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2nd Hand Info caught again


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Had the radio on 4BC sun morning and the ears pricked up when someone from up the coast came on and mentioned that they were getting good sized bass at Lake Macdonald at the bubble trail. Well I didn't have to be told twice, I was on my way bright and early Mon morn,arriving at 6.30am and trolling by 7am. We trolled down to the wall and back up to the bubble trail, so far seen about 3 fish on the sounder. At the bubble trail could not find any fish on the sounder.

Headed up the dam trying the old creek bed at several places, tried the edges of the weed beds and trolled for miles. Not only was we unable to get a fish, but was unable to find many on the sounder. The water was a nice shade of dark chocklate which could have had something to do with.

How many times do you hear there is a hot bite on at so and so and when you get there they say oh that was last week. Grrrrrrrrr $40 for fuel, I could have gone to Wivenhoe.

Then again they could of still been there.


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Yeah thats a shame, reminds me of a time that a mate had a "hot tip" he heard of this place on the logan river where you'd catch big bream, flatties, jacks, jewfish, sharks etc.So off we went after work, he took us down the end of the street past the cable ski park, we beat our way through some mangroves onto some "nice firm mud" haha, we both ended up in mud up to our waist and we literally couldn't get out, so we had to lean over, grab hold of each other and drag ourselves out, covered in mud from head to toe. After trying to clean ourselves off in a mosquito ridden puddle near the car, we headed off home without even throwing a line in...

Might be ok in a boat, definitely not landbased.



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