 4 visability studies done now. They have to build a dam somewhere simple as that , and being from tassie i know that they will do it regardless....it's just a time thing now...there is always the for and against arguments no matter where it is .

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Guys im all for a dam. Unfortunatelly with our climate lack of water is becoming a huge problem. With the influx of people into seq (1000 people a week) they certainally need to look long term. Any other measures are stop gaps. WE need to water. Its unfortunate for those in the way. But sacrafice of the few is a gain for the many.


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I think its a real shame to dam such a beautiful waterway which contains unique species that are natively found no where else. I plan to do a trip Kayaking the mary from its upper reaches west of kenilworth to its meeting with the ocean. its about a 250klm + paddle that would be a few weeks of camping fishing and paddling. I think i better get cracking on some of the finer points as it wont be therw very much longer :(:(:(

A couple of facts about the dam

it is going to have an average depth of only around 3-4meters, it will not effectively hold water due to the sandy base to the soil in the area, I mean its mined for River sand. and with such a low average depth it will be subject to great losses through evaporation. I think if they are looking to build a dam they should try and at least look at putting it in a place that might hold water. when it comes to holding water and staying full the most successfull dam in SE QLD would have to be Baroon Pocket, its built in a high rain fall area and is extremely deep. some of the water there is 165ft ++. I think something modeled on baroon would be the smart thing. Hell they could even make baroon a heap bigger if they built a bigger wall and filled that entire valley, this would only effect a small amount of homes also.

anyway thats my rant for the week lol


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Nossman wrote:

Where do you get it dan? This sort of thing interests me...in tas we had some huge fights over dams...eventually they just built them somewhere else if they were too heavily opposed.

They sold all the copies unfortunately and never made any more.:(

It was pretty dodgy and obviously biased though so I took any ifno with a grain of salt.

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True they usually are dan.BUT they do usually have some good points to think about.My belief is , yes they do need a dam...but i reckon somewhere on the hinterland where there is better rainfall etc is probably the go...but that's just my opinoin....i'm sure the government has covered ALL possible sights lol.

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they should not have abandoned the plans for the wolfdene dam years ago then traveston would not be needed

totaly agree with what lee said about the depth and the sandy substrate

this dam will be next to useless except as a bit of flood mitigation for gympie

my 2c worth

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"“If you do your sums, the average depth of the lake is only 8.6 metres,†Ass Prof Williams is quoted as saying.

“On Met Bureau figures, evaporation in that area would take about 1.42 metres off that depth.

“Depending on the sort of foundation they find, you would expect about 0.3m to 3m to leak out the base. Add the two together and you get a loss of up to half the storage in the dam each year." quoted from: http://www.themaryvalley.com.au/articles/cms/22/expert-says-mary-river-dam-will-not-hold-water

Edit: did a quick search, quick read around..

It sounds like the location of this dam is just stupid. I think it was Lee (its almost midnight and I can't be bothered reading the other posts now) basically pointed out that it's the exact opposite of what a good dam should be. This dam is goign to be huge in area, but have bugger all water in it. It's shallow flood plains that will result in a huge amount of water evaporation. Not only that, but the area isn't exactly a wetland. it's like our wivenhoe and somerset, located in places that miss the majority of our rain.

Baroon Pocket on the other hand is situated in the mountains, it's in a deep valley. It may not look it from the water, but if you ever see the dam wall and the other side, or hell, if you ever HEAR the thunderous roar of water flowing over the wall, you will know that this dam is on a DEEP valley.

But seriously, I don't think any dam is required for our water supply. There are other alternatives.

Recycled water is one.

Capturing our Stormwater run off is another. Brisbane would be a far better catchment than what we have for wivenhoe and somerset.

Desalination plants are another. the efficiency in reverse osmosis has drastically increased over recent times meaning that this is a viable alternative. Some figures I saw indicate that a Desal plant can provide twice the water of the Traveston.

But hey, we have one major river left in the SEQ region that doesn't have a dam on it. Lets quickly whack a dam on that for a nice cool projected $1 Billion.

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i have no opinion on the traverston dam. However we will need water eventually and i dont think desal plants are as environmetally friendly as suggested.

recycled water maybe a good option.

Massive amounts of bore water is evaporated every day out west in order to collect natural gas, maybe this water could be put to a better use.

also cubby sation? that place has enough water to keep queensland going for decades

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cubby station should be shut down for the good of the whole country. the amount of water that place uses in an environment that is not designed to be constantly moist is obscene in the extreme.

also, terry, totally agree. the traveston dam is a travesty. the water loss to evaporation will be ridiculous, not to mention the environmental impact it will have on the area and resident wildlife. and that is ignoring the human impact factor. yes ok, "the greater good" must be considered but surely if places like dubai can exist with virtually zero rain, SE qld can find a way.

recycled water (anyone who has a complaint with this - well, fish in wivenhoe have to relieve themselves somewhere...), desalination are definate options, but neither the definitive one. it all comes down to better management of what we have. i'm still a bit dumafounded as to why weirs haven't been considered as an option as opposed to dams. it works very well in rocky, they have never come close to running out of water, and has a minimal environmental impact, even less here due to fewer migratory fish. just my 2 cents worth...

benno <'><

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just thought i'd add this to show exactly how "green" the greens party is... what a pack of f'in hypocrytes.

Greens who back ALP sink Mary Valley residents

5 September 06

Save the Mary River Coordinating Group

Greens’ ALP preferences angers Mary Valley residents

THE picturesque Mary Valley is doomed to the watery depths of a leaky mega-dam if you believe polling that shows Premier Peter Beattie will romp it in at the coming election on the back of Greens’ preferences from marginal seats.

Anti-dam campaigners believe the only thing that is likely to save the valley is action by the Commonwealth Government to block the proposal on environmental grounds through application of the EPBC Act 1999.

Save the Mary River Coordinating Group spokesman Kevin Ingersole has appealed to people in key marginal seats to understand that a vote for the Greens candidates with Labor preferences is a vote for the Beattie Government, a vote for the Traveston Crossing Dam, and a vote for the potential destruction of the Mary River.

He said there was a widespread belief that some Greens members had used the Mary River issue to support their principled position opposing all dams and that to date, the group had appreciated this support.

“However, it seems now that tens of thousands of voters will be voting for the Greens in some electorates in the mistaken belief that their vote will save the Mary River from devastation,†he said.

“This is absolutely not the case. Greens preferences in certain electorates will go to the Beattie Labor Government and will give a green light to the proposed Traveston Crossing Dam - potentially sealing a death warrant for the Mary River.

“It is now evident that a deal has been done between the Greens and the ALP and that this deal was brokered some weeks ago.â€Â

Mr Ingersole said the group had email correspondence from leading Greens members confirming this to be the case.

“We can no longer remain silent on grubby political deals done behind closed doors and only made public when the opportunity to influence such arrangements has all but disappeared,†he said.

The Greens will recommend direct preferences to the Labor party in 13 seats - Cairns, Chatsworth, Clayfield, Cook, Hervey Bay, Indooroopilly, Maroochydore, Mount Ommaney, Toowoomba North, Kurwongbah, Woodridge, Keppel and Mt Gravatt.

“We appeal to people voting for Greens candidates in these electorates to number all boxes on the ballot paper and put Labor last’†he said.

Save the Mary River Coordinating Group

Support and Information Centre, Kandanga Railway, Ph: 5488 4800

email: savethemaryriver@gmail.com

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