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BigW fireline stuffup


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G'day all, pooped into Bigw Hyperdome to pick up some 10 lb fireline today and noticed they had a special on 125 metre 20lb firelne chrystal for only $12.60!!

Only had $70 on me so took 5 spools upto the counter and just knew they had made a blue and I would get the run around...sure enough, each spool rung up at $27 someting each,...to cut a long story short the 2lb was supposed to be on special and they accidently slipped a zero in on the 20lb. Seeeing as the customer is always right I got my way and now have 5 spools of 20lb :P

If anyone wants to swap/upgrade a 10 or 8 pound spool for a 20 please let me know.

BigW also have 1,2,3,and 4 pound spools on special from $12.60-$15 if anyones after some.


Post edited by: mojo, at: 2007/06/16 16:28

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lol, well done... funny enough i had a nice score the other week at bcf. The girl was so more interested in having her lunch than scanning my line, she ended up giving me 300 mtr's of braid for my favorite four letter word beginning with \"F\" FREE

Mojo.. I need to know if you \"pooped\" or you \"poped\" into Big w :blush:

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Ok... Trust me to put a dampener on things!

Sailing a fine line when you leave a store 'without discharging, attemepting to discharge, or make arrangements to discharge your lawful indebtedness thereof'. In simple terms if you fail to pay for something that you have in your possession and have knowledge of then you are shop stealing. It goes way back to offer and acceptance in a contract.

And as far as the National Code for Scanning goes, the first incorrect scanned is at the lower price, the rest you can be charged the correct price for. Items incorrectly priced on a shelf does not bind the seller to sell them at that price, unless YOU can prove dihonesty in THEIR actions.


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bootyinblue wrote:

Ok... Trust me to put a dampener on things!

Sailing a fine line when you leave a store 'without discharging, attemepting to discharge, or make arrangements to discharge your lawful indebtedness thereof'. In simple terms if you fail to pay for something that you have in your possession and have knowledge of then you are shop stealing. It goes way back to offer and acceptance in a contract.

And as far as the National Code for Scanning goes, the first incorrect scanned is at the lower price, the rest you can be charged the correct price for. Items incorrectly priced on a shelf does not bind the seller to sell them at that price, unless YOU can prove dihonesty in THEIR actions.


You a lawyer or something Booty:)

Yes I did think they might kick up a stink and say they made a mistake but they were pretty cool about it all, and had no qualms about selling it.

Anyway I wont be loosing any sleep over it and certainly didnt feel like a thief walking out the store.

Their problem afaic.

Although I do feel sorry for the poor kid who will no doubt get his ass kicked for incorrectly labelling the special tag.


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Yea big companies will quite often just continue to scan at that price 'as a gesture of goodwill' and then I imagine go and dock the money from the 16yo spotty faced kid that put the wrong stickers on.

But good score, you offered to pay that price and they accepted, equals deal done!!

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after a good shop at BCF last week, I was'nt charged for 2 x faom seats 4 my tinny (about $60-$70). maybe the same woman served me as you ms? Any way noticed when I got home,I did spend nearly $300 there though so the seats were a good score.

Thanx 4 the legal booty, but b4 you can be charged for stealing \"INTENT\" needs to be proven. Well thats how it used to be.

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When I worked at kmart there'd be little stuff ups like that all the time and you'd generally just give it to the customer rather than creating a scene out the front of the store. Most managers in retail are kind of see no evil hear no evil with that sort of thing. Depends on how much money is involved of course, but for a matter of $10-20 you'll usually get your way if you have any sort of argument. Plus usually price tags are all printed out off a centralised price database controlled by head office so usually if the price is wrong or description misleading it's the fault of someone in an office doing data entry.

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Dan23 wrote:

When I worked at kmart there'd be little stuff ups like that all the time and you'd generally just give it to the customer rather than creating a scene out the front of the store. Most managers in retail are kind of see no evil hear no evil with that sort of thing. Depends on how much money is involved of course, but for a matter of $10-20 you'll usually get your way if you have any sort of argument. Plus usually price tags are all printed out off a centralised price database controlled by head office so usually if the price is wrong or description misleading it's the fault of someone in an office doing data entry.

G'day Dan, I'm sure the database prices were all correct as they still had the undiscounted price visible, The problem was with the larger tempory stickers Bigw place on certain sale items, which clearly said Fireline 125yd 20lb.

seeing as the 1, 3 and 4lb also had sale stickers someone has obviously printed out 20 istead of 2. maybe someone else could check another Big w store to see if its the same there?


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bootyinblue wrote:

Yea thank for reminding me Sards, but just thought looking at the situation from a different view point would benefit people.

I see your point and in the past I've actually gone back into a store and told them they undercharged me. Flip side to all this is that I know people accidentally get overcharged all the time and you don't realise till they are gone. So I guess what goes around comes around. But you are right if you notice it and say nothing then you probably should feel guilty and mention it.

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Rosscoe Had the opposite (Kmart redbanks plaza) had clearly marked on the shelf was Jarvis walker braid all sizes 19.95 when he got to home we noticed he was charged 39.99 I suggested we go back but he said it sounded too cheap and couldn't be bothered

a week later I was back in the same store and yep still 19.99

by the way dont seem like bad braid either for the price ;) if it is 19.99


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