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What's with the price of prawns??


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Just had 1/2kg cooked Vietnamese Prawns for lunch, $3.64!!! ($6ish a kg on special) Ozzie prawns go for $30 or so a kilo. As a recent import into this fine country I do my best to buy Australian, but find it increasingly hard as everything imported is way cheaper!! I've even seen kangaroo scrotum purses made in China!! I'm at the stage now where if a product has a "made in australia" sticker I'm reckoning maybe it's just the sticker made in Australia and the product is imported!!! Any tips on supporting the Australian Economy without going skint??? :(

Woolworths Vietnamese prawns are now about 1/4 the price of servo prawns! Every cloud and all that!!! ;)

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Goodness knows what environment they've been in in vietnam. Get down to the trawlers and buy bay prawns for $10 a kg. You can get them at shorncliffe near cabbage tree creek pretty much every morning. School Bay prawns are about $10/kg and the tigers and bigger ones are $15/20 a kg. Woolworths and coles are a rip off.

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It can be hard but personally I will only eat aussie seafood if i can help it

I purchased prawns off the trawler for $15 per kg on saturday and they were to die for!!!!

I would never buy the $6 if i can get last nights catch from moreton bay especially for anything under $20 per kg

The supermarket are a freaken rip off!!!

I buy the basics there and shop at the west end markets or green grocer for produce and the Super butcher for meat

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my memory recall of this is a bit hazy,but years ago when the market was opened up the Australian Seafood mob`s story went,cheap imported Asian prawns carry/harbour a thing called white spot disease,supposedely non harmful to humans but capable of harming other prawn fisheries if it got into their stock.

That was many years ago,and if I recalled right,the thing they forgot to say was the bloody cheap things are also tasteless

cheers Gad

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as i am trying to keep my part time job going ONLY buy from us :P nah just buy straight from the trawler as everyone is saying: go down to cabbage tree creek morning sometimes afternoon and buy from them as the co-op has closed they r forced to sell privately. my boss only sells privately as morgans will buy a kilo of tigers for $4.60 and sell for 28 bucks. he sells a kilo for 8-15 dollars depending on how much is caught on the night. the bay prawns we sell around 5- 8 dollars a kilo and sand crabs and 3 spot crabs we sell for 3 dollars each. its cheap as and as fresh as it can possibly be. PM me for the details on where and when.

oh before i go, this is how unfair morgans can be. we did a shute out of bribie when looking for flicker mullet and we shot right on a school of dart. in the one shot 1500 kg of well over legal dart was pulled in. as we could not sell 1500 kg of dart privately before that went off they sold a tonne of it to morgans.... morgans bout for ONE DOLLAR a kilo and resell for $9.99. bullsh!t i think.


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some may say bloody rip off, some may say well bloody done, as thats the way to make money, and beside who on here would be complaining if they could turn $10 into $100, x amount of times, day in, day out. business is business, if you don't feel comfortable buying or selling to these types of ppl, go somewhere else!


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Blimey, chaps! Bit contentious, what? I happened to be shopping for the coming Somerset Weekender and fancied some prawns for lunch! If I had decided to have prawns for lunch today, last night, I may have gone out of my way to get some trawler fresh ones, and then upset NoName by having to do my shopping tomorrow as my day today would have been gone....What's a boy to do?????? They were very nice with a buttered roll and some 1000 Island. :P So where's my local trawler sales? I'm near Wynnum/Manly............

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Shrimpo wrote:

Goodness knows what environment they've been in in vietnam. Get down to the trawlers and buy bay prawns for $10 a kg. You can get them at shorncliffe near cabbage tree creek pretty much every morning. School Bay prawns are about $10/kg and the tigers and bigger ones are $15/20 a kg. Woolworths and coles are a rip off.

I know this dont make a difference cos there both an asian country, but the prawns kev bought dont come from vietnam.They are actually imported from Tailand..

I got 5 kilos of prawns from a mate on a trawler down the tweed the other day for $32.

But at the end of the day money talks and bull sh!t walks and if thats all ya can afford or you enjoy them i say go for it..Different strokes for different folks..Kev ole mate try down redlands area you should be able to find a trawler that sells fresh or even Wynnum ck has a trawler or two moored.

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The below article, which I have editted to cut out the ramblings,`was issued by the Qld minister at the time the Fedreal government was conducting a lets pretend we`re doing something enquiry on the subject.

Just before this,the Federal government had imposed a ban on imported bait prawns to protect our fisheries.

Obviously the submissions of many was overlooked,as imported green prawns are still imported and sold in the country.

cheers Gad

Friday, November 24, 2006


Primary Industries and Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin today reissued his call for an interim ban on imported green prawns.

“Over the past two years, the Queensland Government has been calling on the Australian Government to ban imported, green (uncooked) prawns to protect Australia’s fish and other marine stocks from the risk of disease,†Mr Mulherin said.

“As part of our commitment to protecting the State’s industry, the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries initiated its own sampling and testing program for imported products.

“Five batches of uncooked imported prawns purchased from a Queensland supermarket and recently tested for White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV).

“Five prawns from each batch were tested. Five batches tested positive for WSSV and two batches tested positive for TSV.

“As a consequence of those results, further samples were taken from different supermarkets in different locations.

“Of the six further samples, all returned positive results to WSSV, and three of the six returned positive results to TSV.

“The Australian Government through Biosecurity Australia and AQIS is responsible for guaranteeing that our industries are not endangered by imported products.

Mr Mulherin said that due to a drastic reduction in price, the volume of prawns imported each year had increased by more than 120% between 2000/01 and 2004/05.

“ While historically green prawns were a small proportion of total imported prawn volume, in 2005 the proportion grew to more than 68% of the total,†Mr Mulherin said.

“The increased volume and decreased price of imported green prawns has further escalated the risk of spreading disease. Due to extremely low prices, imported green (uncooked) prawns can now be purchased at supermarkets for a cheaper price than bait.

“While these prawn diseases will not harm humans, they have the potential to cause severe damage to the financial viability of the wild and farmed prawn industries.

“If imported uncooked prawns are used as bait or berley by recreational fishers, diseases could be spread to our prawn stocks. Imported prawn food scraps dumped in creeks, rivers or the ocean will also threaten to infect native prawn stocks.

“I encourage recreational fishers to use only Australian prawns as bait and to ensure that all prawn scraps are dumped in land-based refuse tips.â€

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MoparKevUk wrote:

Nice one! So next time I fancy some prawns for lunch on the spur of the moment.....I'll get out on the Gateway, pay me toll each way, get lost finding Shorncliffe and find out I'm 4 hrs late for the catch of the day! :P
well kev get up a bit earler then you wont be late :laugh: :angry:
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uglyfish wrote:

Shrimpo wrote:
Goodness knows what environment they've been in in vietnam. Get down to the trawlers and buy bay prawns for $10 a kg. You can get them at shorncliffe near cabbage tree creek pretty much every morning. School Bay prawns are about $10/kg and the tigers and bigger ones are $15/20 a kg. Woolworths and coles are a rip off.

I know this dont make a difference cos there both an asian country, but the prawns kev bought dont come from vietnam.They are actually imported from Tailand..

I got 5 kilos of prawns from a mate on a trawler down the tweed the other day for $32.

But at the end of the day money talks and bull sh!t walks and if thats all ya can afford or you enjoy them i say go for it..Different strokes for different folks..Kev ole mate try down redlands area you should be able to find a trawler that sells fresh or even Wynnum ck has a trawler or two moored.

In Kev's post it says I had 1/2 a kg of vietnamese prawns. I assume Vietnamese prawns come from Vietnam?

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Shrimpo wrote:

uglyfish wrote:
Shrimpo wrote:
Goodness knows what environment they've been in in vietnam. Get down to the trawlers and buy bay prawns for $10 a kg. You can get them at shorncliffe near cabbage tree creek pretty much every morning. School Bay prawns are about $10/kg and the tigers and bigger ones are $15/20 a kg. Woolworths and coles are a rip off.

I know this dont make a difference cos there both an asian country, but the prawns kev bought dont come from vietnam.They are actually imported from Tailand..

I got 5 kilos of prawns from a mate on a trawler down the tweed the other day for $32.

But at the end of the day money talks and bull sh!t walks and if thats all ya can afford or you enjoy them i say go for it..Different strokes for different folks..Kev ole mate try down redlands area you should be able to find a trawler that sells fresh or even Wynnum ck has a trawler or two moored.

In Kev's post it says I had 1/2 a kg of vietnamese prawns. I assume Vietnamese prawns come from Vietnam?

if you look on the display name in the section that sells these prawns the name is spelt differently to the above,its the name of the prawns, just like; banana prawns,tiger prawns, silly prawns; :ohmy:,etc


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mmm they're partially correct. "vietnamese prawns" are an import from not just taiwan but from malaysia, thailand, vietnam, phillipines, indonesia and singapore. but as you may have noticed they all say either product or import of taiwan or malaysia. as they are the main exporters of the vietnamese prawn. the other countries export only a portian of the vietnamese prawns so they sell them as an import of taiwan or malaysia. hope this helps


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This year will be different. With the recent rise in the Australian dollar, exporters are finding it hard to get the money they've usually got for Australian seafood. Importers are finding it dear to import seafood. The good news is that our quality seafood is staying here. Woolies and Coles bought up 90% of this seasons Gulf prawn catch. You'll see banana prawns in 20-30 size at Woolworths for $17 a kilo. I got them the other day on special at $11.99 a kilo. Cheaper than meat, premium beef mince was $13.99 a kilo at the time. So why not eat prawns?

People say support local bait. I agree don't import bait to Australia, that's completely wrong. But servo baits and most local bait comes of river and creek trawlers, that are allowed to drag your local creeks and rivers. They work the Brisbane, Logan, Bremer, Tweed and Pine rivers, and have huge bycatches of undersize fish. Supporting them supports dragging your local fishing areas. If you want local bait, go catch it yourself.

To fishguru. I worked for Morgan's a couple of times and I know exactly what they're like when it comes to markups and paying their bills. But I also worked in the seafood industry for 5 years and know also what it's like trying to flog seafood people don't want. Sure Morgan's bought a tonne and a half of dart for $1500. But dart is a rubbish commercial fish. Lots of frame, skinny fillets, mushy flesh that doesn't keep or freeze, flesh greying and commercial presentation of only a day or two, and a taste similar to tailor. It doesn't have a lot of fans. I highly doubt they will even make their money back on it, and several hundred kilos of that dart will probably be sold off as crab bait. I understand pro's and trawlers out there have to pay the fuel and the bills, but if you're after flicker mullet and you don't get them, well that's just bad luck. The northern prawn fishery doesn't wet a net until they know they're on. If they turned up at the docks with a tonne of anything other than prawns, no one would buy it. Instead of complaining about the markups and prices, you could've released the bycatch and shot again for what you were after.

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Tybo wrote:

Woolies and Coles bought up 90% of this seasons Gulf prawn catch. You'll see banana prawns in 20-30 size at Woolworths for $17 a kilo. I got them the other day on special at $11.99 a kilo. Cheaper than meat, premium beef mince was $13.99 a kilo at the time. So why not eat prawns?

People say support local bait. I agree don't import bait to Australia, that's completely wrong. But servo baits and most local bait comes of river and creek trawlers, that are allowed to drag your local creeks and rivers. They work the Brisbane, Logan, Bremer, Tweed and Pine rivers, and have huge bycatches of undersize fish. Supporting them supports dragging your local fishing areas. If you want local bait, go catch it yourself.

That`s good for Woolies and Coles hope those prices are on offer over Xmas.

As far as $11.99kg of prawns cheaper than meat,after you head and shell them you get 500-600grams??.

As far as bait prawns are concerned,if your unable to catch your own goes,Coles/Woolies small aussie banana prawns @ $11.99-$16.99 kg is cheaper and better quality,than servo prawns

I buy 1-2 kgs(frozen,if you ask them they shatter a box) when their on special,bag them in zip bags of 400-500gms freeze them and if I can`t get my own, there is a bag in my esky,if I don`t need them on that trip,I refreeze them and use them in my berley mix next trip


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fishguru5 wrote:

as i am trying to keep my part time job going ONLY buy from us :P nah just buy straight from the trawler as everyone is saying: go down to cabbage tree creek morning sometimes afternoon and buy from them as the co-op has closed they r forced to sell privately. my boss only sells privately as morgans will buy a kilo of tigers for $4.60 and sell for 28 bucks. he sells a kilo for 8-15 dollars depending on how much is caught on the night. the bay prawns we sell around 5- 8 dollars a kilo and sand crabs and 3 spot crabs we sell for 3 dollars each. its cheap as and as fresh as it can possibly be. PM me for the details on where and when.

oh before i go, this is how unfair morgans can be. we did a shute out of bribie when looking for flicker mullet and we shot right on a school of dart. in the one shot 1500 kg of well over legal dart was pulled in. as we could not sell 1500 kg of dart privately before that went off they sold a tonne of it to morgans.... morgans bout for ONE DOLLAR a kilo and resell for $9.99. bullsh!t i think.


3 bucks a crab is alot better than what a pro crabber gets when he pus his catch in the fish board, last i herd from my po crabber relatives they where gettin bout 70 cents a crab so 3 bucks is a good price for u

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When you say Vietnamese prawns, do you mean vieannami prawns?

If so, read these two articles below, here is an excert from one of them:

"The use of antibiotics in Asian vannamei prawns (sometimes labelled Pacific whites) meant they were banned overseas but not in Australia," Gordon says."



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Kev, seafood joints near Comslie, just east of the headquarters for the classic. Should get yourself some quality, but still pricey, prawns there. Unfortunately seafood prices are maintained at artificial highs because the trawlers are not actually allowed to sell to the public, they must go through the middle men.

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