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Filling your Reel with braid and backing line


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It,s a bit of mucking around but does have its merits

(1) on the reel you want filled 1st wind on your braid then join the backing line of your choice and continue to fill your reel.

(2) get an old reel which can take the line both braid and backing and wind it onto there

(3)get another old reel and wind it onto there :pinch:

(4) Finally get your reel you want filled and wind it on there and bingo you have the correct amount of backing to suit your reel using braid ;)

This is a once of process unless you get spooled or change backing or braid dia :pinch:

as when it comes time to replace your braid you just take it back to your backing and reload with the same amount of braid you started with .

I Add a couple of metres to allow for joins ;)

hope this helps

any questions just ask


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when you are running low on your braid, would you 'stock' up your line by just tieing another double uni knot from the braid to braid and loading say another 75 yards or whatrever you require. Or will this make the line too weak.

Or do you just have to remove the rest of your spooled braid and put on a whole new roll of braid onto the old mono backing.

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