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Line Review.


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Found this review for those interested.

bought 2 spools of the varivas 'bass max power pe braid x8' power finess line in 11lb (0.8)(from plat if i remember correctly). they came in 75 meter (82 yard) spools.

I used one spool on my td sol 2000/gloomis bronzeback combo in the meantime.

out of the box it is ultra limp, you couldnt tell the different in smoothness between the varivas PE and the smoothest mono i own, which is sunline defier. it is ultra thin, as you might expect from 11lb braid, as well as being ultra tightly woven in comparison to any other braid ive tried, and ive tried all the domestic brands at one time or another.

on the reel, it handles extremely well, it ultra sensitive, and i had very few if any wind knots (none that i can recall) and ive fished in some very braid unfriendly windy conditions with it. basically if you could imagine spiders silk coming off of your line, that is what it feels like, and handles beautifully.

unfortunately with that tight braid and ultra thin line comes a price, and that price is abrasion resistance. it does not seem to handle any type of abrasion well, any tiny nick on the line will puff out and look like goose down. i used the palomar knot fairly exclusively, and without being fished, it seemed to have excellent break strength. however, take that knot to the lake or river and fish it in the real world and i found that you are breaking off much more than you would normally.

if i fished it side by side sufix 10lb, i would guesstimate that i broke of about 85% more often with the varivas under the same circumstances. in fact i lost so much confidence in varivas that i had to lay that td sol/gloomis bronzeback combo down and rely on another casting combo spooled with defier to do the job half as efficiently and effectively, but with greater confidence of landing that fish. very disappointing in lieu of all its other great characteristics, and i have to say that i most likely wont be using my other spool of this due to my lack of confidence in it holding up to a good hookset or hard fighting fish.

id give it a rating of 5 out of 5 for its amazing handling and softness. but however its lack of abrasion resistance gets a 0 out of 5. total 5 out of 10.

would i buy it again? for real world fishing, id say no, but if i were in a padded cell with no sharp objects, id say hell yeah!

To read the review on TackleTours site, click here

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shortie wrote:

Found this review for those interested.

bought 2 spools of the varivas 'bass max power pe braid x8' power finess line in 11lb (0.8)(from plat if i remember correctly). they came in 75 meter (82 yard) spools.

I used one spool on my td sol 2000/gloomis bronzeback combo in the meantime.

out of the box it is ultra limp, you couldnt tell the different in smoothness between the varivas PE and the smoothest mono i own, which is sunline defier. it is ultra thin, as you might expect from 11lb braid, as well as being ultra tightly woven in comparison to any other braid ive tried, and ive tried all the domestic brands at one time or another.

on the reel, it handles extremely well, it ultra sensitive, and i had very few if any wind knots (none that i can recall) and ive fished in some very braid unfriendly windy conditions with it. basically if you could imagine spiders silk coming off of your line, that is what it feels like, and handles beautifully.

unfortunately with that tight braid and ultra thin line comes a price, and that price is abrasion resistance. it does not seem to handle any type of abrasion well, any tiny nick on the line will puff out and look like goose down. i used the palomar knot fairly exclusively, and without being fished, it seemed to have excellent break strength. however, take that knot to the lake or river and fish it in the real world and i found that you are breaking off much more than you would normally.

if i fished it side by side sufix 10lb, i would guesstimate that i broke of about 85% more often with the varivas under the same circumstances. in fact i lost so much confidence in varivas that i had to lay that td sol/gloomis bronzeback combo down and rely on another casting combo spooled with defier to do the job half as efficiently and effectively, but with greater confidence of landing that fish. very disappointing in lieu of all its other great characteristics, and i have to say that i most likely wont be using my other spool of this due to my lack of confidence in it holding up to a good hookset or hard fighting fish.

id give it a rating of 5 out of 5 for its amazing handling and softness. but however its lack of abrasion resistance gets a 0 out of 5. total 5 out of 10.

would i buy it again? for real world fishing, id say no, but if i were in a padded cell with no sharp objects, id say hell yeah!

well firstly,

top highlited sentence.

very interesting did that just pop up recently? hmm interesting very interesting

Secondly, considering teh link dan posted quotes

bought one to use on my opus-1/custom finesse rod combo and the other for backup. the custom rod has been held up for a while due to blank availability, so i used one spool on my td sol 2000/gloomis bronzeback combo in the meantime.

whereas shortie has posted in his gear highlited in red.

Very interesting very interesting indeed

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Whats your point fisherman?:huh:

It's a good review, thats just saved me $80. My Sufix is just about stuffed and I was looking into Varivas braid because Kev speaks so highly of it, truth be told Kev knows a hell of a lot more about "quality" gear than I do. So I tend to listen to what he says about his tackle:huh:

Thanks for the info shortie. I owe you a beer;)


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fishyman wrote:

shortie wrote:
Found this review for those interested.

bought 2 spools of the varivas 'bass max power pe braid x8' power finess line in 11lb (0.8)(from plat if i remember correctly). they came in 75 meter (82 yard) spools.

I used one spool on my td sol 2000/gloomis bronzeback combo in the meantime.

out of the box it is ultra limp, you couldnt tell the different in smoothness between the varivas PE and the smoothest mono i own, which is sunline defier. it is ultra thin, as you might expect from 11lb braid, as well as being ultra tightly woven in comparison to any other braid ive tried, and ive tried all the domestic brands at one time or another.

on the reel, it handles extremely well, it ultra sensitive, and i had very few if any wind knots (none that i can recall) and ive fished in some very braid unfriendly windy conditions with it. basically if you could imagine spiders silk coming off of your line, that is what it feels like, and handles beautifully.

unfortunately with that tight braid and ultra thin line comes a price, and that price is abrasion resistance. it does not seem to handle any type of abrasion well, any tiny nick on the line will puff out and look like goose down. i used the palomar knot fairly exclusively, and without being fished, it seemed to have excellent break strength. however, take that knot to the lake or river and fish it in the real world and i found that you are breaking off much more than you would normally.

if i fished it side by side sufix 10lb, i would guesstimate that i broke of about 85% more often with the varivas under the same circumstances. in fact i lost so much confidence in varivas that i had to lay that td sol/gloomis bronzeback combo down and rely on another casting combo spooled with defier to do the job half as efficiently and effectively, but with greater confidence of landing that fish. very disappointing in lieu of all its other great characteristics, and i have to say that i most likely wont be using my other spool of this due to my lack of confidence in it holding up to a good hookset or hard fighting fish.

id give it a rating of 5 out of 5 for its amazing handling and softness. but however its lack of abrasion resistance gets a 0 out of 5. total 5 out of 10.

would i buy it again? for real world fishing, id say no, but if i were in a padded cell with no sharp objects, id say hell yeah!

well firstly,

top highlited sentence.

very interesting did that just pop up recently? hmm interesting very interesting

Secondly, considering teh link dan posted quotes

bought one to use on my opus-1/custom finesse rod combo and the other for backup. the custom rod has been held up for a while due to blank availability, so i used one spool on my td sol 2000/gloomis bronzeback combo in the meantime.

whereas shortie has posted in his gear highlited in red.

Very interesting very interesting indeed

Tom what are you pointing out?

Shortie just cut out the sentence that says he bought one to use on his opus-1 and the other for the back up...

Shortie didn't add anything to it, even your quote from the TT site has it!

so i used one spool on my td sol 2000/gloomis bronzeback combo in the meantime.

Sorry, what were you trying to point out?

Maybe it's interesting given my recent report from NPD which included Sunline Castaway failing out in the field.


For those interested in another line, I'm not sure how others rate it but I've had no trouble with TD Sensor. I've tried Sunline PE (Green stuff) and got a few wind knots in that. I think I've had one wind knot with the TD Sensor, and it's held up pretty well in amongst snags too.

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For power fishing Power Pro is really cheap on ebay and is very heavy duty. Best power fishing line I've used. Not for finesse use though.

TD Sensor Braid is the best finesse line I have used.

I have never seen Kev have a line failure in 12 months using Varivas in all types of fishing situations though, so don't believe everything you read on US forums.

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To everyone trying to start crap here:

Shortie never changed any part of this review. If you actually read the review you would have seen this. He never tried to claim it as his own, in fact he even said: "Found this review for those interested."

If you read the article in the link Dan posted, 2nd paragraph has:

i bought one to use on my opus-1/custom finesse rod combo and the other for backup. the custom rod has been held up for a while due to blank availability, so i used one spool on my td sol 2000/gloomis bronzeback combo in the meantime.

The part shortie included is in bold, the part he left out is in underline.

Stop trying to say he was claiming it as his own, he wasn't. He said he found this review, his only fault is he didn't say where.

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