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Tuna & 8lb Line Don't Mix !!


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Went out for a fish yesterday with Jeremy in the hopes of hooking up tome some Long Tail Tuna. With Mark's report and tips from his report, we launched from Cleveland Point just before sunrise.

It was still quite dark so we setup a drift flicking plastics, wasn't long into it and Jeremy started getting stuck in to the squire, one after the next.... he found a purple patch but most of them small however this was the pick of the bunch


We setup a few more drifts with Jeremy pulling up a few more fish, I wasn't as lucky getting a few hits but no hook ups, probably the main reason was because although I was using my sharpshooter with 10lb main line, i did have 20lb leader for the Tuna, was keen to hit 'em with the light stuff... So a quick change of leader down to 8lb and a few more strikes and a few pike for my troubles.

A few hours pass and no Tuna yet but high tide was a while away, so as the sun rises we decide to move to a few different spots...


We hit a few more spots but still kinda quiet, now in deeper water Jeremy once again has a hit and pulls this beast up.... I would say an Estuary Cod got busy with a Mud Skipper lol


We decide to move again cruising past horse shoe bay we motor for a bit and Bingo !!!! TUUUNA !!!

We start following a small school busting up and we were lucky to get one or 2 casts at them from a distance before they would go under and then re-appear else where.

As we follow them we see a pattern of movement and try to predict their next move and it paid off having the Tuna appear close to the boat, I grab my Sharpshooter and flick a 4inch plastic in to the head of the school......

WHACK !!!! and he drag screeeeams !! rod loaded up and before you know it PING !! 8lb leader snapped !!!

Well that was pretty predictable lol, didn't have a chance to change the rig before hand so gave it a crack !!

Was nice to hook up but sucked it lasted all of 3 seconds, well that's all she wrote after that, we searched high and low but no more Tuna !!

Thanks for taking us out Jeremy, kinda was a bummer losing the Tuna and having work bust my balls on my day off, bastards !

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manni ur on a tuna bender! bad luck on the dropped fish.

now u have to get back out and even the score!

Yeah mate lol 20lb leader and would have got the sucker to the boat !!!!

Not much structure where we were so some patience and a little luck and next time it will be sushi at my place !!!

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That sucks mate! Bring on summer, keen to head out once you finally get your boat! Where was the second outfit mate?

I had a second setup but with a large 40gram slug, got a few casts in to and near the school but no interest, no time to down size just swapped rods lol... at least I learn't a few things

P.S Yeah boat in Oct / Nov i'll be out every chance I have chasing 'em lol

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Bugger mate...nothing worse than when you know you should have, didn't, and it costs you! Have all been there. Do you mind if i ask what the pattern was that you noticed?

The Tuna were heading in to the bay between horse shoe bay and straddie, they seemed to be working the bait left to right but heading further in, kinda like a zig/zag motion.

We moved further in from the last bust up hoping to get ahead of them and they appeared just off to the right of us, perfect range to cast and got the strike

May have been luck but we got it right :)

Also was a couple hours before high tide, with a bit of current ripping through was when they were most active.

The birds were doing strange things too and were not always near the Tuna so really needed to keep an eye more on the water

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manni ur on a tuna bender! bad luck on the dropped fish.

now u have to get back out and even the score!

Yeah mate lol 20lb leader and would have got the sucker to the boat !!!!

Not much structure where we were so some patience and a little luck and next time it will be sushi at my place !!!

Haha, you'll definitely need patience fishing that light a main line and rod... You really need to put some hurt on them otherwise they dont give up at all.. My mate went a bit soft on one on 15lb and it took well over an hour to land, he then hooked another on 20lb and went pretty hard on it and had it in the boat in 10mins or so. I guess depends what sort of fight you want though.. very long and repetitive (and a bit tiring lol), or short but intense ;)

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That sucks mate! Bring on summer, keen to head out once you finally get your boat! Where was the second outfit mate?

I had a second setup but with a large 40gram slug, got a few casts in to and near the school but no interest, no time to down size just swapped rods lol... at least I learn't a few things

P.S Yeah boat in Oct / Nov i'll be out every chance I have chasing 'em lol

Uni holidays from like the 10th nov until like march, KEEN! :woohoo: . Yeah the bay tuna seem to be really finicky, up north they hit just about anything :huh:

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Bugger mate...nothing worse than when you know you should have, didn't, and it costs you! Have all been there. Do you mind if i ask what the pattern was that you noticed?

The Tuna were heading in to the bay between horse shoe bay and straddie, they seemed to be working the bait left to right but heading further in, kinda like a zig/zag motion.

We moved further in from the last bust up hoping to get ahead of them and they appeared just off to the right of us, perfect range to cast and got the strike

May have been luck but we got it right :)

Also was a couple hours before high tide, with a bit of current ripping through was when they were most active.

The birds were doing strange things too and were not always near the Tuna so really needed to keep an eye more on the water

Cheers mate...food for thought next time i see them breaking up...Oh and my grandfather always said "you make your own luck"...He also used to say "never s^%t where you eat", but I didn't understand thatone at 6 yrs old :huh:

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Bad luck on the tuna Manni ;) Estuary cod got busy with a mudskipper hey? There's an image :lol: What sort of boat you getting?

No one has come up with anything better lol

Looking at the Mako Craft 440 Estuary Tracker but with the boat show coming up that could change

once i look at whats on offer :)

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Bad luck on the tuna Manni ;) Estuary cod got busy with a mudskipper hey? There's an image :lol: What sort of boat you getting?

No one has come up with anything better lol

Looking at the Mako Craft 440 Estuary Tracker but with the boat show coming up that could change

once i look at whats on offer :)

Yeah that's a sweet little boat, so deckie spots on offer then hey :whistle:

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Bad luck on the tuna Manni ;) Estuary cod got busy with a mudskipper hey? There's an image :lol: What sort of boat you getting?

No one has come up with anything better lol

Looking at the Mako Craft 440 Estuary Tracker but with the boat show coming up that could change

once i look at whats on offer :)

Yeah that's a sweet little boat, so deckie spots on offer then hey :whistle:

+1 and then some :side: :whistle: :lol:

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Bad luck on the tuna Manni ;) Estuary cod got busy with a mudskipper hey? There's an image :lol: What sort of boat you getting?

No one has come up with anything better lol

Looking at the Mako Craft 440 Estuary Tracker but with the boat show coming up that could change

once i look at whats on offer :)

Yeah that's a sweet little boat, so deckie spots on offer then hey :whistle:

Yeah will be spots for sure Ants/jords

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Bad luck on the Tuna Manni and yeah 8lb is pushing the friendship a bit with Tuna, 14lb is as light as you would want to go. After chasing them in the boat you can imagine how frustrating it is in the kayak trying to follow them under paddle power, but the results are worth it.



Yeah it wasn't intentional i did have 20lb to start with but down graded whilst chasing smaller fish. As you know once the Tuna pop up time is a luxury that can be wasted changing rigs so had to take a punt !!!

Mate, it makes your catch so much sweater in a Yak especially when the school is small and movig fast !!!

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gday manni,

when u were following the schools did u have an electric? if so did that still spook them?

We didn't have a leccy which made it harder not to spook them, need to approach with more caution at slower speeds, hence trying to predict their moves in order to get close

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A tip for anyone who is going out chasing the Longies the key is not to try and follow them under power but to try and predict the direction they're heading then cut the motor and drift into their path. It's pretty hard to do but it's better to allow the fish to come to you because when you follow them they'll always just keep getti g further away from you.



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Where did ur leader break? at the knot half way down the leader or where the leader joins ur main line? 8lb and no structure ud be able to get that tuna in for sure.. the biggest thing is to let the thing take the 100m of line it wants to on the first few runs. Chase it with the boat and after 20min or so u will be smiling. Think i had a post some months back now titled "GOT TUNA" 2 mac tuna at 7kg each to the boat on 8lb just outside the caloundra bar. Nice fishing session u had there either way :woohoo:

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