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Surgeons Knot?


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hey shrimpo,

its the only knot i use for joining mainline (braid) to leader material, not because i think its any better than any other knot but simply because i can't recall it ever failing. if the braid is way finer in diameter than the leader i just double the end of the braid over and tie a 5 turn surgeons knot as normal, bit of a handful at first but can do it in the dark now, but then again i do my best work in the dark. :P


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yeah i'm not that fussy, i usually just drag what i think i might want from a spool of leader plus a few inches, join it to the mainline with a surgeons knot then bung on a hard bod or softy, usually end up with what i want at the end without to much waste. i wish wasted leader material was my greatest fishing expense.


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To get the perfect leader length everytime, tie the joining knot while the leader is still attached to the spool as this is the knot that usually takes the most goes to get it perfect. Then after that's done, wind on a rod length (or whatever you want) and cut the leader material then. That's what I always do:cheer:

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There's nothing wrong with the Surgeons knot. Ease knot to master and after some practise you will be able to do it with your eyes closed.

I used this knot till just recently to join leader to braid main line.

I have now changed to using the Albright knot for this only because it seems presents a smaller profile knot that run through the rod eyes better.

The albright is the way to go but it is definetly harder to do on a rocking boat than the surgeons.

As for knot strength I can't say as I have noticed any difference between the two knots.

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