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Kookaburra park 19/6/07


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Should a stayed in bed.

Had my ute booked in at Capalaba for new shockies so Graham and John picked me up at 8am and we tried to head off. Got on Mt Gravatt - Capalaba road and traffic stopped. Made our way up to Roundabout and headed back to Old Cleveland Road. ( shoulda gone back home to bed )got as far as rifle range and traffic stopped ( should a gone back home )Got on gateway and logan motorway and about 5 ks before ipswich rd intersection traffic stopped ( you guessed it should a gone back home )

Tail back due to truck prang on incoming side of highway at Gailes and tailback due to everyone having a stickybeak

Finally arrived at Kooka at 10.30 feeling really relaxed.

Blowing a bit but decided that at least we were there and it was a waste of rime attempting to go back home. Threw the cast net for one hour and managed to score 2 very large boneys and one gar so feeling more relaxed.

Anchored up opposite pontoon and at least my luck changed a bit scored 4 boney bream and 3 prawns in the cast net.

Sat there for nearly 3 hours and total score of 3 catfish without even a run on the liveys.

Feeling more relaxed.

Decided to go for a bit of an explore upstream and try to find johnstones rocks.

Went about 3k upstream from the ramp and found them. It is quite pretty up there and worth the slow ( 6 knot limit above ramp) trip. Just be careful before the rocks as I touched bottom on the left hand side.

Good deep hole about 25 ft deep in deepest spot in front of rocks. We fished there for half an hour and zilch. But worth a try when it warms up.

Got back to ramp just as another boat arrived and did the wright ( wrong ) thing and let him go in first. Think it must have been his first outing, he didnt have a clue took him half an hour to get his boat on the trailer. He kept on trying to recover it from the downwind side of the trailer and couldnt get it on or if he got it half on the wind was just blowing it off the centre roller.

Anyhow got back to Capalaba to pick up the ute just before they closed and came home.

Now sitting in the warmth of the fire and having a homey .


Johnstone rocks [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P1010628_AFO-d0a0d18b2ffe1f563e45711d301c1a46.jpg

Post edited by: rayke1938, at: 2007/06/19 19:53


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Johnstone rocks again They are 3k upstream form the ramp go up past red beacon ( pass on right ) two blue drums and 2 lots of power lines.The photo didnt come out too well as it was cloudy the rocks are reddish in colour. There was 12 ft of water in close and the deep hole is about 30 ft out. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P1010629_AFO-411dbbf02b7982d8559cfad3c60a5af8.jpg

Post edited by: rayke1938, at: 2007/06/19 20:02


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Heh... Saw ya yesterday! I live pretty much oppisate the rocks, and check out every boat that comes along! That hole in front of the rocks is called Venus Pool. A school teacher was fatally mauled by a shark there... maybe 15yrs ago? Everyone used to (and some still do) jump off the rocks in summer. That bend before the rocks, as you come under the powerlines, is complete rock shoals, so u have to be careful, and at low tide practically impassible, so dont get caught up there! The trick is to keep about 1.5m off the KD side once you get to the creek. The shoals are a great place to cast net though, heaps of mullet always arond there. And a bit further back, where the sign is that warns of the shoals, is some deepish rocky outcrops and bank drop-offs that have been good in the past for bream, bass, and tarpon on lure and fly!

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