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Closed season for Bass Dont Forget.


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I had forgotten, just as well Erin's horse riding was cancelled, I was planning on throwing a line in the caboolture river and trying for a few bass with my new reels whilst waiting.

Whilst it is stocked, it is not on the list of "allowed impoundments" for fishing in the closed season!

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ooohhh ok... I thought most dams would have suitable areas for spawning and that you chuck in (whoops, stock the dam) with 20,000 hoping that they go on to make 20,000 more and then you chuck in more everynow and then to top up.

So you are saying that pretty much every fish taken out of there by man was put in there by man?

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Booty: All bass in impoundments will be stocked unless they are left over from the remenant population from before the river was dammed. Thats why the stocking groups are so important and the reason I happily pay my fishing permits.


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Booty, some stocked fish can breed, providing enough was stocked in the first place. Example: Saratoga. Fish like Bass on the other hand cannot. As Dazza said, they need brackish water. This is why you hear of so many bass going over the dam wall when water spills over/is released. It's because they head for the running water, which should naturally take them down to brackish water ;)

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