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Big Win at the 2011 Gold Coast Flathead Classic


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Proving that their 2009 win was no fluke, Brett Rayner and Chad Paterson competing as Team Austackle Anglers Connection comfortably won the 2 Person Teams section at this year’s event. Competing against a huge field of 187 teams, Brett and Chad worked out a game plan during their pre-fish and stuck to it in very blustery conditions. They chose not to target the XOS females but instead concentrate on keeping the scoreboard ticking over with 45-65cms models in the shallower water.

By the end of day two they had amassed a fantastic 2113 points and on the final morning session on Saturday scored over 500 points to ensure a comfortable victory.


Depending on the state of the tide, Brett and Chad employed several techniques including trolling and cast and retrieve. Their primary lures of choice were Austackle Boneheads for trolling and Austackle Sakanas for casting up onto the shallow banks when nearing high water. Pink colours featured very heavily in their colour selection and accounted for over 80% of their fish caught.

Rod selection varied between Camo-Stiks and Takeda Fireblades and Suteki 2000 Finesse reels spooled with Takeda Braid and Leader were used throughout the tournament.





• RODS: Takeda Fireblade 1-3kg & 3-6kg and Austackle Camo-Stik 1-3kg & 4-7kg

• REELS: Austackle Suteki Finesse 2000

• BRAID: Takeda Ultra Braid - 4lb, 6lb, 8lb, 10lb

• LEADER: Takeda Millennium 3 Fluorocarbon - 4lb, 6lb. 8lb, 10lb,12lb.

• LURES: Bonehead Lures - Pink Stripey, Silver Candy, Bubblegum, Campfire, Gold Nugget

Sakana Lures - Pink Stripey, Gold Nugget, Ghost Browney

The full range of Austackle gear is available on the Gold Coast at Anglers Connection at Palm Beach where Brett is one of the owners. As an Austackle Tournament Pro Dealer, Brett is able to offer Tournament anglers some very special pricing on the full range of Austackle products. A full listing of all Austackle Tournament Pro Dealers can be found on our website - www.austackle.com.au

On behalf of Team Austackle, I would like to congratulate Brett and Chad on their magnificent win and also President Christine Hunt and her committee for putting on a fabulous event. This was my 6th Flathead Classic and was easily the best attended and most well organised.

Mike Cole

Managing Director Austackle

Platinum Sponsors of the Gold Coast Flathead Classic.

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Great result guys and as you said pulling it off 2 out of 3 years against strong opposition is an impressive outcome. The austackle is obviously up to the job and it is great to see a site sponsor having success and sharing what worked for the winning team.

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Nice work guys.

Everyone I have spoken to who fished in any of these events have given it a massive thumbs up for format and fun.

As for "Advertising" on the site. Members need to realise that no advertising = no site. Its really that simple.


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Well done I am afraid that I would have stayed at home given the weather conditions.



the first day was a little tough but friday and saturday were great days fishing, austackle did a great job of sponsorship, and glad to hear they will be back next year.your a legend Mike!!!

i was fortunate enough to get a great jewie and take out longest jew.


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Well done I am afraid that I would have stayed at home given the weather conditions.



the first day was a little tough but friday and saturday were great days fishing, austackle did a great job of sponsorship, and glad to hear they will be back next year.your a legend Mike!!!

i was fortunate enough to get a great jewie and take out longest jew.


I liked it better when everybody was telling me your Jewie was 177cms lol when it was later corrected to 117cms i was still in awe of you as our best was only 95cms. Glad you enjoyed the event.

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Yep well done to the Winning teams and everyone that competed.

I manged to get a few of my fish on the Austackle lures that were supplied with the gift bags so they definatly work.

Only the second time ive fished the event but is Easily the Best comp i have fished on the Tournament calender.

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Awesome result in what sounded like a hotly contested, but tough time out fishing. Report was a great read with some tips on what's slaying the lizards at tIe moment.

I could read reports and associated discussion like that all day over some of the school boy style dribble that creeps in here occasionally.

Well done bed keep it up!

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Well done Guys, very nice effort. :)

Thanks dan - i was really proud of them. Its a really tough comp to win. Cashy has been talking to me about you so i will give you a call in the week.

Cool, No worries. I'm in year 12, so I'll not be able to answer the phone before 3.

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firstly congrats to the winners :woohoo: sounded like a fun weekend, how do they work out the point system in the flathead classic, i thought it use to be 1 cm equals 1 point :unsure: was never sure how they work out the points :)

Wes you get 1 point per Flathead under 40cms. Once they are of legal size (40cms) then its 1 point per cm. All fish are photographed on a special brag mat.

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Well done TEAM Austackle!!! Whats really great is the report on whats working and how it was used. :cheer:

Well without giving away our actual locations i think its important that this type of information is shared as it will improve your catch rates which in turn should improve our sales. All of us win.

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Well done TEAM Austackle!!! Whats really great is the report on whats working and how it was used. :cheer:

Well without giving away our actual locations i think its important that this type of information is shared as it will improve your catch rates which in turn should improve our sales. All of us win.

Yes i agree totally.

From a customers point of view, it means you guys are selling products that help catch more fish, not products just to make money out of our love of fishing.

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Wes you get 1 point per Flathead under 40cms. Once they are of legal size (40cms) then its 1 point per cm. All fish are photographed on a special brag mat.

Well, that is not quite right Mike. If you followed that scoring system you sold yourself very short.

All Flathead below 40cm are worth 5 points, Flathead above 40cm are scored on a sliding scale. This pic of the main section of the ruler shows length along the bottom and the points along the top.



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Wes you get 1 point per Flathead under 40cms. Once they are of legal size (40cms) then its 1 point per cm. All fish are photographed on a special brag mat.

Well, that is not quite right Mike. If you followed that scoring system you sold yourself very short.

All Flathead below 40cm are worth 5 points, Flathead above 40cm are scored on a sliding scale. This pic of the main section of the ruler shows length along the bottom and the points along the top.


lol you are quite right Marty..i was thinking of our original thoughts when putting together KIng of Moreton Bay rules. In the end we decided not to give any points to undersize fish. I am quite sure the boys put down 5 points on their scoresheets however. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Can i plead blonde and still tied? lol

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Can i plead blonde and still tied? lol

I certainly understand the tired feeling Mike - not running at 100% myself today either.

Fairly irrelevant what score you write on your scoresheet as the database they use at the Classic would automatically allocate the correct score based on fish length. Speaking of, I bet the boys had writer's cramp after writing down 120 fish! What a great problem to have.


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Wes you get 1 point per Flathead under 40cms. Once they are of legal size (40cms) then its 1 point per cm. All fish are photographed on a special brag mat.

Well, that is not quite right Mike. If you followed that scoring system you sold yourself very short.

All Flathead below 40cm are worth 5 points, Flathead above 40cm are scored on a sliding scale. This pic of the main section of the ruler shows length along the bottom and the points along the top.


well that helps the thought line a heap :) what a neat way to score with a convert size to points measure device B)
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Wes you get 1 point per Flathead under 40cms. Once they are of legal size (40cms) then its 1 point per cm. All fish are photographed on a special brag mat.

Well, that is not quite right Mike. If you followed that scoring system you sold yourself very short.

All Flathead below 40cm are worth 5 points, Flathead above 40cm are scored on a sliding scale. This pic of the main section of the ruler shows length along the bottom and the points along the top.


well that helps the thought line a heap :) what a neat way to score with a convert size to points measure device B)

Yeah it makes it easier on the angler to keep track of points instead of having to keep looking it up in the Tournament booklet.

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