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Most Disapointing Fishing Acheivement

Zim man

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Oooooo I've got two stupidity based ones

My current boat is the first one I have ever owned.

It's first maiden voyage was in the Brisbane river. I was just getting the lay-out and set-up right and getting used to sounder that came with the boat (was quite old).

Paying close attention to the sounder and seeing all the arches we though we were on great spots everywhere, so we followed the sounder all night and couldn't raise a fish.

It was half way through the second trip that i realized it was on demo mode...............

Second one was rather recent

We did a group camp trip up to Bribie for which I took the kayak to see If i can do a bit of flicking behind the surf break. I kept the kayak close by on the beach so I didn't need to drag it back to the camp. I noticed a bust up not 100m from the beach so I ran, grabbed my rod and kayak and sprinted into the water before the tuna moved off. By than I had QUITE a bit to drink, so after eating every wave getting through the surf break I made it to the fish. Was quite exited as I was in the middle of the action. Second cast I got thrown of my balance by the swell and flipped the kayak.... and let go of the good flicking combo at the same time.......

So lesson learnt there.

1. Don't drink and kayak, not only is it stupid it's illegal as well

2. Fishing's Kayaks are not good in surf

3. Tether you're road to something when you're in a kayak.

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This is more funny than disappointing but anyway mine would have been when I first started creek kayaking and I had no clue what I was doing :lol: I was heading down some fast flowing rapids with my dog Val on the back (why I took her I have no idea :silly: ) and I managed to get hooked on a log and fell straight out. When I looked up I couldn't stop laughing because Val was sitting in the seat casually looking around as she was flying down the rapids :lol:


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My most recent would have to be fishing Hervey Bay. Spent three days chasing goldens on the flats and on the last day at the end of the High tide managed my first shot at a massive golden in knee deep water. Cast my zerek 2 meters in front of its nose and it smashed it. This was all I had ever dreamed of. Thinking I was going to land this beast in the ultimate fashion I think i was concentrating more on hiding the spontaneous erection than what the fish was doing and sure enough It turned straight in the mangroves and bricked me. GRRHH

The love of fishing

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