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Most Disapointing Fishing Acheivement

Zim man

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inspired by Madmulletts best achievement thread, i thought it would be interesting to see the most disappointing/ worst fishing moment, something that you wanted to do for a while and when it happened it was not all that is was cracked up to be. :dry:

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inspired by Madmulletts best achievement thread, i thought it would be interesting to see the most disappointing/ worst fishing moment, something that you wanted to do for a while and when it happened it was not all that is was cracked up to be. :dry:

you beat me to it lol

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i will kick it off

1) my PB bream is 40cm. it was my first bream i ever caught in Australia and was on an MU-SP. it was when i was living in adeliade, which we all know is 2km north of the south pole. Business was a dead as osoma and decided to go for a fish on the muddy banks of a nearby river. it was drizzling, about 6 degrees, i could not feel my hands or anything. made a cast by a log and thought i saw a swirl on the lure.next thing i know my lure is heavy like i hooked a plastic bag. i get this bream to the bank, no fight, i honestly thought it was dead. i had no brag mat, being my first bream, i had no idea of the significance of a 40cm bream, so i took the lamest pic, marked the measurement against my rod and put it in the water. the whole time it barely moved, gills and all were on a strike. i was so cold i went home straight afterwards to warm up not realizing that that was a PB never to be beaten since.

here re the lamest pics of a pb ever recorded




i have plenty of these stories :dry:

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Lame story

I used to fish coochin creek with a mate years ago.

I had read about catching fish using a thing called soft plastics!!

He was and is strictly bait man. So i brought a snap back (not sure if this its real name) in dark green color, I tie it on (no idea about leaders back then) and start fishing.

Well nothing happens where we are so I decided to walk down the trail and found a spot where i could cast

out past the mangroves. So i cast out not having a clue about how to retrieve it. Next thing you know i hit a snag!!! Well i give the rod a yank and the snag yanks right back at me!! It starts to move!! I'm thinking WTF!!!

So i reel it in and its a lizard!! The only problem i had was i was standing on a bank where it was reinforced with a few logs and this large fish was down about half a meter shaking head in the water.

Id forgotten to bring a landing net!! There was no space to get down, no bank nothing but water. So i panicked and lifted his head...... well one shake he was off ...no bloody leader grrr!!

I have not had a fish on that big since i started up fishing a few months ago.

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One session at lost world I lost about 8 odd lures, Jackals, Atomics, Damiki, Spinner Baits, Poppers & Blades. No matter what I did that day, the cast was either way to short or waaaay too long, oh yeah I think I even landed a soft plastic in a tree about 8 metres above the water too :dry: :dry:

And the other at the same place on 2 different occasions was breaking the tips off 2 Nordic Stage Rods, these were also the sample rods before their shipment came in, major dissapointment !!

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one beautiful night, back in 2003, my housemate had a job captaining a well respected fishing companies boats. first time ever he'd been allowed to take the boat for a fish himself without customers, so we prepped rods, caught bait, dressed sorta warm, keen as frikk for our first night time seaway fishing session.

i mean, what the hell could go wrong in a 30 second boat ride from marina mirage to the seaway right? i know, i know, nothing! so off we go, nice relaxing trip, heyyy we are going a bit fast "slow down chump!" .. "aww yerr we're right mate" and onwards we haul, around the party boat, getting bait cut up and hanging on for dear life, such a nice fishing boat...

away in the distance, a red light, flashing every 6 seconds or so, quite visible to anyone with a shred of brain power. 6 secs later, flashes again, yep still directly in front. other mate who was standing with the driver turns and says "don't hit that pole" .. "aww yerr we'll be right mayte" .. 6 seconds laters we have a full speed collision with one of the whitest, largest, brightest, most obvious, prettiest red-light topped poles that ever was. if it wasn't for the non driver yanking the wheel at the last possible moment of realising the driver had no clue, we'de have smacked so flush on that pole it would have affected us for a long time.

driver, moon sized gash between the eyes and concussion..

non driver, broken ribs

me, intense anger but unscathed, i sensibly stood up the back when we started doing mach 7 a few seconds earlier

the boat, almost 20k of damage and a 2foot gouge up the side

the pole, tore the ladder off that beautiful pole. i often wonder what the fisherman on the beach 20m away thought.

driver comes to his senses, well as good a sense as he had remaining, and uttered the famous words

"she's right we can still fish" ... so we removed him from the wheel, and slowly made our way back to port. where the boat sank as much as a boat tied to a dock would sink... oh he wasn't employed much longer...

thats my story.

it really was a nice night!

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A few years ago I was cleaning the catch near the mouth of the Noosa river. These two HUGE muddies show up right in front of me. Oops, no landing net! Thought for a moment of doing a Steve Irwin on them but not knowing where the closest hospital was, opted to impersonate the Crab Whisperer instead. Nope didn't work. Dinner that night was sure disappointing...

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My 2011 fishing resolution was a legal snapper off the kayak. Hey, Dont judge :blush:

Anyways, February comes along. A bit windier than a perfect day, but not bad, and we take to the water.

Knot tangle around rod tip + fast drift + dumbass me = tipless favourite pflueger trion rod :(

Pull out second rod, bummed, but gotta keep going. Now this i cannot explain. The rod just flew out of my hands and into the water. There wasnt a bite, i wasnt snagged, it just jumped in. And boy did it sink fast :S Could this day get any worse?

So now im back to using the tipless pflueger and a legal snapper feels sorry for me and loads up. I get him in, but its a sour victory really.

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worst fishing moment for me was i saw a jack follow my lure but didnt see it take it and i did one winde and hooked somthing i thought it was the jack i saw but it was a sticky old catfish :( worst moment lost a jack to a catfish :(

cheers ryan

Beight caught squeeling like a school girl on youtube over a eel? LMAO ;)

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Whenever I spend the entire day before a trip prepping my gear and waiting for that day for a whole week only to not get a touch, I hate that. Impromptu trips are so much better, just get up and say, yep that's fishing weather. I think it's the lack of too much expectation that makes them more enjoyable, and I always seems to get on to a few those days.

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after numerous times of throwing plastics under the same old bridge. I hooked onto what I thought was a MJack and it went crazy! It caught me off guard and made me slip on the rocks and land on my arse but I was too tense to from the fish fight that I didnt feel anything at the time, all I could do I hold on and 'boop' line snapped and was left with a sore arse ahahah. The day after my friend went down the same spot and caught a 50cm jack ...

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Not quite fishing but, loading up at the ramp and leaving all my gear on the ute to grab my fellow anglers cofees and coming back to find pink stickers on the yak :angry::angry:



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mine would be a sad Coomera tale.

Sunset session a couple of summers ago I was trying to catch a jack on a lure. One bloop on the popper next to a pontoon and it gets smashed :woohoo: I goes down and around and up and down. The stradic is singing and I'm running all over the boat front to back fighting the fish and it breaks the surface then goes deep and back into the rocks and eventually in the dark slip the net under it on the 3rd attempt then lift it in the boat and I hear it before I see it.

naw, naw, naw. Bloody catfish :pinch:

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I'm suprised that noone has mentioned hooking themselves as a dissapointing achivement.Probably worst for me was a trip out with some mates a couple of years back and skiting after getting the first fish then watching all my mates catch heaps in the next few hours when I couldn't raise a bite.Other ones include not setting the drag and watching my rod fly off Baxters Jetty attached to something or getting spiked by happy moment fish not once but twice at Bribie.

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catching a wicked tailor on a popper getting in the yak for a brag mat shot and it makes one last leap and pisses off - would of been a fish of the month winner at the time and i watched it jump and swim away while i had an empty kill tank on the yak.

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Fighting a huge fish for over half an hour then handing the rod to a mate to mind for 10 seconds while I put my gloves on. Within 2 seconds of taking the rod old mate has locked the drag and snapped the line. Very Very "Not Happy Jan". :evil:

Having the trusty old Merc pop on me before reaching destination and having to get a tow back from VMR Carindale (Chubbstar)

Fishing Glenlyon dam solidly with lures for two long hard days without a touch. Fish on the sounder. No-one else getting a touch. After pressing on for about 3 hours longer than intended on the last day we returned to the ramp. Brian Dare tells us no-one has caught a thing except for the little kid that got a 6kg cod at the ramp landbased on handline. That sucks !!

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went fishing with a mate on a 2 seater kayak launched at cabage tree point boat ramp 30knot wind wasnt very confident but he wants us to go towards the mouth of the logan >,< we are almost surfing down there on small waves we then make it to the spot and drift really fast then we decide to paddle up and do aother drift so we are paddling for 5 mins and i look parallel to the bank and we are going no where go over to an island annd he doesnt have his phone on him so call my sis to get mrine rescue and a while later they arrive and take us back, and i didnt even get a hit on the plastic needless to say was a quite ride home and i wasnt very happy :@

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beating all my PB's and all my dream fish in one day third time i fished in Australia... havent even come close since... kinda kills it for me... now it try funny stuff like whiting on lure, jack on 2kg line, legal muddy with bare hands (got 3 so far 1cm under)

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1. Having a barra curse on me for the last year or so- literally every session hooking onto at least one or more metre plus fish only to be skunked.

2. Very recently. Buying a top-of-the-range $1000+ 2kg SP outfit, so frustrated that I cant get a fish on it, resorted to flicking live yabbies on it at little jew ( AKA: river perch in Bris) just to break its virginity!

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catching a massive Spaniard and halfway through filleting it remembering it was fotm. would have won too. i wonder if it would have still counted frame only :whistle:

seeing the biggest wahoo in my whole life approach the back of the boat and have a sniff of our baits only to swim (probably laughing too) off before i could tie a slug on.

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One day I will fish with you Mark and make you eat those words, just like I did my mate from work a few weeks back when he was stinking his boat up with bait :sick: and he even admitted they were the biggest pearlies to come into his boat


(see the silly plastic thing?)

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Not quite fishing but, loading up at the ramp and leaving all my gear on the ute to grab my fellow anglers cofees and coming back to find pink stickers on the yak :angry::angry:



Nothing to say really I just like the pretty boat

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  • 3 years later...

Bringing this back from the dead :whistle:

Most disappointing fishing achievement is catching my current pb flathead. Did not give a single head shake until it hit the net :( . If I had my eyes closed I literally would have thought I was bringing in a stick. As soon as I put it back in the water it shot off faster than I've seen any flathead swim! Absolute BS!!! :angry:

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About every second trip. Much like surfingant said, I prepare days before a fishing trip and have the most unrealistic of expectations. I plan out moons, tides, weather and everything, and still to a pessimist, it probably seems like a whole waste of time. No matter what you plan, something always comes up that you didn't expect.

My good to bad trips probably come up around 1/6. I'm strong believer in Murphy's Law, and used to have a belief that a good days fishing starts by a piece of equipment not working, you'd not believe how many days a bad start at the boat ramp turned into an excellent days fishing. It must run in the family 'cause my Dad's the same, we're cursed but often come up trumps. It's all just in a days fishing. ;)

Most recent disappointment was new years day this year. Fuel gauge got stuck on a 1/3 of a tank, so though I had enough to do 3-4 miles to run the pots out and have a fish. Ran out of fuel and had to wait an hour to get a tow back to the ramp. Then had to go buy fuel at $1.62, and go put the boat back in to pull the pots. On doing this got one of the ropes caught around the prop and then ran up on a "new" sandbar at about 26 knots. After all this, didn't catch a thing. Great start to the new year. :S

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