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AFO Wanderers @ Wavebreak


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Somewhere far away in space and time,

Staring upward at the gleaming stars in the obsidian sky,

We're marooned on a small island, in an endless sea

Confined to a tiny spit of sand, unable to escape,

But tonight, on this small planet, on earth

We're going to rock civilization...

Rock up at Robs after signing me life away on a mortgage and lob all me gear in the splendid Haines and cruise to the Bottle O'. Put in at Ruddy Maas, Rob kindly let's me drive over to Wavebreak, sweet! Nearing Wavebreak I remember I've forgotten me stubby cooler, no biggy, Rob has a spare, phew! Say hellos to Tugger, Sharri, DaveyLad and Mrs DaveyLass (Carol) then unpack the boat. D'oh! In all the excitement my bag of clothes, contact lenses, glasses, extra tobacco, skins, panadol, insect repellant, mankini, sunscreen, binoculars etc etc and sleeping bag/mattress are all still on the back seat of Rob's car back at Jacob's Well......

Hello, my name is Mopar "Bear Grylls" Kev, I'll show you how to survive in the wilderness without any gear......First borrow a sleeping bag off Mrs DaveyLass, next borrow a stretcher bed off BriThePom that doesn't fit in his tent. Next raid Rob's sunscreen and ensure Sharri can provide Panadol in the morning. Too Easy!

After setting up camp Rob and I headed offshore to see how it was.Went a few Km out and all was good. Back on dry land and the rods were all baited and out for one small squire. Lots of bites on the outgoing, nothing on the incoming. Carol put out a fantastic nibblefest of brie, crackers, cheddar and wasabi peas whilst Davey and Carol sipped on fine champagne, that's living Barry! A laid back casual night ensued round the fire, with the odd rush to the water's edge as my Pommy Bells jangled enticingly. Sharri doesn't like rats. Rats love BriThePom's tortillas! 2am to bed, then up at 6am just as Rob's boat refloated on the tide. Quick brekky of bananas and breakfast bars and Icebreak and we're off outside alongside Tugger. The seaway is flat and there's hardly any chop out there. Bit of a cruise along Surfer's then a bit of trolling with Rob's giant lures. Hung around near the buoys for the shark lines, didn't see that monster one they are on about on the news. Rob call's up Mick Fillet on the radio and off to see him we go. Plenty of bait showing on the sounder so we jig up a handful of Yakkas for use as livies. Mick has already boated a bunch of quality fish (as usual). We then head out further to 120m of water.(30km out). By now my rods are resembling something Huck Finn would use next to Rob's giant overhead stroker monsters. Rob boats a lovely Cod, I work me arms on an overhead with the handle on the wrong side for a Pom.....That far out the colour of the water is absolutely awesome. It's getting towards noon so we head back in past the container ships and the odd whale, looks like a storm brewing over Surfer's and the water gets a bit lumpy. Back at wavebreak we have missed Henry, but Dassa is there and other folk including Mr Walrus, Bri and his SeaSickChum etc. Went off for a flick down the island round by the broadwater. Lots of half eaten plastics, no hook ups. Here's a funny one.....I'm standing on the shore casting about and all of a sudden there's 3 boats zooming up and they all start casting where I am casting. Thought that only happened with other boats. See Rob zoom past and try and bell him as I need more baccy. No reply, turns out he's on a mission to KFC! Back at camp Rob, Mick and I head off to the servo for 2 stroke oil and my supplies. On the way back (yes, they waited for me!) we see some bikini chicks and give it some oi! Rob's oi was so loud it blew his hat and sunnies off and they sailed out the back of the boat into the briney! We about turned and did the "troll of shame" to retrieve his hat. My, how the bikini chicks laughed! Back at camp the Cod was expertly filleted as always by Tugger and I fried it up on the grill, Carol donating a lemon to the cause. Man it was nice, and not a single bone!!! Soldier crabs and yabbies were the bait of choice in the early evening, the full moon creating an awesome atmosphere, with the Walrus Crew beaching a few baby Flatties and a lone baby Bream for me. Later on Tugger dishes out some livie rigs on single wire and my big rod goes out with a live Yakka. No action for 3 hrs so he was released to be caught another day. Meanwhile, despite Brad the Firestarter being absent ,the now traditional cardboard box goes on the fire for a bit of high flaming action. Mr Walrus and Dassa introduce me to Wild Turkey American Honey, served in a champagne flute! Class Tipple, will be getting some in! Check me rod, return to the fire and everyone's scarpered! 6am next morning Rob shouts me up, we pack up, have some bacon sarnies, I gratefully return the borrowed camping gear, say the farewells and high tail it out of paradise. Perfect conditions on the blat back and Rob gives me a tour of some of the other camp grounds. We nearly beach it around the Bedrooms then run into a couple of AFOers (can't remember the names, beard, big hat, cigar stump, boat that looked like a mobile tackle shop) on their way to Caruso to chase Jew in the moonlight. Wished them luck, got back to the ramp, went home. Back at Rob's I hung around to see what goes into putting a big boat away after a weekend's fish then back home to unpack. My Carol was very impressed with the lack of washing! Just my AFO Wanderer T shirt and a pair of boardies!

Another fab weekend where a fish was a bonus! Great meeting new faces, and old mates! Here's to the next one! Not many pics this time, will put some up tomorrow night.

One question that has me stumped.....Why have a million dollar + boat then park up just off Wavebreak for the weekend reading a book getting in the way of my casting?????

(Big, Big Thanks to all those that helped out a forgetful Pom)

See ya'll at the next one!

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Tugger dishes out some livie rigs on single wire and my big rod goes out with a live Yakka. No action for 3 hrs so he was released to be caught another day.

So thats why Kreel was so late getting to Wello :pinch:

Good report Kev. But please break it up with pics next time. I've gone cross eyed :blink: been outta school too long....more words than my head can comfortably handle ;)

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I am looking forward to the next trip.It was great to catch up with some familiar face's along with some new one's davey lass (CAROL) sharrie70, bri the pom, AZZA and family and the reg's noname,mick fillet,davey lad that crazy guy and boys (we have to stop that american honey hahaha)the pommie git mopparkev and thanks to TUGGER getting it together they never fail to be a great weekend and thanks for the trip out sunday morning even with minimal fish it was still a great morning out and I hope to catch up with everyone soon

I'm keen to see some of the photos from the weekend but the one in keen on seeing to make sure wasn't dreaming was the one of the flying boat,an ultralight plane on a boat hull good I hope it wasn't a dream but that guy was nuts.

Great report teady bear grills thanks

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Just to add to kevs report, we as in me and the minster for war and the rugrats got down to wave break around lunch time Saturday and set up camp. We then spent a lazy day around the camp having a play with the kids, pumping yabbies and playing in boats. The afternoon was spent with beers in hand which ran through the night untill it was time to leave the fire.

I woke to my phone rining at 5am with my head hurting a bit from the beers, it was my mate who was sitting at the boat ramp waiting for me. So I scarped out of the tent to see Daveys boat sitting on the sand along with Robs, thankfully mine was floating, just. I headed around to pick up Joe when I spotted a big white Cat with blue writing on the side and think to my self jezz I hope I am under the .05 and christ my heads hurts, but it was the coast guard so no sweat.

Found my mate after going to the correct ramp the second time and headed back to camp. By now others had stired and some looked as shabby as I felt so I had a couple of pannas and a coke for breaky and was ready to head out. As we were getting set to leave Dazza stirs and is keen to head out buts needs to have some food first. While we are waiting we are hanging the waters edge when we here some kind of plane and look up to see a flying boat going over head. It was like a inflatable with a ultra light fitted to it very cool B)

So we are on our way at last and once out side find an ocean that is mirror flat makes for a very sweet ride to a reef known as the diamonds. Tugger anchors up and we stay on the drift, scond or third drop I hook up to what feels like a very solid fish only to boat a fowel hooked sweep bugger :(

Alittle bit latter Joe was tyring on a new rig and I was easing up a fish on the bait gig after loosing one earlier, when my main rod goes off and Joe lends a hand to bring in a nice Trag around half a meter :woohoo:

Latter I get a good size Yacker about 300mm so on he goes and is sent out one the TLD in the hope of enticing a cobe that we had seen befor following smaller fish in to the boat. After about 15mins the bait fish is acting all nervous and the rachit gives a couple of clicks and I gently lift the rod out of the holder, but no action ensures, so I drop the livey down a bit deeper.

When we have finished our drift with only a couple of small sweep and snapper we go to move and pull the livey in to find a 450mm rat yellow tail on the hook, :(

We headed back in after it started to blow from the north east , it was a slow day on the water but a great day to be boating. B)

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Great weekend and some great company, thanks to Tugger for organising it, it was good to meet the people from the site and put faces to the names. Wavebreak is a fantastic spot to camp and easy access to the seaway I would recommend it to anyone who wants to spend a wekend fishing and camping. Apart from a few really small cods and a stingray that thought it was an adult thats all I caught but the view from the water towards Surfers is a must for anyone to see the pictures we all see dont do it justice. Thanks to everyone who wqs there for a greta weekend, my wife isnt a camping sort but she had a great time and has no hestitation in going to other meets.


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Somewhere far away in space and time,

Staring upward at the gleaming stars in the obsidian sky,

We're marooned on a small island, in an endless sea

Confined to a tiny spit of sand, unable to escape,

But tonight, on this small planet, on earth

We're going to rock civilization...

We nearly beach it around the Bedrooms then run into a couple of AFOers (can't remember the names, beard, big hat, cigar stump, boat that looked like a mobile tackle shop) on their way to Caruso to chase Jew in the moonlight. Wished them luck, got back to the ramp, went home.

Could only be one bloke I know.....


But shhhhhhhh, dont mention the mutton birds!


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well it was a cracker weekend I thought.

I got down to hope Island late fri arvo first time i used this ramp.its an absolute buety of a ramp I think i found my new favourite ramp and only 5 mins if that to the broadwater.

went for strap up the pin for look at the bar then with the sun quickly setting headed off and rocked up at wavebreak to see the ussual suspects all ready on it :silly: :lol:

the seaway was looking good fri night I waited for the moon to get up a bit then went out the sea way south east direction and fished a nice ridge probably about 10minute travel time out.

not much was hapening to begin with. There was fish down there they just wernt thick so i kept sounding around the same area for close to an hour just keeping an eye on the sounder eventually the fish started to school up on the bottom as that moon got higher so finally i got my chance to drop a bait on these suckers the bite period was short and sweet before it shut down again. only got to do 2 decant drifts before the fish started to thin out again got some tailor pike and 13 trag. back to wavebreak around midnight for a few drinks and the doof doof music from the indy was very load it was good went to bed around 3;00am sat morn.

sat morning i woke up to the voices of tugger and do stylz damn it i sleept in i knew i should have just stayed awake and headed back out early. but any way it was a good sleep.

i was going to follow the rest of the boats down to mermaid and palmy and set a few live bait see if any palagics were hanging around. then i thought to my self what if there not.

I decided to break away from the group and headed out east NE from the seaway.

I crossed lots of spectaculer ridges and masive bait balls heading out .I eventually souded accross a flat bit of ground which was holding a small show of fish ad good size fish at that and plenty of bait mid water

grabed the closest outfit and finally got a bait in the water its now like 10;00 in the morning and sweat just dripping off me and no fish for the morning.

the fish were there they just wernt chewin.there was bugger all drift too. no wind not much current either.mad it very hard to cover the ground with the baits.a drouge just sunk straight down so it was pointless using one of them.

on my next few drifts i went well wide of the school when motoring up to repostion for the next drift and i droped the baits down about 50mts up current of the school. soon as the baits hit the bottom i put the motor in gear and the boat started moving scull draging the baits through the school of fish on the bottom .

this little trick paid off on this spot ended up bagging out on good size parrot and snapper and one marbled flat head. once again the bite period only lasted 30- 40 mins

by thhe time rob n kev found me bobing in the ocean the fish had just about stoped bitiing.

then from here the both of us went looking out wider for new ground they got a ripper of cod from 105 mtrs of water. headed back in around midday and geez she got a bit lumpy at times ay had to drop the cruise speed back down to 60 km I was starting to get a bit of air time skipping over the lump.

I left sat night around 9;00 .the trip was good didnt get burnt and didnt get home tiered it was good.

was a good weekend people i enjoyed it

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Finally my report for the weekend with majic weather and good company it was a top camp on the island with 9 boats and about 20 people making it for this 1. No rain at all and low winds made for some good times fishing and just kicking back around the camp.

Friday i got there around lunch and set up then went fishing in the seaway with daveylad just on dark with the turn of the tide at the same time but to only lose 2 baits. Back to camp around 8pm to light the fire and sit back with some drinks with the rest of the crew didn't go to bed till 2am.

Saturday morning i rose about 6am to see Henry motoring over, a quick chat then woke the rest of the gang and 3 of our boats Rob's, Mick's and mine headed offshore. I turned south and got some livies on the mermaid and shot out to the gravel patch only to catch 1 trag keeper and a shark. I gave the 24's reef a hit on the way back but still no luck. Bri the pom fished inside and had more luck with his deckie on the flathead.

Back to camparound for lunch and a few more lads turned up in there boats like crazywalrus, dassa, azza. Time to have a few beers and pump some yabbies for the kids but i didn't head out again all day just content with relaxing on the beach. Another great night for sitting around the camp fire swapping fishing yarns in the warm glow while having a few coldies.

Sunday morning was another 6am start and i followed azza out to the give it another bash with dassa and dave aboard but ti was another qiuet day just 1 big trag jew worth keeping. We did have a school of small cobia come up behind the boat but was unable to entice them.

Packed up just on lunch and hit the road with the last of the lads there was a great weekend and will have to plan another 1 soon

Final score with the fish was

Dave in Bri the poms boat with 68cm flathead for the biggest inshore fish

Mick fillet with the best snapper and parrot for the offshore fish

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Thanks again to all we met on the weekend, Dave and I had a blast, weather was great, my deckie Dave cleaned up with about 6 flatties and between us about 6 school jewies.

Good to meet the guys for the first time and good to see the usual crew again.

Look forward to the next one.

Here are a couple of snaps.




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