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low tide in an hour hmmmm


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bugger. :( Although you do have an excuse too keep fishing B)

Just got off the phone to Ted. They only have a small area of sand (which they are on) and then it is up-to-the-knees mud so they can't get to a place to fish either. Low tide is at 6.15pm so they have a fair wait :side: - about 4 hours before it is back to the current level.

Too true Lindsay.

Buggerme, Don't hold back about the other time. Ted said to enjoy the laugh at his expense :woohoo: :lol:

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damn i was so close to doing that today lol at jacobs well :lol::lol: i think i seen you guys cruising around out there today :) i was in the lil black v nose punt that got to know where some sand bars are ;) :silly: :silly: did you end up with many flatty?? i found it long time between flatties and did not find the monster i was looking for :(

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we finally floated free properly at 10. We spent the night cuddled together on the floar of the boat. Dam it was getting cold out there. My mistake - we where fishing along the banks in a shallow bay. I sat down to untangle and rerig the kids rods. When I stood up i realeased my mistake. I dashed for what i though was deeper water only to end up on shallow ground in the middle of the channel. The tide was going out quick by this stage and that was that. :(

Did not raise a scale as most of the time spent on the sand. It was not a total loss as Declan and Jacob got to watch the stars. Declan got to see his first shooting star and pleanty of time to ly down and chat.

Got home to a note under the door from the EX. She had called the police and the Coast Gaurd for god sake. Anyway after she lost on the phone I decided enough was enough. Maybe I should not have said she was the one that overreacted. She never was one for the outdoors. I bet she did not know where Jacob's Creek was anyway.

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Up poo creek with 2 paddles, an outboard, a perfectly good boat... wheres the water.. :cheer: :cheer:

Mate most of us have done this! Its great you got to spend some time with the boys and they got to see a shooting star, those are the memories they'll grow up thinking about and tell thier kids about.. oh and that dad used to get stuck on sandbars! :woohoo: :woohoo:

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hmmm dad stuck on the sandbar.:( the funny thing is it we got stuck at 2 knots. Yeah it was all good. Been getting ultimatums from the old "who must be obeyed" now the "wicked Witch from the West" apparently now I have to notify her when I go out in the boat. FFs what is up with the world stuck on a sand bank should never got that serious

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