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Drought broken and cherry popped


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Well it's been a lean few months with my last decent fish worthy of a report being caught before Christmas but it hasn't been due to a lack of trying. Even with my new boat "Sally" the damn deckies have been out fishing me every time.

So heading off from the bald hills boat ramp this morning at about 8am to this place where I know there are big fish since I have been busted off no less than 5 times before. Picked up a baker's dozen of poddys in the cast net on the way then settled in with 2 lines with livies in the water. There weather was good with just a little bit of a breeze rippling the surface. The water has starting to clear a little after all the rain but still the usual pine river brown.

I had a 3rd rod with me so I thought I'd try some soft plastics. I started to rig it up with a little jig head when 1 of the rods buckled over and line started to peel off. Here we go again I thought, I am either going to be busted off or it's going to be a cat fish which have plagued the river lately. I got hold of the rod and let the fish run as I have learned the hard way about tightening the drag too soon. The run stopped to I started to reel it in.. it didn't feel like the other cat fish I have caught but wasn't allowing myself to get too excited. The fish then turned and took again, this time for a longer run. Okay, this is looking good because, a) my line hasn't been bitten off and B) cat fish I have caught don't run as far.

Being on my own I was trying to clear the deck with my foot of all the tackle I had out to rig up the other rod and also tried to grab the net which was at the opposite end. Slowly I bought the fish in, letting it take off each time it turned until I saw a flash of red through the murky pine river water. WTF!!!!??? It came up and it was my first jack.. a big fat brute... better than I ever thought my first jack would be.

It measured 47cm on the mat


I am sure the shoppers at Westfield Strathpine could hear my yahooing from there. Now I have to admit I did keep this one being the first. But can see myself letting the bigger breeders go if I am lucky enough to catch more of these awesome fish.

So with photos taken and a quick text to a mate with photo to brag I chucked the jig heads away and threw in another livie. About 20 minutes later another hook up. Not as hard or as far but still enough to get the blood pumping. This was easier to get in but even so it was a nice bream to catch with a live bait. This one went back but I was stoked getting good fish from a place I knew held some.


I didn't stay much longer but had a few more bites and stolen baits before quitting while I was a head. So finally I broke the drought and popped 2 cherries... first fish caught from Sally and my first jack. Still can't wipe the smile off of my face. Both fish were caught using 15lb Ultra green leader attached to 10lb braid and a 2/0 circle hook. It's the first time I used these hooks and I am sold. Both fish were hooked in the corner of the mouth and could have been released unharmed and they pretty much hooked themselves as the rod were both in rod holders.

Thanks for reading.


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chris_stewart14 wrote:

Boom dude... Catching a Jack in the Pine is a RIPPER catch.. They are there obviously but definately not common. Great colours. The first time you see that flash of red is like seeing your first set of titties in the flesh.. :woohoo:


That's gold mate :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Congrats bro I've fished the pine for over 6 years now and still haven't landed one yet so good on ya mate ! :fishing:

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chris_stewart14 wrote:

Boom dude... Catching a Jack in the Pine is a RIPPER catch.. They are there obviously but definately not common. Great colours. The first time you see that flash of red is like seeing your first set of titties in the flesh.. :woohoo:


PMSL :laugh: :laugh:

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chris_stewart14 wrote:

Boom dude... Catching a Jack in the Pine is a RIPPER catch..The first time you see that flash of red is like seeing your first set of titties in the flesh.. :woohoo:


chris you are a genius :lol:

that wins best fishing comment for the year :P

sweet jack bluevein

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Whiskers wrote:

chris_stewart14 wrote:
Boom dude... Catching a Jack in the Pine is a RIPPER catch.. They are there obviously but definately not common. Great colours. The first time you see that flash of red is like seeing your first set of titties in the flesh.. :woohoo:


That's gold mate :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Congrats bro I've fished the pine for over 6 years now and still haven't landed one yet so good on ya mate ! :fishing:

Chris FTW!!! :laugh: :laugh:

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chris_stewart14 wrote:

Boom dude... Catching a Jack in the Pine is a RIPPER catch.. They are there obviously but definately not common. Great colours. The first time you see that flash of red is like seeing your first set of titties in the flesh.. :woohoo:


ROFLMFAO!!! That's the best analogy I have ever heard, chris... you better copyright it.

Thanks every one. It tasted beautful too but I had to keep sticking it back in the oven to cook it all the way through. Never had to bake a fish that big before. :lol:

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